












1.????????他正在专心看书。he is absorbed in his book.

2.????????眼睛是心灵的窗口。eyes are the window to the soul.

3.????????我会坚持立场的。i’ll stand my ground.

4.????????他尽量装出一点笑容来。he tried to fake a smile.

5.????????他的话在我心里引起了共鸣。his words struck a chord in my heart.

6.????????大街上挤满了行人。the streets are choked with pedestrians.

7.????????我一时兴起做的。i did it on a whim.

8.????????这些规定形同虚设。these rules only exist on paper.

9.????????名单上他高居第一。his name topped the list.

10.?????他请了三天病假。he went on a sick leave for 3 days.

11.?????他快90了。heis in his late 80s.

12.?????许多方面他和父亲一模一样。he was his father in many ways.

13.?????泪水在她眼眶里闪烁。tears shimmered in her eyes.

14.?????帖子被转发了1000次。thepost was forwarded 1000 times.

15.?????我一瘸一拐地走下了台阶。i hobbled down the stairs.

16.?????泪水夺眶而出。the tears broke free.

17.?????他是个不好相处的人。he is a difficult man.

18.?????他不愿意赊账给我们了。he would not allow us any credit.

19.?????他是个没用的家伙。he is a good-for-nothing.

20.?????我在抽屉里发现一叠牌。i found a deck of cards in the drawer.

21.?????他俯过身来悄悄在我耳边说。he leaned in and whispered into my ears.

22.?????他留着齐肩发。he wears shoulder-length hair.

23.?????他戴上手套。he slipped on his gloves.

24.?????我觉得脸在发烧。i feel my face burning.

25.?????他的目光落在了我的身上。his eyes fell on me.

26.?????他们俩长得太像了。their resemblance was breathtaking.

27.?????我挣扎着从床上爬起来。i struggled out of the bed.

28.?????她头发中分,脑后扎了个马尾巴。her hair is parted in the middleand tied in a ponytail.

29.?????鲜血从他的指间渗了出来。blood oozed between his fingers.

30.?????地铁明年交付使用。the subway will be put into service nextyear.

31.?????事故把很多人给困住了。the accident got many people stranded.

32.?????地铁将在高峰期暂停运营。the subway will suspend in the rush hours.

33.?????他与一辆小车迎头相撞。he had a head-on collision with a car.

34.?????我不能陪你了。再见。i can’t keep you company any more. bye-bye.

35.?????他没有透一个字给任何人。he didn’t breathe a word to anyone.

36.?????他边哭边说,“不是我做的。”?he said through his tears, “i didn’t doit.”

37.?????他从门帘后伸出头来。he thrust his head from behind the curtain.

38.?????你在孩子们身上花了太多的心血。you exert yourself too much on your children.

39.?????我正要出去,妈妈就回来了。when i was on the point of going out, mamacame back.

40.?????四个小男孩站了起来,垂着头。the four boys stood up, their heads hanging.

41.?????他们俩实在像极了。they resemble each other to a hair.

42.?????她是个干瘪的老女人。she was a dried-up old woman.

43.?????是那样一个男孩打了他。it was such and such a boy who beat him.

44.?????他把所有心思都放到了存钱上。he set every thought on savings.

45.?????不知怎么搞的,我把手表丢了。somehow or other i lost my watch.

46.?????他颧骨高耸,鼻梁塌陷。he is with high cheek-bones and a sunkennose.

47.?????尽管那样,他最后还是成功了。be that as it may, he made it in the end.

48.?????老师单独把我叫出去聊了聊。the teacher singled me out for a chat.

49.?????那一幕永远刻在我的记忆中。the scene was engraved on my memory forever.

50.?????那些事情母亲一点不在行。mother was none too competent in such matters.

51.?????他把老鼠尾巴用线给串起来。he strung the mouse tails with a thread.

52.?????小男孩吓得要死。the little boy was frightened to death.

53.?????他一怒之下枪杀了守门人。he shot the janitor in a fit of passion.

54.?????他想方设法博取老师的喜欢。he tried to win the teacher’s favor in everyway possible.

55.?????王先生是一位很老练的教师。mr. wang is a full-fledged teacher.

56.?????阅读让我着迷一辈子。reading?held its spell over methroughout my life.

57.?????所有男孩都受到了严厉的盘查。all the boys were cross-examined.

58.?????他们急匆匆走过,甚至没有注意到我。they hurried by without so much asnoticing me.

59.?????他站在那里,双眼冒火。he stood there, his eyes darting fire.

60.?????我鼓起所有的勇气,坚决地说:“不”。i mustered all my courage and saidfirmly, “no.”

61.?????一见面他就喜欢上了那个小男孩。he felt attached to the boy at thefirst sight.

62.?????我带着祈求的眼光看着她。i looked at her with imploring eyes.

63.?????12岁他就如饥似渴地开始阅读了。he began to devour books at 12.

64.?????他个头也比我小一点。he is a bit smaller than me in size.

65.?????说那些话是不合时宜的。those words were out of place.

66.?????我朝他咆哮道。他吓了一跳。i roared at him and he was taken aback.

67.?????她博览群书,但缺乏个性。she was well-read, but lacked character.

68.?????她是我的远亲。she was a distant relative of mine.

69.?????我一躺下就睡着了。i was fast asleep as soon as my head touchedthe pillow.

70.?????有时候他会勃然大怒。sometimes he would flare up.

71.?????争论过了很久才平息下来。it was after a long time that the debate dieddown.

72.?????他再也忍不住,大笑起来。she couldn’t restrain anymore, and burst outlaughing.

73.?????她倒在床上,抱着枕头痛哭起来。she threw herself onto bed andcried into her pillow.

74.?????无论如何我都会给你打电话的。in any event i will call you.

75.?????我们绝不投降。in no sense would we surrender.

76.?????有时候他一个人陷入沉思很久很久。sometimes he sunk in meditationfor a long time.

77.?????一队骆驼突然大叫起来。a string of camels suddenly bellowed.

78.?????他总是挑他们工作的错。he never failed to find fault with theirwork.

79.?????他凝视着远方。he gazed into the distance.

80.?????原来这个新来的人是他的叔叔。it turned out that the newcomer was his uncle.

81.?????她尖叫着冲进黑夜之中。she screamed into the dark night.

82.?????稻草塞进炉子里,火就燃了起来。when you stuffed the straw intostove, it blazed up.

83.?????工程正在全力进行之中。the project is in full swing.

84.?????两个棚子长达几百米。the 2 sheds stretched hundreds of meters long.

85.?????”我不是故意的,”她抽泣道。”ididn’t do it on purpose,” she sobbed.

86.?????她吓得半死。she was half dead with fear.

87.?????他全身发抖。he trembled all over.

88.?????他斜着眼睛看着那个姑娘,爱慕油然而生。he squinted at the girl, loverising in his heart.

89.?????他站在那里,脸上带着若有所思的神情。he stood there, with an air ofthinking.

90.?????士兵们每4人一组前进。the soldiers marched by fours.

91.?????衣服有点紧,但他还是使劲穿了进去。tight as the clothes were, hesqueezed into them.

92.?????他一跃而起。he sprang to his feet.

93.?????那孩子摔在地上,仰面朝天,一动不动。the child fell on his back,motionless.

94.?????孩子们四散跑掉了。the children ran away in all directions.

95.?????火辣辣的太阳照在头顶。the scorching sun beat down on my head.

96.?????这些规章制度对我来说没有意义。the rules and regulations don’tmake any sense to me.

97.?????他坐在那里,嘴角叼着香烟。he sat there, cigarette dangling from thecorner of his mouth.

98.?????秘书是个五十岁上下的人,朝我笑了笑。the secretary, fifty-something,smiled at me.

99.?????我讲完自己的故事,她哭了起来。when i was done with my story, shecried.

100.??我突然意识到王老师的白发又多了。it struck me that mr. wang hadmore gray hair.

101.??他手搭凉棚朝远处看了很久。he shaded his eyes with his hand, looking intothe distance.

102.??他的税后收入高达5.5万元每月。hisafter-tax income amounts to 55,000 yuan per month.

103.??他翻过身去,背对着我。he rolled to his side, his back to me.

104.??看着他那张饱经风霜的脸,我震惊了。looking at his weather-worn face,i was shocked.

105.??他是个糊里糊涂的人。he is a muddle-headed man.

106.??打开窗帘,阳光洒满房间。she pulled the curtain open and the sunshineflooded the room.

107.??我要的是家庭,而你注定是传奇。i want a family, while you set tobe a legend.

108.??婚外情对社会稳定形成了威胁。extramarital affairs pose a threat to socialstability.

109.??总共500学生参加了考试。500 students in total sat the test.

110.??她扭过头来问道,“还记得我吗?”?she asked over her shoulder,”do you remember me?”

111.??我们做了,以免事情失控。we did it to prevent things from getting outof hand.

112.??进屋他就开始收拾起东西来。entering the house, he started tidying up.

113.??他说着说着,眼眶里就噙满了泪水。as he said it, his eyes brimmedwith tears.

114.??我们不要急匆匆做决定。we should not rush to a decision.

115.??后半生我碰到不少好人。i met many nice people in the second half ofmy life.

116.??这让我颜面扫地。this made me lose face big time.

117.??他胆子小。?he is chicken-hearted.

118.??万一错过火车,我会驾车送你去。in case you miss the train, i’lldrive you there.

119.??在家里,我说了算。?at home, what i say goes.

120.??文革把很多是非颠倒了。the cultural revolution turned many thingsupside down.

121.??他犯了一个错,结果大家都受到了株连。he made a mistake and got othersimplicated.

122.??他尽量使自己恢复平静。he tried to regain his composure.

123.??他跟着人流进入纪念馆。he followed a stream of crowd into thememorial hall.

124.??我们伴着阿富汗歌曲跳舞。we danced to the afghan songs.

125.??快90岁的时候,他发现腿脚有点不好使。going on 90, he began to feel rigid in his legs.

126.??他在京剧声中进入梦乡。he drifted into sleep with beijing opera playing by his ears.

127.??我跟他讲了半 理。i reasoned with him for a long time.

128.??你必须戒毒。you must quit drugs.

129.??“快说,我在洗耳恭听。”?”come on, i’m all ears.”

130.??无事不登三宝殿。one never visits the temple without a reason.

131.??上周金价暴涨。the price of gold surged last week.

132.??你可以吃个饱。you can eat your fill.

133.??在小巷子里这栋楼看上去很打眼。the building is imposing in thealley.

134.??他学会了喜怒不形于色。he learned to conceal his feelings behind aplacid face.

135.??管住你的舌头。watch your tongue.

136.??亲自参与实践对于学生很重要。hands-on practice is very important forstudents.

137.??他怒火中烧。his heart burned with anger.

138.??我在餐馆里做点临时工。i did some odd jobs in the restaurant.

139.??他做了后,其他人就如法炮制了。as he did it, the rest followedsuit.

140.??请留我们一点时间把真相搞个水落石出。please allow us a little time tocheck things out.

141.??他把怒火都发到了室友身上。he vented his anger on his roommates.

142.??听到这里,他瘫倒在椅子里。hearing this, he slumped into the chair.

143.??他完成了4卷本的著作。he finished his four-volume work.

144.??我把他们招呼进屋。i ushered them into the house.

145.??听到母亲过世的消息他悲痛欲绝。he was overwhelmed with grief athis mother’s death.

146.??他不能忍受那样的羞辱。he couldn’t swallow such humiliation.

147.??夜深人静的时候他上吊自杀了。in the dead of night, he hanged himself.

148.??很快他们的关系就变坏了。soon their relationship turned sour.

149.??那事故真把我吓死了。the accident scared me out of sense.

150.??这次事故就是一个很好的例子。this accident is a case in point

151.??他怒气冲冲地离开了房间。he stormed out of the room.

152.??最后他在一贫如洗中死去。at last, he died in utter poverty.

153.??大部分人只能够向命运妥协。most people have to come to terms with life.

154.??他挑衅汤姆,结果被痛打一顿。he picked fight with tom, and was beaten up.

155.??突然我想出一个好办法。i hit upon a good idea.

156.??他几乎没付我一分钱。he paid me next to nothing

157.??我们历经波折最终成功。we experienced many ups and downs tillsuccess.

158.??你省了不少麻烦。you spared yourself a lot of troubles.

159.??他踏上了不归路。he embarked on a journey of no return.

160.??他的脸上绽开了满意的笑容。his face expanded with a satisfied smile.

161.??他并没有听懂我言下之意。he didn’t catch the undertone of my words.

162.??他们编出那样稀奇古怪的故事。they came up with such wild stories.

163.??他经常从后门溜出去。he often slipped out of the rear door.

164.??乞丐挣扎在饿死的边缘。the beggar struggled on the verge ofstarvation.

165.??他们提出了一项不错的计划。they came up with a good plan.

166.??我上瘾了。i am hooked on it.

167.??要不是吸毒,他可以过很富足的生活。but for drugs, he could have liveda rich life

168.??他们坐下来喝了几杯茶。they sat down to several cups of tea.

169.??王大头说他没有现钱。wang datou said he didn’t have ready money.

170.??这回你说到点子上了。now you get the point.

171.??他吃得太多,把自己给吃死了。he ate too much that he ate himself to death.

172.??这导致了又一轮争斗。this triggered another round of fights.

173.??天无绝人之路。heaven never seals all the exits.

174.??他走过去,把鸭子嘘走了。he went over and shooed the ducks away

175.??我们用低廉的价格买下了这辆车。we bought the car at a bargainprice.

176.??“为什么你们要瞒着我?”我咆哮道。”why you hide it fromme?” i bellowed.

177.??诱人的香气从锅里传出来。an inviting smell came out of the wok.

178.??我们是拜把子兄弟。we are sworn brothers.

179.??一想起玛丽,汤姆的心就怦怦地乱跳起来。at the thought of mary, tom’sheart stuttered.

180.??这个问题让我张口结舌。the question tied my tongue in knots.

181.??我沉浸在甜美的幻觉中。i immersed myself in a sweet illusion.

182.??他径直走开了,头都懒得抬一下。he walked away, not bothering toraise his head.

183.??既然来了,就要努力工作。now that you are here, you should work hard.

184.??他脱下长衫,做了一个倒立。he slipped off his gown and made a handstand.

185.??他这人有点手紧。he is a bit tight-fisted.

186.??他比我高一个头。he stands a head over me.

187.??紧邻操场建了一座体育馆。a gym was built next to the playground.

188.??听到这里他放心地舒了一口气。at this, he heaved a sigh of relief.

189.??我把他痛骂了一顿。i gave him a dressing-down.

190.??“住口”,他一巴掌猛地拍在桌子上。”shut up,” he banged thetable.

191.??我们混在人群里就不会被注意到了。if we mingle with the crowd, wewill not be noticed.

192.??他怒气冲冲地走了。he left in a huff.

193.??广州一直就是他的老家。guangzhou?has been his hometown all along.

194.??得知真相后,他勃然大怒。knowing the truth, he flew into a rage.

195.??大门咣当一声关上了。the gate clanked shut.

196.??门里伸出一个头来。a man popped his head out of the door.

197.??他把她上下打量了一番。he looked her up and down.

198.??他来到操场的最东边。he came to the east end of the playground.

199.??听到这里,他不禁捧腹大笑起来。hearing this, he split his sideswith laughter.

200.??她碰到麻烦了。she was trapped in troubles.

201.??她冲着孩子大发脾气。she lashed out at her children.

202.??她是个急性子。she is a quick temper.

203.??热闹过后,屋里恢复了平静。when the hustle and bustle died out, thehouse regained peace.

204.??他对紫禁城有着浓厚的兴趣。he has a keen interest in the forbidden city.

205.??那时候他是站在我们一边的。in those days he sided with us.

206.??他打球打得很好,仅次于汤姆。he played well, second only to tom.

207.??他吃得太多,以致胃有点不舒服。he ate too much that his stomachfelt funny.

208.??不把这个事情搞清楚我就不吃饭。i will not eat until i get itstraight.

209.??别在我面前装傻。?don’t play the fool with me.

210.??他要一劳永逸地解决这个问题。he will solve this problem once and for all.

211.??“你做得太过火了。”?you went too far.

212.??他把对手咒诅了很久。he swore at his rivals for a long time.

213.??市场上到处是来来往往的人。in the market are coming and going peoplehither and thither.

214.??大家齐声喊起来。all shouted in unison.

215.??他鼓起勇气,敲了敲门。he plucked up courage and knocked at the door.

216.??他是个两面派。he is a double-faced person.

217.??他知道怎样讨好上级。he knows how to butter up his superior.

218.??他和大家的关系都很好。he is on good terms with everybody.

219.??他两手空空回到家中。he returned home empty-handed

220.??他让父母失望了。he let his parents down

221.??他辗转反侧一整夜。he tossed and turned in the bed all night.

222.??汽车开走了,扬起一阵灰尘。the truck rolled away, stirring a cloud ofdust.

223.??看见孩子,玛丽面露喜色。at the sight of her child, mary’s face lit up.

224.??我俯下身干呕起来。i doubled over and dry-heaved.

225.??他熬了一个通宵。he stayed up a whole night.

226.??说起武功他在这一带没有对手。when it came to martial arts, he had no equalin this region.

227.??他的来访引起了很大的轰动。his visit stirred a great sensation.

228.??寒风如针,刺着他的脸。the needle-cold wind pierced his face.

229.??你成功的机会很小。your chance of success is slim.

230.??我压低了声音把消息告诉汤姆。i told the news to tom under my breath.

231.??大街上到处是一群群的学生。the streets swarm with students.

232.??有他负责就不会出错。nothing went amiss when he was in charge.

233.??一阵痛楚袭上他心头。a wave of panic ran over him.

234.??听他说完,我沉默了。hearing him out, i fell silent.

235.??老爷看穿了他的心思。the master looked through his trick.

236.??敲诈吓得他魂不附体。the blackmail scared him out of his wits.

237.??汤姆夹在简和玛丽之间坐了下来。tom sat down, sandwiched by jeanand mary.

238.??这台机器需要修理。this machine needs fixing.

239.??悲伤再次在我内心涌起。sadness welled up in my heart once again.

240.??月光从一扇窗户倾泻而入。moonbeams streamed in through a window.

241.??他们互相看了一眼。they exchanged a glance.

242.??他们向我逼过来。the closed in on me.

243.??我没有发现问题的要点。i missed the point of the issue.

244.??一团黑色的烟雾飘向天空。a plume of smoke rose to the sky.

245.??乞丐伸出沾满泥的手乞求一个硬币。the beggar held out his mud-cakedhand for a coin.

246.??他偷偷看了几眼手表。he stole several glances at his watch.

247.??他勉强向她挤出了一点笑容。he forced a smile at her.

248.??难民大量涌入土耳其。refugees flocked into turkey.

249.??他收养了一个孩子来续香火。he adopted a child to continue family line.

250.??昨天我在街上碰到他。i bumped into him in the streets yesterday.

251.??他花了很多时间来打理他的花。he spent a lot of time tending his flowers.

252.??他强忍住泪水,朝她笑了笑。biting back his tears, he smiled at her.

253.??大家只好凑合着用这间房了。we’ll have to make do with this room.

254.??玛丽走进来,后面跟着几个小孩子。mary came in, tailed by severalkids.

255.??他把钥匙插进锁孔里。he slipped the key into the lock hole.

256.??她眼泪流了出来。her tears welled up.

257.??他跌跌撞撞地站了起来。he staggered to his feet.

258.??我劝了他,但他根本不听。i persuaded him, but he would hear nothing ofit.

259.??他停下来,喘了一口气。he stopped, taking a breath.

260.??据我所知,这是通向学校唯一的路。to my knowledge, this is the onlyroad to the school.

261.??据说他将是我们的校长。word has it he will be our president.

262.??他身高1.74米。hestands1.74 meters tall.

263.??顶起脚尖我也只够得着他的下巴。standing on my toes, i can onlycome up to his chin.

264.??最终,他还是屈服于命运。eventually, he surrendered to fate.

265.??对于规劝他只当做耳边风。he turned a deaf ear to any suggestion.

266.??他上上下下打量了我一下。he eyed me up and down.

267.??如果你仔细听,你就能听见。if you listen hard, you can hear it.

268.??我小心地穿过人群。i picked my way through the crowd.

269.??太阳落到山背后去了。the sun sank behind the hills.

270.??我到他家只去过为数不多的几次。i visited him only a handful oftimes.

271.??我们共一个奶妈。we fed from the same breasts.

272.??为什么他们把头发留得那么长?why they grow their hair that long?

273.??做生意不是他的天性。running a business isn’t something in hisblood.

274.??父亲的天赋他没有继承一丁点。he didn’t inherit a shred of talents from hisfather.

275.??我们足足等了一个小时。we have waited a good hour.

276.??我们没日没夜连续工作了三天。we worked all day and all night for 3straight days.

277.??汗水把他衣服浸透了。sweat soaked through his shirt.

278.??他戒酒了。he has abstained from wine.

279.??他言行不一致。his actions do not accord with his words.

280.??我照他的劝告去做了。i acted on his advice.

281.??他坚持己见。he adhered to his opinion.

282.??他正在受一种不治之症的折磨。he is afflicted with an incurable disease.

283.??他几次三番来我家借钱。he came to my house again and again for aloan of money.

284.??我出席这个会议是不自愿的。i attended the meeting against my will.

285.??这张照片与原物不相符。this photograph does not agree with theoriginal.

286.??我更加喜欢他了。i like him all the more.

287.??你去不去那里对我来说都一样。it is all the same to me whether you go thereor not.

288.??我依然喜欢他。?i like him all the same.

289.??到学校的路上我们争了一路。we quarreled with each other all the way toschool.

290.??我老远跑来向你请教。i have come all the way to consult you.

291.??总的来说,演出是成功的。all things considered, the performance is asuccess.

292.??他决不是学生。he is anything but a student.

293.??那个规则不适用于这件事。that rule does not apply to this case.

294.??事故往往起因于疏忽。accidents always arise from carelessness.

295.??总的来说,男孩更喜欢活动。as a whole, boys are more fond of activities.

296.??就质量来说,这台收音机不错。as far as the quality is concerned, thisradio is good.

297.??至于我们,我们并不反对。as for us, we have no objection.

298.??照原样做。do it as it was.

299.??他高兴得跳了起来。he sprung up with joy.

300.??关于他的人格,没有人说不好的。as regards his character, nothingill is spoken.

301.??正如牡丹是花中之王,老虎是兽中之王。as the peony is chief of flowers,so is the tiger chief of beasts.

302.??他喜欢摆架子。he always assumes airs.

303.??老虎一下子就被打死了。the tiger was killed at a blow.

304.??我一看就知道他病了。i found him ill at a glance.

305.??你到底知道不知道?do you know at all?

306.??无论如何,你还是试一试的好。at all events, you’d better have a try.

307.??不管怎样,我明天一定会做出答复。i will give an answer tomorrow atall events.

308.??他不管花多少钱都要买这辆车。he will buy this car at any cost.

309.??不管怎么说,你还是去看看医生的好。at any rate, you’d better see yourdoctor.

310.??她充其量还能活几年。he has a few years to live at best.

311.??我们日子过得轻松。we live at ease.

312.??他平躺着。he is lying at full length.

313.??请随便,不要拘束。please make yourself at home.

314.??他精通法语。she is quite at home in french.

315.??雨时落时止。it rains at intervals.

316.??暴风雨刮得正猛。the storm is at its height.

317.??犯人依然逍遥法外。the prisoner is still at large.

318.??我几乎没有任何办法了。i was almost at my wit’s end.

319.??我经他人之手买了一台彩色电视机。i bought a color tv at secondhand.

320.??他牺牲了自己的健康才获得成功。he succeeded at the expense of hishealth.

321.??她一看到妈妈就哭了。she cried at the sight of her mother.

322.??大不了我去道歉。at the worst, i shall have to make anapology.

323.??是去是留,请随便。you may go or stay at will.

324.??你必须把这座右铭记在心头。you should bear the motto in mind.

325.??你不要背后说人坏话。you must not speak ill of a man behind hisback.

326.??他高兴得不能自已。he is beside himself with joy.

327.??这件事只有你知我知。this matter is between you and me.

328.??这美景难以形容。the beautiful scenery is beyond description.

329.??对不起,这是我力所不及的。sorry, this is beyond my power.

330.??毫无疑问,他会成功。it’s beyond question that he will succeed.

331.??十年的工作已化为泡影。ten years’ study has been brought to naught.

332.??大部分人都是父母养育成人的。most people are brought up by their parents.

333.??考试来临,大家都开起了夜车。everybody is burning midnight oil as the examapproaching.

334.??母亲听到死讯不禁失声痛哭。the mother burst into tears at the news ofdeath.

335.??婴儿哇地一声哭了起来。the baby burst out crying.

336.??要不是你救,彼得就淹死了。but for your rescue, peter should have beendrowned.

337.??无论如何我都要达到目的。i will attain my goal by any means.

338.??他天性爱看书。he is by nature fond of reading.

339.??经常碰到他,所以面熟。i know him by sight for i often see him.

340.??他们三两成群地来到了学校。they came to school by twos and threes.

341.??我想不起来了。i can’t call it to mind.

342.??不要沮丧,鼓起勇气来。don’t lose heart, but call up your courage.

343.??音乐让他陶醉。music carries him away.

344.??我一定要不惜一切代价把它做到底。i will carry it through at anycost.

345.??一看到电报,他脸色大变。he changed color at the sight of the telegram.

346.??你必须澄清这件事。you must clear up this problem.

347.??下午天放晴了。the weather cleared up in the afternoon.

348.??你的病是由于吃得太多。your sickness comes of eating too much.

349.??我的努力都化为了泡影。my efforts came to naught.

350.??当我苏醒过来发现自己在医院里。when i came to myself, i foundmyself in a hospital.

351.??你别指望他了。you should not count on him.

352.??这孩子会有出息的。this kid will cut a figure in the future.

353.??你必须尽量缩减开支。you should cut down your expenses as much asyou can.

354.??这就要看天气了。it depends on the weather.

355.??他为人正直但缺乏常识。he is honest but devoid of common sense.

356.??海风渐渐停了下来。the sea wind died away.

357.??没有他的 助是不行的。it can’t be done without his help.

358.??荣誉该归你。the credit is due to you.

359.??她仔细打量他。her eyes dwelled on him.

360.??他们的阴谋以失败告终。their plot ended in failure.

361.??他已弃教从商。he has given up teaching and is now engagedin business.

362.??我每时每刻都在等着他回家。i waited every moment for his return.

363.??我时常收到他的来信。i hear from him every now and then.

364.??他成了毒品的牺牲品。he falls a victim to drugs.

365.??我已陷入困境。i have fallen into a difficulty.

366.??这篇论文分为4个部分。thispaper falls into 4 parts.

367.??他在课堂上打起瞌睡来了。he fell into a doze in class.

368.??他病倒了。he fell sick.

369.??胜利的信息很快传遍了各地。the news of the victory soon spread far andwide.

370.??那样还远谈不上完美。that is far from perfect.

371.??马和牛靠吃草为生。horses and cows feed on grass.

372.??尽管那样,我们还是按时完成了工作。for all that we finished our workon time.

373.??不管怎么说我都不会去那种地方。for all the world i would not goto such a place.

374.??带上伞,以防下雨。take your umbrella for fear it may rain.

375.??就我来说,更愿意待在家里。for my part, i will stay home.

376.??我的费用都打了水漂。all my expenses went for nothing.

377.??为和平起见,我们同意妥协。for the sake of peace we agreed to acompromise.

378.??他刚刚大学毕业。he is fresh from college.

379.??最好的方法就是采取断然措施。the best plan is to take a drastic measure.

380.??他的英语比其他同学都好。he got ahead of all his classmates inenglish.

381.??酒力发作了。the wine got into his head.

382.??这个年轻人会有出息。this young man will get on in the world.

383.??意志薄弱的人不能战胜那样的困难。a man of weak will cannot get oversuch difficulties.

384.??他在赛跑中赢了他的朋友。he got the better of his friend in the race.

385.??我们已经等得不耐烦了。we have got tired of waiting.

386.??风大起来了。the wind is getting up.

387.??我们只好让步。we have to give in.

388.??他爱摆架子,我们不喜欢他。we do not like him as he gives himself airs.

389.??气灯已由电灯取代。gas light has given place to electric light.

390.??他的演讲引起了许多议论。his speech gave rise to much discussion.

391.??千万不要纵容孩子。never give rope to children.

392.??我对他不抱任何希望了。i gave him up for lost.

393.??他就是个废物。he is a good-for-nothing.

394.??他4岁多快5岁了。he is four going on five.

395.??这手套戴不上去。these gloves won’t go on.

396.??蜡烛熄灭了。the candle has gone out.

397.??理论与实际不一致。theory and practice do not go together.

398.??任何事情都不要走极端。it is well not to go too deep into anything.

399.??不言而喻,他是一个好学生。it goes without saying that he is a goodstudent.

400.??他已经误入歧途。he has gone wrong.

401.??我刚一上火车,火车就开了。hardly had i got in the train when itstarted.

402.??去年我们过得很艰苦。last year we had a hard time.

403.??他热爱音乐。he has a passion for music.

404.??在刺绣方面她无人能及。she has no equal in the art of embroidery.

405.??我在这次比赛中胜利了。i had the best of it in the contest.

406.??我在这次比赛中失败了。i had the worst of it in the contest.

407.??请听我把话讲完。please hear me out.

408.??我突然想出一个好办法来。i hit upon a good idea.

409.??他坚持己见。he held to his opinion.

410.??如果虚度光阴,你会后悔的。if you idle away, you will be sorry one day.

411.??要说呢,他只是比我高一点。if anything, he is a little taller than i.

412.??只要他不讲话就好了。if only he would stop talking.

413.??他们全体总辞职了。they resigned in a body.

414.??他们齐声喊道:“赞成。”they cried all in a breath,?“yes.”

415.??我们必须预付房租。we should pay the rent in advance.

416.??他急匆匆地走了。he has gone in a hurry.

417.??他急着要走。he is in a hurry to leave.

418.??这不是一下子就能理解的。this is not to be understood in a hurry.

419.??你一共付了多少钱?how much did you pay in all?

420.??人们向四面八方散去。the crowd scattered in all directions.

421.??总而言之,他是一部活字典。in a word, he is a walking dictionary.

422.??我代表我的朋友来访。i called in?on behalf of my friend.

423.??池塘里的荷花开得正盛。the lotus flowers in the pond are now in fullbloom.

424.??万一缺席,会有人代替我的。in case of my absence someone else will takemy place.

425.??考虑到你说的,我将改变主意。in consideration of what you said, i willchange my mind.

426.??女孩子成群地来这里买花。the girls came here to buy flowers in crowds.

427.??他对自己的前途漠不关心。he is indifferent to his future.

428.??他不顾我的劝告,到海里去游泳。in defiance of my advice, he wentswimming in the sea.

429.??他沉溺于赌博。he indulged in gambling.

430.??她爱空想。she indulges in dreams.

431.??我千方百计想安慰她,但却无济于事。i tried to comfort her in everyway, but in vain.

432.??饮酒过度他病倒了。he drank in excess and fell sick.

433.??今年流行红裙子。the red skirt is in fashion this year.

434.??他没有获得上级的欢心。he is not in favor with his superior.

435.??他十之八九是不会来的。he will not come in nine cases out of ten.

436.??他决不会放弃钓鱼。he will in no wise give up fishing.

437.??换句话说,他就是披者人皮的鬼。in other words, he is a devil inhuman shape.

438.??某种程度上是你自己的错误。it is in part your own fault.

439.??我想私下跟你说说。i wish to speak to you in private.

440.??我送他一只钢笔作为回礼。i gave him a pen in return

441.??你来得正好,刚好赶上考试。?you arrived in season for the exam.

442.??总而言之,他就是要钱。in short he just wants money.

443.??他泪流满面。she was bathed in tears.

444.??行窃时他被当场抓住。he was caught in the act of stealing.

445.??我完全不知道那个事情。i am in dark about it.

446.??万一他来,请让他等一会。in the event of his coming, tell him to waitfor a while.

447.??面临考试,我再也不能吊而郎当了。in the face of the exam, i can’tremain idle.

448.??真理终究会赢的。truth will win in the long run.

449.??他讲的大体上是 理的。in the main what he says is reasonable.

450.??我以正义的名义向你请求。i ask you in the name of justice.

451.??他是在后半夜出走的。he went away in the small hours.

452.??我们白白抗议了。we protested in vain.

453.??他虚度了一生。he passed his life in vain.

454.??不用说,他是一个好学生。it goes without saying that he is a goodstudent.

455.??这样说太过分了。it is too much to say so.

456.??是不是旧书没关系。it makes no difference whether it’s asecond-hand book or not.

457.??说正经的,你打算干什么。joking apart, what do you wish to be?

458.??你得注意那家伙。you should keep an eye on that fellow.

459.??不要跟那个卑鄙的家伙往来。don’t keep company with such a mean fellow.

460.??他们一家人总是早睡早起。the members of his family all keep earlyhours.

461.??我的表走得准。my watch keeps good time.

462.??勿踏草地。keep off the grass.

463.??我会永远恪守诺言。i will always keep my promise.

464.??我们必须跟上时代的步伐。we should keep pace with the times.

465.??我们要跟上形势。we should keep up with the situation.

466.??我们经常打桥牌消磨时间。we always kill time by playing bridge.

467.??他是一个能见机行事的人。he is a man who knows the time of day.

468.??我告诫过他,但他一笑了之。i gave him an advice, but he laughed it off.

469.??他患流感,卧床不起。he is laid up with influenza.

470.??我最不喜欢那个。i like that least of all.

471.??别管他。leave him alone.

472.??我决心让它听天由命。i have made up my mind to leave it to chance.

473.??当她看见他时常常面露喜色。her face always lights up when she sees him.

474.??我倾听他们谈话。i listened for their talk.

475.??你必须量入为出。you should live up to your income.

476.??两年后我将载誉归来。in two years i will return loaded withhonors.

477.??我们因他举止粗鲁而看不起他。we look down upon him for his poor manners.

478.??我们将调查这件事。we shall look into this matter.

479.??他将在学术界出人头地。he will make a figure in academic circles.

480.??这出戏大获成功。this play made a great hit.

481.??长话短说,他就是想要钱。to make a long story short, he only wantsmoney.

482.??那个年轻人很快就会崭露头角。the young man will soon make a mark in theworld.

483.??他很希望成名。he is eager to make a name.

484.??他使自己成了年轻人的榜样。he set himself an example to the youth.

485.??结果大不一样。it makes a difference in the result.

486.??他轻视我的能力。he makes light of my ability.

487.??他对自己的病满不在乎。he made little of his illness.

488.??他毫不犹豫地 助妻子洗碗。he makes no bones about helping his wife withdishes.

489.??他把这看作自己的分内之事。he makes this his business.

490.??请不要客气。please make yourself at home.

491.??看到那小子就烦。to see that fellow makes me sick.

492.??蛋糕让我馋涎欲滴。the cake made my mouth water.

493.??他和我言归于好了。he has made peace with me.

494.??我从未见过这么守信用的人。i have never seen such a man of his word.

495.??我哥哥是一个有鉴赏力的人。my brother is a man of taste.

496.??他父亲是一个有品德的人。his father is a man of virtue.

497.??他去年去世了。he met his end last year.

498.??雪不久就化了。the snow soon melted away.

499.??他被感动得流泪了。he was moved to tears.

500.??我不喜欢喝牛奶,更不用说吃牛肉。i don’t like milk, much/still lessbeef.

501.??他怕猫,更不用说老虎。he fears cat, much/still more a tiger.

502.??我们是近亲。we are near in blood.

503.??不用说,科学对我们很重要。needless to say, science is very important tous.

504.??不下雨则已,一下就是倾盆大雨。it never rains, but it pours.

505.??只要见面他们就争吵。they never meet without quarrelling.

506.??他简直就是一个傻瓜。he is next door to a fool.

507.??他穷得几乎什么都没有。he is poor and possesses next to nothing.

508.??我发现你简直就是傻瓜一样。i found you no better than an idiot.

509.??他只不过是一个口头上的朋友。he is no more than a mouth friend.

510.??这只不过是个笑话。it is nothing but a joke.

511.??现在不做更待何时。?it’s now or never.

512.??既然你已经吃了,那么你就得付钱。now that you have eaten it youshould pay for it.

513.??他正忙于写短篇小说。he occupied himself in writing short stories.

514.??她用零碎的布料做了一件衣服。she made a suit out of odds and ends ofcloth.

515.??昨天断断续续地下了点雨。it rained off and on yesterday.

516.??据说他是一个打猎的老手了。they say he is an old hand at hunting.

517.??他为公事而来。he came here on business.

518.??请把冰箱立着放。please place the refrigerator on end.

519.??你千万不可玩忽职守。you must on no account neglect your duties.

520.??我是特意来看你的。i came to see you on purpose.

521.??他和我只是泛泛之交。he is on speaking terms with me.

522.??我去拜访他时,他正要出门。when i called on him, he was on the point ofgoing out.

523.??小偷被当场抓住。the thief was arrested on the spot.

524.??他差点泄漏了秘密。he was on the verge of betraying his secret.

525.??大体上他是对的。on the whole he is right.

526.??出于好奇,他打开了锅盖。out of curiosity, he opened the lid of thepan.

527.??我使他很狼狈。i put him greatly out of countenance.

528.??树上的苹果我够不着。the apples on the tree are out of my reach.

529.??这门与房子不相称。the gate is out of proportion to the house.

530.??他与伙伴不融洽。he is out of tune with his company.

531.??这个病人没有希望了。this patient is past all hope.

532.??不要插手别人的事。don’t poke your nose into the others’ business.

533.??我说服不了他。i can’t prevail on him.

534.??只要身体好一点,我一定来。i will come provided that i am well enough.

535.??他是一个热心公益的人。he is a man of public spirit.

536.??大火很快扑灭了。the fire was soon put out.

537.??我不能容忍他的傲慢态度。i can’t put up with his insolence.

538.??我们要展开臂膀欢迎他们。we will receive them with open arms.

539.??今天是个值得纪念的日子。today is a red-letter day.

540.??如果你能为我说一句话,我将很高兴。i should be glad if you would saya word for me.

541.??你们应该在会议上畅所欲言。you should say your say at the meeting.

542.??在这个问题上我们意见一致。on this problem, we see eye to eye with eachother.

543.??他一辈子都在寻求真理。he has been seeking after truth throughouthis life.

544.??他为我们树立了榜样。he has set an example to us.

545.??他的议论激起了公愤。his words set fire to public opinion.

546.??我要把精力集中在这件事上。i will set my whole mind on the matter.

547.??我不仅捧腹大笑。i couldn’t help shaking my sides.

548.??你必须对这次事故负责。you must shoulder the blame for thisaccident.

549.??他对她下逐客令。he showed her the door.

550.??他送她到门口。he showed her to the door.

551.??危险面前我们从不畏缩。i never shrink from danger.

552.??好运终于来了。fortune smiled upon me at last.

553.??他有的诗人气质。he is something of a poet.

554.??我喜欢吃桃子,苹果这类水果。i like to eat peach, apple or something of thekind.

555.??她喜欢说邻居的坏话。she likes to speak ill of her neighbors.

556.??他惊得一下跳了起来。he sprang to his feet at a start.

557.??20岁他就自食其力了。at 20, he stood on his own feet.

558.??我愿与你同甘共苦。i will stand or fall with you.

559.??他从教室里溜走了。he stole out of the classroom.

560.??他突然停止讲话。he stopped short in his speech.

561.??说来奇怪,这猴子变成了石头。strange to say, the m was turned into astone.

562.??严格说,这么做是错误的。strictly speaking, it’s wrong to do it thisway.

563.??这鸟很合我的心意。the bird struck my fancy.

564.??既然如此,我就不参加会议了。such being the case, i won’t attend themeeting.

565.??我吸取了他讲课的精华。i sucked the marrow from his lecture.

566.??他总是能顺应潮流。he always swims down the stream.

567.??请不要见怪。?i hope you will not take it amiss.

568.??请抄近路。please take a short cut.

569.??他以助人为乐。he takes delight in help.

570.??我想方设法使他高兴,但无济于事。i took every means to please him,but in vain.

571.??我被他的甜言蜜语欺骗了。i was taken in by his honeyed words.

572.??他弟弟被疾病夺去了性命。his younger brother was taken off by illness.

573.??我准备碰碰运气。i’m prepared to take the chance.

574.??他总是学父亲的样。he always takes his color from his father.

575.??他不听劝告,一意孤行。he does not listen to any advice, but takeshis own course.

576.??妈妈总是袒护妹妹。mother always takes my sister’s part.

577.??他常和我们在一起吃点便饭。he often takes potluck with us.

578.??这个想法在他脑海里根深蒂固。this thought has taken deep root in his mind.

579.??不要把那样的小事放在心里。don’t take such a trifle to heart.

580.??你最好不要回嘴。you’d better never talk back.

581.??他总是说大话。he always talks big.

582.??他老婆的嗓门压倒了他的嗓门。his wife talked him down.

583.??我说服他放弃了。i talked him giving it up.

584.??他总是瞎吹。he always talks through his neck.

585.??十之八九他会及格的。ten to one, he will pass the exam.

586.??多亏老师指点,我成功了。thanks to the instruction of my teacher, i madeit.

587.??图书馆一年到头都开馆。the library is open the whole year round.

588.??我累死了。i am tired to death.

589.??说句公道话,他是诚实的。to do him justice, we must say he is honest.

590.??你的这张照片照得很逼真。this photograph has done you justice

591.??更糟糕的是,他的眼睛失明了。to make matter worse, he lost his eyesight.

592.??她挣扎着站了起来。she struggled to her feet.

593.??某种程度上,你是错的。to some extent, you are wrong.

594.??说实在的,我不喜欢他。to speak the truth, i don’t like him.

595.??我们要坚持到最后。we should persist to the end.

596.??我们必须百分之百地服从。we must obey to the letter.

597.??画上的鸟画得栩栩如生。the bird in the picture is drawn to the life.

598.??他的话说道点子上去了。he spoke to the point.

599.??他的话短,但中肯。his speech is short, but to the purpose.

600.??他的言语伤害了他的感情。his remark touched her on the raw.

601.??他不理睬我。he turned his back on me.

602.??我一见羊肉就作呕。the sight of mutton turns my stomach.

603.??除非改过自新,否则我将解雇他。i will dismiss him unless he turnsover a new leaf.

604.??他卷起了衣袖。he turned up his sleeves.

605.??妻子看不起丈夫。the wife turned up her nose at her husband.

606.??他们颠倒黑白。they turned the facts upside down.

607.??他趁夜色逃走了。he escaped under the cover of night.

608.??他们在友谊的幌子下欺骗了我们。they cheated us under the mask offriendship.

609.??我不会把气出在你身上。i won’t vent my disgust on you.

610.??他精通拉丁语。he is versed in latin.

611.??这是肉眼看不到的。this is not visible to the naked eye.

612.??他缺乏理智。he is void of reason.

613.??你最好仔细斟酌一下字眼。you had better weigh your words carefully.

614.??我们最好仔细权衡利弊。we must weigh the pros and cons carefully.

615.??要不是他的支持,我早就失败了。were it not for his support, ishould have failed.

616.??一半靠努力,一半靠运气,他发了大财。what by exertion and what by luck,he made an enormous sum of money.

617.??他不支持我们,又有什么关系呢?what are the odds if he doesn’tsupport us?

618.??我父亲饱经风霜。my father experienced the wheel of fortune.

619.??无论如何我们必须坚持。we must stick to it whether or no.

620.??她靠看电视来打发时间。she whiles away her time by watching tv.

621.??我彻夜未眠。i passed a white night.

622.??他假装没看见儿子的缺点。he winked at the fault of his son.

623.??他勉强把钱借给我了。he lent me the money with a bad grace.

624.??他心甘情愿认输了。he admitted his failure with a good grace.

625.??他心情沉重地告诉了我这个消息。he told me the news with a heavyheart.

626.??他高高兴兴回家了。he went back home with a light heart.

627.??他勉勉强强地 助了我。he helped me with half a heart.

628.??他们直截了当地付了钱。without further ado, they paid up.

629.??他是个危险人物。he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

630.??他的许诺是靠不住的。his promises are written in water.

631.??不要当唯唯诺诺的老好人。don’t be a yah man.

632.??我儿子已经到了懂事的年龄。my son has arrived at the years ofdiscretion.

633.??上星期的昨天他在我家。he was at my home yesterday week.

634.??他是一个新手。he is a young hand.

635.??他总是满腔热情地 助别人。he is full of zeal for helping others.

636.??他们渴望自由。they are zealous for liberty.

637.??他一鸣惊人。he zipped across the horizon.

638.??请 我把扣子扣上。please help me zip my dress on.

639.??这几年经济直线上升。the economy zoomed up these years.

640.??我跟他们认识。i am acquainted with them.

641.??他到底成功了。he succeeded after all.

642.??他连人带车一齐从悬崖上掉了下去。he fell down the precipice, motorcarand all.

643.??她会弹钢琴,而且弹得很好。she plays on the piano and that very well.

644.??我保证他是诚实的。i answer for his honesty.

645.??这根绳子合用。this rope will answer the purpose.

646.??他的演讲适合于这种场合。his speech was appropriate to the occasion.

647.??食物在潮湿的环境中容易腐烂。food is apt to rot in humid environment.

648.??杜鹃鸟通常不筑巢。cuckoos, as a rule, do not build a nest.

649.??我愿意和你一直走到公园为止。i will walk with you as far as the park.

650.??我们差不多完蛋了。we are as good as ruined.

651.??考生多达800名。thereare as many as 800 examinees.

652.??他说英语,也懂法语。he speaks english, and knows french as well.

653.??我不知道怎么办才好。i am at a loss to know what to do.

654.??他亏本卖了他的货物。he sold his commodities at a loss.

655.??在回家的路上,汽车全速行驶。on our way home, the car ran at full speed.

656.??一般人民都赞同和平。the people at large are for peace.

657.??我将详细地给你们讲一讲他的身世。i shall tell you his life story atlarge.

658.??充其量就是半英里。it’s only half a mile at most.

659.??我将怎样弥补我的过失呢?how shall i atone for my fault?

660.??我曾经一度住在伦敦。at one time, i lived in london.

661.??形势有累卵之危。the situation is at stake.

662.??你必须专心工作。you should attend to your work.

663.??他不愿意听凭命运的摆布。he would not be at the mercy of fate.

664.??他现在的景况很不好。he is now badly off.

665.??这棵树要5年才结果。itwill take 5 years before the tree bears fruit.

666.??你做人要有骨气。you should behave yourself like a man.

667.??我们很快会落后于形势。we will soon be behind the times.

668.??火车晚了10分钟。thetrain was 10 minutes behind time.

669.??请把这张照片放大。please blow up this photo.

670.??这火车是开往上海的。this train is bound for shanghai.

671.??你应该服从老师。you are bound to obey your teachers.

672.??昨夜失火了。a fire broke out last night.

673.??他提出一项建议。he brought forth a proposal.

674.??要不是你的 助,我不会成功。but for your help, i couldn’t have made it.

675.??这个秘密永远不会公诸于世。the secret will never be brought to light.

676.??他沉思于往事中。he is brooding over the bygones.

677.??房子被蔓延的大火烧成灰烬。the house was burnt to ashes by the spreadingfire.

678.??按出生,马丁是英国人。mr. martin is an englishman by birth.

679.??他断断续续地学了10年法语。helearned french by fits and starts for 10 years.

680.??迫于形势,他没能来。he didn’t come by force ofcircumstances.?

681.??这样一来,费用可以减半。by doing so, you can reduce the expenditureby half.

682.??他聪明过度。he is too clever by half.

683.??他能通过考试全凭侥幸。it was by luck that he passed the exam.

684.??他决不是一个好打交道的爽快人。he is by no means a pleasant manto deal with.

685.??由于玩忽职守他被免职了。he is dismissed by reason of neglect of hisduty.

686.??他暗地里 助过我。he once helped me by stealth.

687.??他经由西伯利亚去英国了。he went to englandby way of siberia.

688.??我认识他,却想不起他的名字。i know him, but can not call up his name.

689.??我不能不笑他的愚蠢。i can not but laugh at his folly.

690.??他被急流冲走了。he was carried away by the torrent.

691.??当他驱车经过时我瞥见了他。when he drove by, i caught a glimpse of him.

692.??油容易着火。oil is apt to catch fire.

693.??这本书会很快流行起来的。this book will catch on soon.

694.??我们委托给他一个任务。we charged him with a task.

695.??雾散了。the fog cleared away.

696.??请清理一下桌子上的书。please clear away the books on the desk.

697.??我消除了心中的疑团。i cleared my mind of doubt.

698.??你必须澄清这件事。you should clear up this problem.

699.??村子很快就进入了我们的视野。the village soon came into our sight.

700.??淹死的人经过人工呼吸又活了过来。the drowned man came to life byartificial respiration.

701.??无论发生什么,我都有所准备。come what may, i am always ready.

702.??他的口才有若悬河。his eloquence may be compared to a fastflowing river.

703.??他终于想出一个办法。finally he cut out a new method.

704.??请不要打断我的讲话。please don’t cut me short.

705.??深夜我听到了夜莺在歌唱。in the dead of night i heard the singing of anightingale.

706.??不要跟那种人交往。don’t deal with such a fellow.

707.??我们要消灭阁楼上的老鼠。we must dispose of the mice in the attic.

708.??说句公道话,他是诚实的。to do him justice, we must say he is honest.

709.??他毫不在乎自己的欠债。he doesn’t care a straw for his debt.

710.??我该怎样对付那样一种人呢?what shall i do with a man like that?

711.??他把自己打扮得像个绅士。he dressed himself up like a gentleman.

712.??我这样做是应该的。it is due to me to do so.

713.??我以教书为生。i earn a living by teaching.

714.??请不要拖欠房租。please don’t fall behind with your rent.

715.??昨晚我睡得很熟。i lay fast asleep last night.

716.??和同学们在一起,我感到无拘无束。i feel at home with my classmates.

717.??我们以为一切都无望了。we gave ourselves up for lost.

718.??他很穷,不得不现挣现吃。he is so poor that he has to live from handto mouth.

719.??从外面看,这座建筑物是白色的。as seen from without, the buildingis white.

720.??我给你打了电话,但没有打通。i rang you but couldn’t get through.

721.??这朵玫瑰散发出香甜味。this rose gives out a sweet smell.

722.??我们不能向这些要求让步。we can’t give way to these demands.

723.??他忍不住掉下眼泪来。she gave way to tears.

724.??他是一把打猎的好手。he is a good hand at hunting.

725.??我的钱维持不到这个月底。my money will not hold out till the end ofthis month.

726.??除薪金外,他还有50美元收入。inaddition to his salary, he has 50 dollars’ extra income.

727.??他很落魄。he is in distress.

728.??莲花开得正盛。the lotus flowers are now in full bloom.

729.??他今天情绪极好。he is in high spirits today.

730.??他必须亲自来。he must come in person.

731.??就经验来说,谁也比不上他。in point of experience no one surpasses him.

732.??他们接踵而来。they came in rapid succession.

733.??我鞠躬还礼。i bowed in return.

734.??现在梨正当令。pears are in season now.

735.??他以总经理的身份讲了话。he gave a speech in the person of general manager.

736.??他当着大家的面打了孩子。he beat his child in the sight of the public.

737.??说老实话,我不喜欢外国食品。?in truth, i am not fond of foreignfood.

738.??不要以貌取人。do not judge of a man by his looks.

739.??你最好与那样的人疏远点。?you had better keep such a man at adistance.

740.??这青年被伙伴诱入歧途。the youth was led away by his companions.

741.??关于这家旅店,那是再好没有的了。as to the hotel, it leaves nothingto be desired.

742.??他体质弱,容易感冒。he has a weak constitution and is liable tocatch cold.

743.??他的房间朝南。his room looks to the south.

744.??他发财了。he made a fortune.

745.??我做不到收支平衡。i can’t make both ends meet.

746.??他把工作不当一回事。he makes nothing of work.

747.??我怕他不能长寿。i am afraid he will never make old bones.

748.??没几年,他在企业界就发迹了。within a few years, he made his way in thebusiness circles.

749.??您能给我开一张清单吗?will you make out a list for me?

750.??他深感挣钱糊口之不易。he found it very difficult to make the potboil.

751.??她过于溺爱孩子,把孩子给惯坏了。she spoiled her child as she madetoo much of him.

752.??他们总是迁就他。they always meet him half way.?

753.??我有不下10双鞋。ihave no less than ten pairs of shoes.

754.??只有勇敢的人才配表扬。none but the brave deserve the praise.

755.??那个士兵正是汤姆。the soldier was no other than tom

756.??他的说明没有怀疑的余地。there is no room for doubt in hisexplanation.

757.??他远比不上你。he is not a patch on you.?

758.??我的小儿子明年就到了入学年龄。my younger son will be of schoolage next year.?

759.??他脸色不好。he is off color.

760.??我们已经一劳永逸地解决了这个问题。we have solved this problem oncefor all.

761.??我们从来不赊购。we never made a purchase on credit.

762.??我一连睡了10个小时。islept 10 hours on end.

763.??他借口生病辞职了。he resigned on the pretext of illness.

764.??他们按分期付款买了这辆车。they bought this car on time.

765.??我喜欢钓鱼,游泳,打篮球等等。i like fishing, swimming andplaying basketball or the like.

766.??船看不见了。the ship is out of sight.

767.??他吓得神经错乱。he was out of his wits with fright.

768.??他身负重债。he is over head and ears in debt now.

769.??我不能宽恕他的过失。i can’t pass over his fault.

770.??听说九江发生地震了。people say that an earthquake hit jiujiang.

771.??湖南农大有好多房子拆了。many houses were pulled down in hnau.

772.??让我们同心协力把这个问题解决。let’s pull together to solve thisproblem.

773.??他参与的每一件事都以失败告终。everything that he put his hand toended in failure.

774.??他从不干涉别人的事。he never put his nose into another’s affairs.

775.??他决心孤注一掷。he has decided to put his shirt on.

776.??他打开雨伞遮雨。he?put up?his umbrella to keep offthe rain.

777.??他向上级提出了申请。he?put up a petition?to hissuperior.

778.??我们正准备上演《威尼斯商人》。?we are going to?putup?the?merchant of venice.

779.??我决不自暴自弃。i won’t?quarrel with my bread andbutter.

780.??他吃东西很快,但做事情很慢。he is quick at eating, but slow at work.

781.??一转眼,他就起来了。quick as lightning, he got up.

782.??不管晴天雨天,音乐会都将举行。rain or shine, the concert will beheld.

783.??这套现成的衣服我不合身。the?ready made?dress does not fitme.

784.??他瘦得皮包骨。he is reduced to nothing.

785.??他已经出人头地。he has risen in the world.

786.??我们已经铲除了花园里的杂草。we have rooted out the weeds in the garden.

787.??他的钱包被抢了。he was robbed of his wallet.

788.??信的内容如下。the letter ran as follows.

789.??狐狸向森林里逃命去了。the fox?ran for his life?toward thewoods.

790.??他的生活还是老一套。his life runs in a groove.

791.??汽车撞上了电线杆子。a car ran into a telegraph pole.

792.??湖南农大的学生有3万之众。thestudents in hnau run into 30,000.

793.??他负债了。he ran into debt.

794.??你最好保持缄默。you had better save your breath.

795.??论长相,镇上没有人比得上她。as to appearance, she is?second tonone?in this town.

796.??如果你失败,那是活该。it will?serve you right?if youfail.

797.??让我们暂时把这个问题搁置起来。let’s set aside this problem.

798.??听到父亲的消息,我放心了。i?was set at ease?at the news of myfather.

799.??有人对大楼放火。someone?set fire to?the building.

800.??学生不能涉足赌场。students should never?set foot on?gambling.



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