

  考研英语作文完美包装结尾技巧  考研作文强调要包装结尾,而多数同学的作文常常写成倒装句的句式为自己的作文提分。下面就为历年真题讲讲如何利用倒装来完美包装结尾。  倒装实例(1)  1. 直到他完成使命(not until he had fulfilled/finished his mission)did he realize that he was seriously ill. (08.06)  2. the witness was told that under no circumstance ( should he lie to the court ) 他都不应该对法庭撒谎。(07.12)  3. only in the small town( does he feel secure and relaxed) 他才感觉安全和放松,he feels secure and relaxed. (07.6)  4. not only ( did he charge me too much ) 他向我收费过高, but he didn’t do a good repair job either. (06.6)  5. only after i found out the truth( did i realize (that) he was innocent ) 我才意识到他是无辜的。  6. not until the game had begun ( did he arrive at the sports ground )他才到达运动场。  阅读中的倒装:  1. among the report are more outrageous(令人无法容忍的)findings – a geman fertilizer described itself as "earthworm-friendly", a brand of flour said it was " non- polluting", and a british toilet paper claimed to be "environmentally friendlier".(05.06阅读)  该报道当中,有很多让人无法忍受的发现,如:一种德国肥料被描绘成“对蚯蚓无害”;一种新的品牌的面粉写道“没有任何污染”;还有一家英国公司的卫生纸被宣称为“环保者”。  2. then one day a few years ago, out of my mouth came a sentence that would eventually become me reply to any and all provocations: i don’t talk about that anymore.(07.06阅读)  几年前的一天,我说了一句话并最终成为我对任何和全部挑衅的回答:关于那个问题我再也不讨论了。  3. deeply involved with this new technology is a breed of modern business people who have a growing respect for the economic value of doing business abroad. (03.01阅读)  与新技术息息相关的是一些现代商人,他们日益看重国外生意的经济价值。  实例练习(2)  1. reaching new peaks of popularity in north america is iceberg water, which is harvested from icebergs off the coast of newfoundland, canada.(06.12阅读)  萃取自加拿大纽芬兰沿岸冰山的“冰水”在北美的受欢迎程度一再创出新高。  阅读当中遇到的句型:  一般情况下开始出现了地点状语或者是分词引导的一个状语结构,中间出现了谓语动词,后面出现一个主语,主语后面接上一些限定(包括从句、补充说明等),这种形式就是出现的全部倒装的形式。  2. not only has the highway system affected the american economy by providing shipping routs, it has led to the growth of spin-off industries like service stations, motels, restaurants, and shopping centers/malls. (0606阅读)  公路系统不但为美国经济的发展提供了运输路线,还带动了一批诸如加油站、汽车旅馆、酒店、购物中心等相关行业的发展。  3. only when it’s gone do you wish you’ve done more to protect it.(0806阅读)  当你失去的时候,你才会希望自己原来能够多做点事情以保护好它。  only后面必须接状语的时候,句子才可以部分倒装。  eg. only you can do this job.  4. not only do we evaluate the cause of the pain, which can help us treat
the pain better, but we also help provide comprehensive therapy for depression and other psychological and social issues related to chronic pain.(0706阅读)  我们不仅要找出疼痛的病因, 助我们更好地治疗;还要提供综合疗法,治疗与慢性疼痛相关的抑郁症和其他心理与社交问题。  5. had i not attended this workshop, i would have automatically assumed the man was the best candidate because the position required quite a bit of extensive travel.(0906阅读)  如果我不是参加了这次讲习班,我肯定会不由自主地认为那位男士候选人更合适,因为我们这个空缺的岗位需要频繁出差。  6. it is said that never before has man been so highly successful in his attempts to modify the weather on a very small scale.  据说人们从来没有过这么大的成功尝试用这么小的规模去描述气候。  一般情况下,全部倒装会在阅读中出现,只需要看出结构就可以了;部分倒装在翻译题中也会进行考查,在备考过程中还是要特别的关注。  2016会计硕士mpacc【寒假集训】——在家就可以与老师互动听课  7天课程扫清考研基础知识  比你的竞争对手早行一步,让这个寒假过得更有意义  时间:1月20日-26日,yy全国同步直播  课程讲义及逻辑、数学、英语二导学班视频下载 提取码 03c0。详情咨询15380893147  学鸣教育专注于培养会计硕士、审计硕士及图书情报硕士三个专业学生,招生及培训范围:全国考生。公众微信:订阅号-学鸣考研,服务号-学鸣教育。  学鸣教育地址:南京市白下区太平南路2号(地铁大行宫站3号出口)日月大厦7楼f座  南京咨询电话:15380893147  学鸣教育官网:


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