



when microsoft bought task management app wunderlist and mobile calendar sunrise in 2015, it picked up two newcomers that were attracting considerable buzz in silicon valley.

microsoft’s own office dominates the market for “productivity” software, but the start-ups represented a new wave of technology designed from the ground up for the smartphone world.


2015年,微软收购使命打点使用wunderlist和移动日历sunrise时, 选择的是其时在硅谷名声大噪的两家新科技公司。微软创始的office在“出产功率”软件商场名列前茅,而这两家草创公司则代表了智能手机领域全新科技的一股新潮。


both apps, however, were later scrapped, after microsoft said it had used their best features in its own products.

their teams of engineers stayed on, making them two of the many “acqui-hires” that the biggest companies have used to feed their insatiable hunger for tech talent.




to microsoft’s critics, the fates of wunderlist and sunrise are examples of a remorseless drive by big tech to chew up any innovative companies that lie in their path.

“they bought the seedlings and closed them down,” complained paul arnold, a partner at san francisco-based switch ventures, putting an end to businesses that might one day turn into competitors.

microsoft declined to comment.


在微软的批判者看来, wunderlist和sunrise的命运标明:科技巨子会无情地蚕食悉数阻止其打开的立异公司。总部位于旧金山的switch风险出资公司合伙人保罗·阿诺德诉苦道,?锹蛳抡庑┎荽垂救缓蠼涔乇铡保切┯谐蝗湛梢曰嵘の喝允值墓纠朔延谝±骸N⑷砭鼙囟ù酥闷馈?BR>


like other start-up investors, mr arnold’s own business often depends on selling start-ups to larger tech companies, though he admits to mixed feelings about the result:

“i think these things are good for me, if i put my selfish hat on.

but are they good for the american economy? i don’t know.”




the us federal trade commission says it wants to find the answer to that question.

this week, it asked the five most valuable us tech companies for information about their many small acquisitions over the past decade.

although only a research project at this stage, the request has raised the prospect of regulators wading into early-stage tech markets that until now have been beyond their reach.




given their combined market value of more than $5.5tn, rifling through such small deals—many of them much less prominent than wunderlist and sunrise—might seem beside the point.

between them, the five biggest tech companies have spent an average of only $3.4billion a year on sub-$1bn acquisitions over the past five years—a drop in the ocean compared with their massive financial reserves, and the more than $130bn of venture capital that was invested in the us last year.


鉴于这五家科技公司的总市值跨越5.5万亿美元,匆忙检查这些小额收购(其间许多远没有wunder list、sunrise收购案引人凝视)如同有些避实就虚的味道。曩昔的五年中,这五大科技公司加起来均匀每年只花34亿美元用于10亿美元以下的收购。这个数额同他们巨大的资金贮藏以及上一年在美国结束的1300多亿美元的风险出资比较,无异于沧海一粟。


however, critics say that the big companies use such deals to buy their most threatening potential competitors before their businesses have a chance to gain momentum, in some cases as part of a“buy and kill”tactic to simply close them down.




31.what is true about wuderlist and sunrise after their acquisitions_______

a.their market values declined

b.their tech features improved

c. their engineers were retained

d.their products were re-priced


31.wunder list和sunrise被收购后的真实情况如何?






[定位] 由after their acquisitions定位至第二段首句中later。该段指出wunderlist、sunrise被收购后的情况:软件被下架(句),工程师被留用(句),故[a]正确。

[解密] [a] their engineers were retained同义改写第二段句their…engineers stayed on。

[b] 源于第六段句their…market value, 但此处谈论的是“五大科技巨子的商场价值无量”而非“wunderlist与sunrise的商场价值下滑”。[c] 缝隙百出:由第二段句“微软将它们的最佳功能融人本身产品”,可知科技功能得到前进的目标为微软自家产品而非被收购的两款使用。[d]使用首段句“微软收购两款软件”与常识“换店东后会从头定价”编造,但“从头定价”所含的信息“仍在商场上出售”与第二段句所含的信息“被下架”相悖。

[总结]四个选项的指向性很清楚、辨识度也很高,关于此类实际细节题依照“回订亲位法”最为适合。根据题干wunderlist and sunrise after their acquisitions直接定位至第二段, 该段两句成段, 第一句指向“软件的命运(下架)”,第二句指向“软件工程师的命运(留用)”,与之相匹配的唯有[a],其他各选项要么编造,要么掉包概念。

32.microsoft’s critics believe that the big tech companies tend to________

a.ignore public opinions

b.treat new tech talent unfairly

c.exaggerate their product quality

d. eliminate their potentialcompetitors








[定位] 由题干microsoft’s critics、big tech companies直接定位至第三段。该段句点明批判者的总观念:科技巨子会蚕食挡道的立异公司。句具体阐释句:他们(科技巨子)将那些有朝一日可以会生长为竞赛对手的公司浪费于摇篮。可见[b]正确。

[解密] [b] eliminate their potential competitors同义概述了第三段句的putting an end to businesses that might one day turn into competitors, 阐明晰句中chew up any innovative companies that lie in their path的内在。

[a] 对第二段句said…best features in its own products望文生义, 将辞意“标明自家产品学习了被购软件的最佳功能”误解为“夸耀自家产品最佳,夸大产质量量”,且将微软个另外行为泛化为一切大型科技公司的行为。[c] 曲解第二段句中大型科技公司对科技人才的情绪:将原文的“求贤若渴(their great hunger for tech talent) ”反向篡改为“不公正对待人才(treat…unfairly) ”。[d] 将第三段末句declined to

comment所躲藏的“礼貌回绝置评(decline:refuse politely to do sth) ”篡改为“忽略(ignore:pay no at tention to sth) ”。此外, [a] [c] [d] 均为作者陈述的实际, 并非题干所问的“批判者的观念”。

[总结] 本题查询人物观念, 答复要害是断定人物观念表达句。首要根据microsoft’s critics直接断定第三段句, 该句中a remorseless drive by big tech to chew up any innovative companies that lie in their path清楚表达科技巨子的倾向性行为(蚕食将阻止其打开的任何立异公司) , 与之相匹配的唯有[b] 。

33.paul arnold is concerned that small acquisitions


a. harm the national economy

b.worsen market competition

c.discourage start-up investors

d.weaken big tech companies








[定位] 首要由题干中paul arnold定位至第三、四段, 再由试题命制次序(上题已关于第三段设题)可进一步定位至第四段。该段首要指出,关于“科技巨子收购草创公司”,阿诺德心里五味杂陈。


[解密] 题干+[c] 是对第四段句疑问句式but are they good for the amerian economy?的正确解读, harm体现了阿诺德的质疑情绪:这类收购可以晦气于美国经济。



用人物站位打扫有些烦扰项,然后再凭仗其中心观念句断定正确选项。首要, 文中paul arnold作为微软批判者的代表人物呈现, 对微软所代表的做法“科技巨子在草创公司生长为竞赛对手前将其收购(安靖科技巨子的独占方位,根绝新的商场竞赛发生) ”持对立情绪, 应首要打扫[a] [b] 。接着, 根据题干中concerned所传递出的“疑虑, 担忧”断定到第四段中情感表达词mixed feelings以及疑问句式are they good for the american economy?所传递出的“对美国经济的担忧”,然后断定正确答案为[c]。

34.the us federal trade commission intend to______

a. examine small acquisitions

b.limit big tech’ s expansion

c.supervise start-ups’ operations

d.encourage research collaboration








[定位] 根据题干要害词federal trade commission定位至第五段。该段句指出, ftc为了找到“科技巨子收购草创公司是不是对美国经济晦气”的答案,需求“五大科技公司供给其曩昔十年所进行的一切小额收购的有关信息”。可见, ftc意欲检查科技巨子小额收购行为, 以防对美国经济晦气,[c]正确。[解密] [c] 是对句中asked…for information about their many small acquisitions的同义转述。[a] 由句中“需求供给”和“干与干与”等信息过度推导得来, 文中无据可依。[b] 对句only a research project(只是一个研讨项目) 望文生义, 但句中实践指向“ftc当前尚处研讨查询期间, 没有上升到方针办法等高度”,并未提及“政府要鼓舞协作式研讨”。[d]将句“干与前期科技商场”差错了解为监管草创公司,句中实践指向“监督科技巨子对草创公司的收购”。[总结] 本题查询ftc的行为意图, 可查找文内有关意图的表达词, 找到答案信息, 即根据第五段句中wants to可断定这今后find the answer to that question, 而追溯前文发现that question指向上段末句are they good for the american economy(they指向these things/selling start-ups to larger tech companies, 进而可知small acquisitions) , 进而可知ftc意在查询“小额收购对美国经济的影响”, 与之相匹配的唯有[c] , 且由方针句(句) 后的说明阐明句(句) “ftc初步需求五大科技巨子供给其曩昔十年来的小额收购信息”可进一步佐证。

35.for the five biggest tech companies, their small acquisition have_______

a. brought little financial pressure

b.raised few management challenges

c.set an example for future deals

d. generated considerable profits








[定位] 根据标题要害词the five biggest tech companies可定位至第六段句。该句标明, 五大公司加起来每年用于小额收购的资金仅有34亿美元,同它们的金融贮藏比较,这笔钱无异于沧海一粟。再加上具体数字(3.4bilion vs130 billion) 的比照可知, 五大公司财力雄厚, 这些小额收购并未对公司财务构成多少压力,故[a]正确。

[解密] [a] 是对第六段句中only$3.4biliona year、a drop in the ocean compared with their massive financial reserves的合理揣度。

[b]由常识“公司并购之后带来的人员增加将会是一个打点疑问”编造,但文中并未提就任何“打点疑问”。[c] 由第三段句中examples、in their path望文生义, 但该句本质指向“微软收购wunder lit/sunrise是科技巨子收购草创公司的许多事例中的两例”而非“为这类收购树立了榜样”。[d] 则将五大公司的巨额获利归功于他们所进行的小额收购,而文中并没有呈现相应的因果联络。

[总结]本题查询“小型收购对科技巨子”的影响,本质于长难句处设题,意在查询学生清楚凌乱联络、晓得特别修辞、了解长难句的才能,答复要害在分化长难句主体,清楚其语义要害。第六段句主体信息实为the five biggest tech companies(主语) have spent an average of only $3.4 billion a year(谓语有些) -a drop in the ocean compared with their massive financial reserves…(同位语) 。根据其间的情感表达词only、a drop in the ocean、massive不难断定正确项为[a] 。



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