





courtyard full of fragrance

zhou bangyan

in balmy breezefledged orioles in flight,in gentle rainthe mumes are filling out.at moon the rounded shadows of the stately treesare pools of cool delight.low is the plain with hills about.the clothes damp need incense smoke to make them dry.it’s so reposeful that e’er crows won’t fly.beyond the little bridge green water sings its song.learning on rails for long,i seem to see that exiled poet whowas fenced in by a tangle of weeds and bamboo.from year to yeari’m like a swallow swift that leavesfor northern sea and wanders there and here,but glad to come back under the same old eaves.well, why waste thoughts on downs and ups?just drink the ever-brimming cups!for weary southerner with thoughts homebound,e’en merry flutes and strings would hollow sound.beside the banquet table spreadput mat and pillow on a bedwhere, drunken, i may rest my head!






early summer of the zhenxi stream

shao hengzhen

chinaberry trees begin to flower in wind that ripples the stream;

at the ferry a traveler himself has to do the ferrying.

on the beach a playful kid stands by the waters,

feeding young geese with leaves of duck weed.



薛昂夫 [元]










dian qian huan:summer

xue angfu

long and slim wickers waver in the air,

the bright moon’s steeped in the vast glass—like smooth lake water,

sweet girls sing as nightingales to the reed pipes with cheer

and rollic in young gentlemen’s deep favor.

it’s difficult to paint the wonderful picture.

losing my homeward way for much pleasure,

i punt my boat in the depth of lotus once more.

is the beautiful west lake infatuated with me?

or i’m head over ears in deep love with her?








summer days in the mountains

yu xuanji

ever since i move here

to live the way immortals do,

clusters of flowers abound all around,

so planting is something i’ve never done.

the bushes in the yard

make hangers for my clothes;

the fresh spring by my sitting place

is a flowing cup of wine.

the balustrade fades into a path

through the deep bamboo;

my silken dress is surrounded

by books in disarray.

leisurely boarding a pleasure boat,

i sing poems to the moon,

trusting in the gentle breeze

to blow me back to home.

bannie chow, thomas cleary?译







reply to a friend

yu xuanji

though we live on the same street,

you haven’t passed by all year.

fine poetry pleased your former lady,

distinguished laurels, your new degree.

a taoist nature cares not at all

for the cold of ice and snow,

a buddhist heart laughs aloud

at ostentatious silk;

since you rose to rank at court,

we have no chance to meet—

having climbed the lofty sky,

no more is there a way to receive

the misty waves below.

bannie chow, thomas cleary?译?









qingping yue:

going to the lake on a summer’s day?

zhu shuzhen

mist and dew, painfully enticing,

for a moment detain me here.

on the road beside the lake, we hold hands among the lotus plants:

a moment of “yellow plum rain.”

i act foolishly, not caring if anyone guesses.

like an ordinary mortal, for a moment i forget my sorrows.

the moment our hands part, i am overwhelmed,

sophie volpp?译?





summer night

han wo

wild wind, chaotic lightning—black clouds are born.

splashing, splashing in tall woods—the sound of dense rain.

night wears on, rain lets up—wind, too, is settled.

torn clouds—a floating moon once more slants down its light.

edward h. schafer?译?



鱼虾泼泼初出网,梅杏青青已著枝。 满树嫩晴春雨歇,行人四月过准时。

early summer, huai river valleysadula



fish jump out of the net,

shrimps jump of the net.



plumes grow into fruit,

apricots grow into fruit.

how the touch of spring

sinks into sunny trees

when rain washes them clean!

in this fourth month of the year

what a fresh scene

the huai river offers the traveler.

丁祖馨、burton raffel?译?








a reverie in a summer-house

meng haoran

the daylight fades behind the western mountains,

and in the east is seen the rising moon,

which faintly mirrored in the garden fountains

foretells that night and dreams are coming soon.

with window open-hair unloosed and flowing

i lie in restful ease upon my bed:

the evening breeze across the lilies blowing

with fragrant coolness falls upon my head.

and in the solemn stillness—all prevailing,

the fall of dewdrops from the tall bamboos—

which grow in graceful rows along the railing—

sounds through the silence soft as dove’s faint coos.

on such an eve as this i would be singing,

and playing plaintive tunes upon the lute,

and thus to mind old friends and pleasures bringing;

but none are here to join with harp and flute!

so in a pleasant stillness i lie dreaming

of bygone days and trusty friends of old,

among whom sin-tze’s happy face is beaming;

i would my thoughts could now to him be told.

charles budd?译?





the beauty of summer

su shunqin

my bamboo mat feels cool in the deep-hidden yard;

pomegranate flowers shining bright are seen through the curtains.

at midday trees spread their shade all over the ground;

wakened from a dream, i hear time and again orioles warbling.

文殊、王晋熙、邓炎昌 译?





after a nap early summer

yang wanli

the juice of mume makes my teeth feel a sourness keen;

banana leaves share their green with my window screen.

what at after a long daynap can i do with pleasure?

i only watch the kids catch willow down at leisure.

许渊冲、许明 译










lunar may

to the tune of leaves of phoenix tree

tang shi?

we sang in chorus

the dragon boat festival songs,

and crisscrossed moxa twigs.

with colorful silk threads

tied around our fair wrists,

in a drunken sleep,

we flattened the golden bracelets.(卢志宏、宋艳、俞莲年 译)







a presentation of clothes on the duanwu festival*

du fu?

for palace robes even my name was there,

on duanwu i received the glory of his grace.

fine threaded linen, so soft that the breeze gets in,

fragrant gossamer, light as layered snow.

coming from the emperor, still wet where the writing is,

wearing these in hot weather one is cool.

he took consideration to measure the length,

all my life i will be obligated to his majesty’s feelings.?

*the fifth day of the fifth month, the dragon boat festival. it was customary that the emperor distributed summer clothes to his court officials on this day.(stephen owen 译)



明/ 李时珍 《本草纲目》

eating rice dumplings (1) in the dragon boat festival

in ancient times rice dumplings were made from broomcorn millet wrapped in gourd leaves. they had a horn shape like the hart of a plum leaf and were therefore called zong in chinese, or sometimes, horned broomcorn. in modern times, these dumplings are made from glutinous rice. now it is customary to exchange rice dumplings as a festival gift. some say rice dumplings are made as sacrifices to qu yuan. people in the past made these dumplings and cast them into the water to feed the dragon.li shizhen (ming dynasty):a compendium of material medica

1) rice dumplings: a traditional food eaten on dragon boat festival day, now commonly eaten??all over china. legends have it that people in the past threw these dumplings into the water to feed the dragon that haunted the river so that it would not eat the body of qu yuan.(姚红 译)


尼庵剪五颜色笺,状蟾蜍、蜥蜴、蜘蛛、蛇、蚿之形,分贻檀越,贴门楣寝次;能魇毒虫,谓之五毒。…… 案:《青齐风俗记》:“谷雨(2)日,画五毒符,图蝎子、蜈蚣、虺蛇、蜂、蜮之状,各画一针刺之,刊布家户,以禳虫毒。”吴俗,则在端五。

清/ 顾禄 《清嘉录》

driving away the five poisonous pests (1)

nuns in buddhist nunneries cut out of colourful thin silk patterns of toads, lizards, spiders, snakes and centipedes and distribute them to their benefactors to be posted on doors and in bedrooms before the dragon boat festival. it is believed that the cutouts can suppress such poisonous vermin. these emblems are thus called the “amulets against the five poisonous pests”. according to the customs of qinqi, on grain rain day (2) people painted “amulets against the five poisonous pests” in the shapes of the lizard, the centipede, the poisonous snake, the wasp and the demon, each impaled by a needle. these paintings were duplicated and put up on the doors of the houses in an attempt to drive away all pests and pestilences. in the wu area this custom is practiced during the dragon boat festival.

gu lu (qing dynasty):worthy records of the qing dynasty1) driving away the five poisonous pests: this is a tradition observed all over the country in the dragon boat festival. it is a popular belief that poisonous vermin start to multiply on the day of the dragon boat festival. therefore people put up “amulets against the five poisonous pest” before that day. in addition, realgar wine is sprayed and lime powder is sprinkled in the corners of the houses. herbs are burnt to kill the five poisonous pests and drive away malignities.2) grain rain day: the sixth of the 24 solar terms, which usually falls around april 20 of the lunar year.(姚红 译)




南朝 梁/ 宗 懔 《荆楚岁时记》

the dragon boat festival?(1)

on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar year a boat race is held and people gather all kinds of herbal medicine.

the explanation is this: the boat race on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month is undertaken to commemorate the poet qu yuan(2) who drowned himself in miluo river that day. people sympathize with his death. therefore

they row boats to come to rescue symbolically. the competitors use light, swift boats which are called “flying wild ducks”. the two teams in the rowing competition call themselves “chariot on water” and “steed on water”. prefecture officials and people of prestige all go to the riverside to water the performance.

zong lin (southern dynasties, the state of liang):?stories of the jing and chu times1) the dragon boat festival: it falls on may 5th of the lunar year. this is a major festival celebrated all over the country. activities include dragon-boat races, eating rice dumplings, drinking yellow wine, wearing incense sachets, putting up bunches of sweet flag and gathering herbal medicines.?2) qu yuan: a patriotic poet, citizen of the state of chu during the warring states period (5th century b.c.). he was exiled to the xiang river by the emperor. greatly concerned over the corruption in the government and feeling powerless to remedy it, he drowned himself in the miluo river.(姚红 译?)????


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