

【重聚】重拾状况,整装 !【重要的作业说两遍】









【标题】is our smartphone addiction damagi
ng our children?【来历】https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/may/31/smartphone-addiction-children-research-technoference-child-behaviour

【精选】(1) a study published by the journal child development has taken a look at how parents’ use of technology affects their children’s behaviour, and has concluded that “technology-based interruptions in parent-child interactions” – a phenomenon known as “technoference” – could be associated with a greater incidence of poor behaviour on the part of children.


(2) mobile tech is a gamechanger in its portability and an addictive short-form, but the weakness for a bit of mindless entertainment is enduring. perhaps we are particularly worried about the impacts of modern tech because we’re fascinated by the novelty. much of my parenting revolves around engineering opportunities to sit down and read for half an hour, but no headline has ever told me i ought to spend less time with books.


(3) modern life, to paraphrase blur, is busy, and light relief is human. the time consumed by feeding, clothing, housing, organising and paying for a family of dependents is time that cannot be spent meaningfully engaging with them one-on-one. i work from home, and my children’s working day ends before mine. i feel bad that i can pay them only cursory attention when they come home, but my attention to the screen is the very thing that keeps the lights on. and while few parents would deny that it’s important to listen to your toddler’s conversational freestyling, or to answer a series of increasingly abstract questions about natural phenomena until you begin to suspect your child is trolling you, the parent’s need for downtime is valid too.


(4) smartphones are stealing our time. this new year, i want to claim it back. this is defensiveness, of course. that’s the problem with studies that tell us our behaviour is screwing up our children’s lives: the natural response is to furiously conceive a thousand reasons why it doesn’t apply to you. in fairness to the study’s authors, they emphasize the need for further studies – and they do include television in their definition. many parents would love to have more evidence-based guidance about tech and screens, if only so that we can stop feeling bad and do something constructive instead. it’s fairly common for parents to limit their children’s use of screens; perhaps we fall down in not seriously considering whether we could benefit from some restrictions ourselves.

——智能手机正在盗走咱们的岁月。新的一年里,我想要夺回我的时刻。当然,这属防卫型做法。各种研讨奉告咱们咱们的行为打乱了孩子的日子,其间的疑问是:咱们天性的反应就是张狂地想出一千种理由为自个脱节。用公正目光看待这项研讨的作者,他们偏重进一步研讨的必要性 —— 也的确把电视列入其定界中。许多父母都想看到更多关于运用电子设备对孩子行为有影响的有根有据的根据,正是为了咱们不再感到内疚而且做一些活泼的作业。父母捆绑孩子运用电子设备的行为习认为常,或许咱们的失利之处就在于没有细心思考对自个的捆绑是不是会让咱们从中获益。

(5) rather than wandering around in a guilty fog while stabbing at a tiny computer, we could have an honest, whole-family assessment of the impact of screen time and agree on a more mindful approach involving regular unwired activities.



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