

what is cv?
cv refers to computer vision, a science field about how computer can understand images and videos, about how computer can imitate human visual system.
what is nlp?
nlp refers to nature language process,?a science field about how computer can understand human language and analyze human language to get useful information.
what is ai and ml?
ai refers to artificial intelligence, a science field about how computer autpmatically solve problems like human. ml refers to mechine learning, a subset of ai about how computer can automatically improve algorithm through experience.
what is recursion?
recursion refers to that a procedure?will invoke iteself during running time.
what is iteration?
iteration refers to procedure repeating a process and the outcome of the next execution is input of this execution?.
what is linked list and array?
linked list is?a kind of data list which linked by pointer and donnot orderly stored in memory while array is sore in order in memoey and supprot random search.
what‘s the?difference between c++ and c?
c and c++ share the smae syntax. c is subset of c++. c++ add object-oriented programming and stl, which make is easier to use.
whats the difference between parallel and concurrent?
is multi events occur in the same time. concurrent is multi events occur in a small range of time but not really in the same time, but it looks like paarallel from the perspective of viewer.
what is process and what is thread?
proces is instance of a running program and include code and its activity. thread is light process. process is the smallest unit of resource allocation and thread is the smallest unit of cpu allocation.
what is deadlock?
deadlock is a situaion that because processes possess resource and ask for resource in the same time,?some processes cannot proceed. we can solve this problem by deadlock prevention, deadlock detection, deadlock avoidance, deadlock recovery.(死锁四大条件是:互斥、不可剥夺、请求与保持、循环等待)
?what is virtual memory?
virtual memory logically view part of?external memory?as internal memory to extend the storing space of internal memory.
what is tcp/ip?
tcp/ip refers to transmission control protocol and internet protocol. tcp works on transmission layer, which is used for building connection and transmission.ip works on network layer, using for datagram delivery.
what is dns?
dns refers to domain name system, which can translate domain name into?ip address. dns have two approach to find ip address :recursion and iteration.
what is ip adress and how do these ip address classify?
ip address is?a sequence of number which is used to identify a device in network and locate this device. ip adress can be classified into class a ,class b,class c and?class d. the first 8 bits of class a ip address is network id and the next 24 bits are host id. the first 16 bits of class b ip address is network id and the next 16 bits are host id.the class c ip address is used for multicast.
what is http?
http refers to hypertext transfer protocol, making user access to various resource. the birth of http server for html, which refers to hypertext markup language, which provides a method to create web pages.
how?dose tcp establish connection?
tcp establishs connection through three handshakes.?the first handshake: a sends connection requests to b. the second hankshake: b allocate cache and send acknowledgments to a. the third hanshake: a allocate cache and send acknowledgments to b and begin to send data to b.
how dose tcp end connection??
tcp end connnection through four handshakes. the first handshake: a sends connection release to b. the second handshake: b sends acknowledgment to a and after that, b keep sending data untill all data have been sended. the third handshake b sends connection release to a. the fourth handshake a sends?acknowledgment to b.


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