

comrades and friends,
today, the first of july, is a greatand solemn day in the history of both the communist party of china (cpc) andthe chinese nation. we gather here to join all party members and chinese peopleof all ethnic groups around the country in celebrating the centenary of the party,looking back on the glorious journey the party has traveled over 100 years ofstruggle, and looking ahead to the bright prospects for the rejuvenation of thechinese nation.
to begin, let me extend warmcongratulations to all party members on behalf of the cpc central committee.
on this special occasion, it is myhonor to declare on behalf of the party and the people that through thecontinued efforts of the whole party and the entire nation, we have realizedthe first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in allrespects. this means that we have brought about a historic resolution to theproblem of absolute poverty in china, and we are now marching in confidentstrides toward the second centenary goal of building china into a great modernsocialist country in all respects. this is a great and glorious accomplishmentfor the chinese nation, for the chinese people, and for the communist party of china!
comrades and friends,
the chinese nation is a great nation. witha history of more than 5,000 years, china has made indelible contributions tothe progress of human civilization. after the opium war of 1840, however, chinawas gradually reduced to a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society and sufferedgreater ravages than ever before. the country endured intense humiliation, thepeople were subjected to great pain, and the chinese civilization was plungedinto darkness. since that time, national rejuvenation has been the greatestdream of the chinese people and the chinese nation.
to save the nation from peril, thechinese people put up a courageous fight. as noble-minded patriots sought to pullthe nation together, the taiping heavenly kingdom movement, the reform movementof 1898, the yihetuan movement, and the revolution of 1911 rose one after theother, and a variety of plans were devised to ensure national survival, but allof these ended in failure. china was in urgent need of new ideas to lead themovement to save the nation and a new organization to rally revolutionaryforces.
with the salvoes of russia’s octoberrevolution in 1917, marxism-leninism was brought to china. then in 1921, as thechinese people and the chinese nation were undergoing a great awakening and marxism-leninismwas becoming closely integrated with the chinese workers’ movement, thecommunist party of china was born. the founding of a communist party in china wasan epoch-making event, which profoundly changed the course of chinese historyin modern times, transformed the future of the chinese people and nation, and alteredthe landscape of world development.
since the very day of its founding,the party has made seeking happiness for the chinese people and rejuvenationfor the chinese nation its aspiration and mission. all the struggle, sacrifice,and creation through which the party has united and led the chinese people overthe past hundred years has been tied together by one ultimate theme—bringingabout the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation.
to realize national rejuvenation, the partyunited and led the chinese people in fighting bloody battles withunyielding determination, achieving great success in the new-democraticrevolution. through the northern expedition, the agrarian revolutionary war,the war of resistance against japanese aggression, and the war of liberation, wefought armed counter-revolution with armed revolution, toppling the threemountains of imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucrat-capitalism and establishingthe people’s republic of china, which made the people masters of the country. wethus secured our nation’s independence and liberated our people. the victory ofthe new-democratic revolution put an end to china’s history as a semi-colonial,semi-feudal society, to the state of total disunity that existed in old china,and to all the unequal treaties imposed on our country by foreign powers and allthe privileges that imperialist powers enjoyed in china. it created thefundamental social conditions for realizing national rejuvenation. throughtenacious struggle, the party and the chinese people showed the world that thechinese people had stood up, and that the time in which the chinesenation could be bullied and abused by others was gone forever.
to realize nationalrejuvenation, the party united and led the chinese people in endeavoring tobuild a stronger china with a spirit of self-reliance, achieving great successin socialist revolution and construction. by carrying out socialist revolution,we eliminated the exploitative and repressive feudal system that had persistedin china for thousands of years, and established socialism as our basic system.in the process of socialist construction, we overcame subversion, sabotage, andarmed provocation by imperialist and hegemonic powers, and brought about themost extensive and profound social changes in the history of the chinesenation. this great transformation of china from a poor and backward country inthe east with a large population into a socialist country laid down thefundamental political conditions and the institutional foundations necessaryfor realizing national rejuvenation.
throughtenacious struggle, the party and the chinese people showed the world that thechinese people were capable of not only dismantling the old world, but alsobuilding a new one, that only socialism could save china, and that onlysocialism could develop china.
to realize national rejuvenation, the partyunited and led the chinese people in freeing the mind and forging ahead,achieving great success in reform, opening up, and socialist modernization. weestablished the party’s basic line for the primary stage of socialism, resolutelyadvanced reform and opening up, overcame risks and challenges from everydirection, and founded, upheld, safeguarded, and developed socialism withchinese characteristics, thus bringing about a major turn with far-reachingsignificance in the history of the party since the founding of the people’srepublic of china. this enabled china to transform itself from a highlycentralized planned economy to a socialist market economy brimming withvitality, and from a country that was largely isolated to one that is open tothe outside world across the board. it also enabled china to achieve thehistoric leap from a country with relatively backward productive forces to theworld’s second largest economy, and to make the historic transformation of raisingthe living standards of its people from bare subsistence to an overall level ofmoderate prosperity, and then ultimately to moderate prosperity in allrespects. these achievements fueled the push toward national rejuvenation byproviding institutional guarantees imbued with new energy as well as thematerial conditions for rapid development. through tenacious struggle, the partyand the chinese people showed the world that by pursuing reform and opening up,a crucial move in making china what it is today, china had caught up with thetimes in great strides.
to realize national rejuvenation, the partyhas united and led the chinese people in pursuing a great struggle, a greatproject, a great cause, and a great dream through a spirit of self-confidence,self-reliance, and innovation, achieving great success for socialism withchinese characteristics in the new era. following the party’s 18th nationalcongress, socialism with chinese characteristics entered a new era. in this newera, we have upheld and strengthened the party’s overall leadership, ensuredcoordinated implementation of the five-sphere integrated plan and thefour-pronged comprehensive strategy, upheld and improvedthe system of socialism with chinese characteristics, modernized china’s systemand capacity for governance, remained committed to exercising rule-basedgovernance over the party, and developed a sound system of intrapartyregulations. we have overcome a long list of major risks and challenges,fulfilled the first centenary goal, and set out strategic steps for achievingthe second centenary goal. all the historic achievements and changes in thecause of the party and the country have provided the cause of nationalrejuvenation with more robust institutions, stronger material foundations, and asource of inspiration for taking greater initiative. through tenaciousstruggle, the party and the chinese people have shown the world that thechinese nation has achieved the tremendous transformation from standing up andgrowing prosperous to becoming strong, and that china’s national rejuvenationhas become a historical inevitability.
over the past hundred years, the party has unitedand led the chinese people in writing the most magnificent chapter in themillennia-long history of the chinese nation, embodying the dauntless spirit thatmao zedong expressed when he wrote, “our minds grow stronger for the martyrs’ sacrifice, daring to make the sun and the moon shinein the new sky.” the great path we havepioneered, the great cause we have undertaken, and the great achievements wehave made over the past century will go down in the annals of the developmentof the chinese nation and of human civilization.
comrades and friends,
a hundred years ago, the pioneers of communism inchina established the communist party of china and developed the great foundingspirit of the party, which is comprised of the following principles: upholdingtruth and ideals, staying true to our original aspiration and founding mission,fighting bravely without fear of sacrifice, and remaining loyal to the partyand faithful to the people. this spirit is the party’s source of strength.
over the past hundred years, the party has carriedforward this great founding spirit. through its protracted struggles, it has developeda long line of inspiring principles for chinese communists and tempered adistinct political character. as history has kept moving forward, the spirit ofthe party has been passed on from generation to generation. we will continue topromote our glorious traditions and sustain our revolutionary legacy, so thatthe great founding spirit of the party will always be kept alive and carriedforward.
comrades and friends,
we owe all that we have achieved over the past hundredyears to the concerted efforts of the chinese communists, the chinese people,and the chinese nation. chinese communists, with comrades mao zedong, dengxiaoping, jiang zemin, and hu jintao as their chief representatives, have madetremendous and historic contributions to the rejuvenation of the chinese nation.to them, we express our highest respect.
let us take this moment to cherish the memory ofcomrades mao zedong, zhou enlai, liu shaoqi, zhu de, deng xiaoping, chen yun,and other veteran revolutionaries who contributed greatly to china’s revolution, construction, and reform, and to thefounding, consolidation, and development of the communist party of china; letus cherish the memory of the revolutionary martyrs who bravely laid down theirlives to establish, defend, and develop the people’s republic; let us cherish the memory of those whodedicated their lives to reform, opening up, and socialist moderniza
tion; and letus cherish the memory of all the men and women who fought tenaciously for nationalindependence and the liberation of the people in modern times. their greatcontributions to our motherland and our nation will be immortalized in theannals of history, and their noble spirit will live on forever in the hearts ofthe chinese people.
the people are the true heroes, for it is they whocreate history. on behalf of the cpc central committee, i would like to pay myhighest respects to workers, farmers, and intellectuals across the country; toother political parties, public figures without party affiliation, people’s organizations, and patriotic figures from allsectors of society; to all members of the people’s liberation army, the people’s armed police force, the public security police,and the fire and rescue services; to all socialist working people; and to allmembers of the united front. i would like to extend my sincere greetings tocompatriots in the hong kong and macao special administrative regions and in taiwanas well as overseas chinese. and i would like to express my heartfelt gratitudeto people and friends from around the world who have shown friendship to thechinese people and understanding and support for china’s endeavors in revolution, development, and reform.
comrades and friends,
though our party’s founding mission is easy to define, ensuring thatwe stay true to this mission is a more difficult task. by learning from history,we can understand why powers rise and fall. through the mirror of history, wecan find where we currently stand and gain foresight into the future. lookingback on the party’s 100-year history, we cansee why we were successful in the past and how we can continue to succeed inthe future. this will ensure that we act with greater resolve and purpose instaying true to our founding mission and pursuing a better future on the new journeythat lies before us.
as we put conscious effort into learning fromhistory to create a bright future, we must bear the following in mind:
we must uphold the firm leadership of the party. china’s success hinges on the party. the more than180-year-long modern history of the chinese nation, the 100-year-long historyof the party, and the more than 70-year-long history of the people’s republic of china all provide ample evidence thatwithout the communist party of china, there would be no new china and nonational rejuvenation. the party was chosen by history and the people. theleadership of the party is the defining feature of socialism with chinesecharacteristics and constitutes the greatest strength of this system. it is thefoundation and lifeblood of the party and the country, and the crux upon which theinterests and wellbeing of all chinese people depend.
on the journey ahead, we must uphold the party’s overall leadership and continue to enhance itsleadership. we must be deeply conscious of the need to maintain politicalintegrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep inalignment with the central party leadership. we must stay confident in thepath, theory, system, and culture of socialism with chinese characteristics. wemust uphold the core position of the general secretary on the party centralcommittee and in the party as a whole, and uphold the central committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership.bearing in mind the country’s most fundamental interests, we must enhance the party’s capacity to conduct sound, democratic, andlaw-based governance, and ensure that it fully exerts its core role inproviding overall leadership and coordinating the efforts of all sides.
we must unite and lead the chinese people in workingceaselessly for a better life. this country is its people; the people are thecountry. as we have fought to establish and consolidate our leadership over thecountry, we have in fact been fighting to earn and keep the people’s support. the party has in the people its roots,its lifeblood, and its source of strength. the party has always represented thefundamental interests of all chinese people; it stands with them through thickand thin and shares a common fate with them. the party has no special interestsof its own—it has never represented anyindividual interest group, power group, or privileged stratum. any attempt todivide the party from the chinese people or to set the people against the partyis bound to fail. the more than 95 million party members and the more than 1.4billion chinese people will never allow such a scenario to come to pass.
on the journey ahead, we must rely closely on thepeople to create history. upholding the party’s fundamental purpose of wholeheartedly serving thepeople, we will stand firmly with the people, implement the party’s mass line, respect the people’s creativity, and practice a people-centeredphilosophy of development. we will develop whole-process people’s democracy, safeguard social fairness and justice,and resolve the imbalances and inadequacies in development and the mostpressing difficulties and problems that are of great concern to the people. indoing so, we will make more notable and substantive progress toward achieving well-roundedhuman development and common prosperity for all.
we must continue to adapt marxism to the chinesecontext. marxism is the fundamental guiding ideology upon which our party andcountry are founded; it is the very soul of our party and the banner underwhich it strives. the communist party of china upholds the basic tenets ofmarxism and the principle of seeking truth from facts. based on china’s realities, we have developed keen insights intothe trends of the day, seized the initiative in history, and made painstaking explorations.we have thus been able to keep adapting marxism to the chinese context and theneeds of our times, and to guide the chinese people in advancing our greatsocial revolution. at the fundamental level, the capability of our party andthe strengths of socialism with chinese characteristics are attributable to thefact that marxism works.
on the journey ahead, we must continue to upholdmarxism-leninism, mao zedong thought, deng xiaoping theory, the theory of threerepresents, and the scientific outlook on development, and fully implement thethought on socialism with chinese characteristics for a new era. we mustcontinue to adapt the basic tenets of marxism to china’s specific realities and its fine traditionalculture. we will use marxism to observe, understand, and steer the trends ofour times, and continue to develop the marxism of contemporary china and in the21st century.
we must uphold and develop socialism with chinesecharacteristics. we must follow our own path—this is the bedrock that underpins all the theoriesand practices of our party. more than that, it is the historical conclusion ourparty has drawn from its struggles over the past century. socialism withchinese characteristics is a fundamental achievement of the party and the people,forged through innumerable hardships and great sacrifices, and it is the rightpath for us to achieve national rejuvenation. as we have upheld and developed socialismwith chinese characteristics and driven coordinated progress in material,political, cultural-ethical, social, and ecological terms, we have pioneered anew and uniquely chinese path to modernization, and created a new model forhuman advancement.
on the journey ahead, we must adhere to the party’s basic theory, line, and policy, and implement thefive-sphere integrated plan and the four-pronged comprehensive strategy. wemust deepen reform and opening up across the board, ground our work in this newstage of development, fully and faithfully apply the new development philosophy,and foster a new pattern of development. we must promote high-qualitydevelopment and build up our country’s strength in science and technology. we must ensure it is our peoplewho run the country, continue to govern based on the rule of law, and uphold thecore socialist values. we must ensure and enhance public wellbeing in thecourse of development, promote harmony between humanity and nature, and takewell-coordinated steps toward making our people prosperous, our nation strong,and our country beautiful.
the chinese nation has fostered a splendidcivilization over more than 5,000 years of history. the party has also acquireda wealth of experience through its endeavors over the past 100 years and duringmore than 70 years of governance. at the same time, we are also eager to learnwhat lessons we can from the achievements of other cultures, and welcome helpfulsuggestions and constructive criticism. we will not, however, acceptsanctimonious preaching from those who feel they have the right to lecture us.the party and the chinese people will keep moving confidently forward in broadstrides along the path that we have chosen for ourselves,and we will make sure the destiny of china’s development and progress remains firmly in our ownhands.
we must accelerate the modernization of nationaldefense and the armed forces. a strong country must have a strong military, asonly then can it guarantee the security of the nation. at the point that it wasengaged in violent struggle, the party came to recognize the irrefutable truththat it must command the gun and build a people’s military of its own. the people’s military has made indelible achievements on behalfof the party and the people. it is a strong pillar for safeguarding oursocialist country and preserving national dignity, and a powerful force forprotecting peace in our region and beyond.
on the journey ahead, we must fully implement theparty’s thinking on strengtheningthe military in the new era as well as our military strategy for the new era,maintain the party’s absolute leadership overthe people’s armed forces, and follow achinese path to military development. we will take comprehensive measures to enhancethe political loyalty of the armed forces, to strengthen them through reformand technology and the training of competent personnel, and to run them inaccordance with the law. we will elevate our people’s armed forces to world-class standards so that weare equipped with greater capacity and more reliable means for safeguarding ournational sovereignty, security, and development interests.
we must continue working to promote the building of ahuman community with a shared future. peace, concord, and harmony are ideas thechinese nation has pursued and carried forward for more than 5,000 years. thechinese nation does not carry aggressive or hegemonic traits in its genes. the partycares about the future of humanity, and wishes to move forward in tandem withall progressive forces around the world. china has always worked to safeguard worldpeace, contribute to global development, and preserve international order.
on the journey ahead, we will remain committed topromoting peace, development, cooperation, and mutual benefit, to anindependent foreign policy of peace, and to the path of peaceful development.we will work to build a new type of international relations and a humancommunity with a shared future, promote high-quality development of the beltand road initiative through joint efforts, and use china’s new achievements in development to provide theworld with new opportunities. the party will continue to work with allpeace-loving countries and peoples to promote the shared human values of peace,development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom. we will continue tochampion cooperation over confrontation, to open up rather than closing ourdoors, and to focus on mutual benefits instead of zero-sum games. we willoppose hegemony and power politics, and strive to keep the wheels of historyrolling toward bright horizons.
we chinese are a people who uphold justice and arenot intimidated by threats of force. as a nation, we have a strong sense ofpride and confidence. we have never bullied, oppressed, or subjugated thepeople of any other country, and we never will. by the same token, we willnever allow any foreign force to bully, oppress, or subjugate us. anyone whowould attempt to do so will find themselves on a collision course with a greatwall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion chinese people.
we must carry out a great struggle with manycontemporary features. having the courage to fight and the fortitude to win iswhat has made our party invincible. realizing our great dream will require hardwork and persistence. today, we are closer, more confident, and more capablethan ever before of making the goal of national rejuvenation a reality. but wemust be prepared to work harder than ever to get there.
on the journey ahead, we must demonstrate strongervigilance and always be prepared for potential danger, even in times of calm. wemust adopt a holistic approach to national security that balances developmentand security imperatives, and implement the national rejuvenation strategywithin a wider context of the once-in-a-century changes taking place in theworld. we need to acquire a full understanding of the new features andrequirements arising from the change to the principal contradiction in chinesesociety and the new issues and challenges stemming from a complicatedinternational environment. we must be both brave and adept in carrying out ourstruggle, forging new paths and building new bridges wherever necessary to takeus past all risks and challenges.
we must strengthen the great unity of the chinesepeople. in the course of our struggles over the past century, the party hasalways placed the united front in a position of importance. we have constantlyconsolidated and developed the broadest possible united front, united all theforces that can be united, mobilized all positive factors that can bemobilized, and pooled as much strength as possible for collective endeavors. thepatriotic united front is an important means for the party to unite all thesons and daughters of the chinese nation, both at home and abroad, behind thegoal of national rejuvenation.
on the journey ahead, we must ensure great unity andsolidarity and balance commonality and diversity. we should strengthentheoretical and political guidance, build broad consensus, bring together thebrightest minds, and expand common ground and the convergence of interests, sothat all chinese people, both at home and overseas, can focus their ingenuityand energy on the same goal and come together as a mighty force for realizingnational rejuvenation.
we must continue to advance the great new project ofparty building. a hallmark that distinguishes the communist party of china fromother political parties is its courage in undertaking self-reform. an importantreason why the party remains so vital and vibrant despite having undergone somany trials and tribulations is that it practices effective self-supervisionand full and rigorous self-governance. it has thus been able to respondappropriately to the risks and tests of different historical periods, to ensurethat it always remains at the forefront of the times even as profound changessweep the global landscape, and to stand firm as the backbone of the nation throughoutthe process of meeting various risks and challenges at home and abroad.
on the journey ahead, we must keep firmly in mindthe old adage that it takes a good blacksmith to make good steel. we mustdemonstrate greater political awareness of the fact that full and rigorousself-governance is a never-ending journey. with strengthening the party politicallyas our overarching principle, we must continue advancing the great new projectof party building in the new era. we must tighten the party’s organizational system, work hard to trainhigh-caliber officials who have both moral integrity and professionalcompetence, remain committed to improving party conduct, upholding integrity,and combating corruption, and root out any elements that would harm the party’s advanced nature and purity and any viruses that woulderode its health. we must ensure that the party preserves its essence, color,and character, and see that it always serves as the strong leadership core inthe course of upholding and developing socialism with chinese characteristicsin the new era.

comrades and friends,
we will stay true to the letter and spirit of the principleof one country, two systems, under which the people of hong kong administer hongkong, and the people of macao administer macao, both with a high degree ofautonomy. we will ensure that the central government exercises overalljurisdiction over hong kong and macao, and implement the legal systems and enforcementmechanisms for the two special administrative regions to safeguard nationalsecurity. while protecting china’s sovereignty, security, and development interests, we will ensuresocial stability in hong kong and macao, and maintain lasting prosperity andstability in the two special administrative regions.
解决台湾问题、实现祖国完全统一,是中国共产党矢志不渝的历史任务,是全体中华儿女的共同愿望。要坚持一个中国原则和“九二共识”,推进祖国和平统一进程。包括两岸同胞在内的所有中华儿女,要和衷共济、团结向前,坚决粉碎任何“台独”图谋, 民族复兴美好未来。任何人都不要低估中国人民捍卫国家主权和领土完整的坚强决心、坚定意志、强大能力!
resolving the taiwan question and realizing china’s complete reunification is a historic mission andan unshakable commitment of the communist party of china. it is also a sharedaspiration of all the sons and daughters of the chinese nation. we will upholdthe one-china principle and the 1992 consensus, and advance peaceful nationalreunification. all of us, compatriots on both sides of the taiwan strait, mustcome together and move forward in unison. we must take resolute action toutterly defeat any attempt toward “taiwan independence,” and work together to create a bright future for nationalrejuvenation. no one should underestimate the resolve, the will, and theability of the chinese people to defend their national sovereignty andterritorial integrity.
comrades and friends,
未来属于青年,希望寄予青年。一百年前,一群新青年高举马克思主义思想火炬,在风雨如晦的中国苦苦探寻民族复兴的前途。一百年来,在中国共产党的旗帜下,一代代中国青年把青春奋斗融入党和人民事业,成为实现中华民族伟大复兴的先锋力量。新时代的中国青年要以实现中华民族伟大复 己任,增强做中国人的志气、骨气、底气,不负时代,不负韶华,不负党和人民的殷切期望!
the future belongs to the young people, and ourhopes also rest with them. a century ago, a group of young progressives heldaloft the torch of marxism and searched assiduously in those dark years forways to rejuvenate the chinese nation. since then, under the banner of thecommunist party of china, generation after generation of young chinese havedevoted their youth to the cause of the party and the people, and remained in thevanguard of the drive to rejuvenate the nation. in the new era, our youngpeople should make it their mission to contribute to national rejuvenation andaspire to become more proud, confident, and assured in their identity aschinese people so that they can live up to the promise of their youth and theexpectations of our times, our party, and our people.
comrades and friends,
a century ago, at the time of its founding, thecommunist party of china had just over 50 members. today, with more than 95 millionmembers in a country of more than 1.4 billion people, it is the largestgoverning party in the world and enjoys tremendous international influence.
a century ago, china was in decline and witheringaway in the eyes of the world. today, the image it presents to the world is oneof a thriving nation that is advancing with unstoppable momentum towardrejuvenation.
over the past century, the communist party of chinahas secured extraordinary historical achievements on behalf of the people.today, it is rallying and leading the chinese people on a new journey towardrealizing the second centenary goal.
to all party members,the central committee calls onevery one of you to stay true to our party’s founding mission and stand firm in your ideals andconvictions. acting on the purpose of the party, you should always maintainclose ties with the people, empathize and work with them, stand with themthrough good times and bad, and continue working tirelessly to realize theiraspirations for a better life and to bring still greater glory to the party andthe people.
comrades and friends,
today, a hundred years on from its founding, the communistparty of china is still in its prime, and remains as determined as ever toachieve lasting greatness for the chinese nation. looking back on the path wehave travelled and forward to the journey that lies ahead, it is certain thatwith the firm leadership of the party and the great unity of the chinese peopleof all ethnic groups, we will achieve the goal of building a great modernsocialist country in all respects and fulfill the chinese dream of national rejuvenation.
long live our great, glorious, and correct party!
long live our great, glorious, and heroic people!????


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