




最近,被称为“奥斯卡风向标”的金球奖(golden globe awards)终于“线上”颁发了。






或许,成长中我们总要经历深刻而沉痛的磨练,才能一步一步长大,一步步强大,强大到可以对过去的困苦艰难以及所有负面说一句,“it’s nothing”。



anya taylor-joy chose a golden globes dress?meant to be?a?showstopper?for the one of the biggest nights of her career.
安雅·泰勒·乔伊(anya taylor-joy)为金球奖(golden globes),专门挑选了一件礼服,在她演员生涯中最重要的一个夜晚,令人叹服。?
be meant to be sth:被普遍认为是to be generally considered to be sth【例句】this restaurant is meant to be excellent.都说这家饭店很棒。?
showstopper:/?????st?p.?r/时常被热烈掌声打断的精彩表演;令人赞叹的东西;令人叹服的事物a piece in a stage performance that the audience enjoy so much that their clapping and shouts of approval interrupt the performance【例句】her natural creativity and artistic talent make her home a real showstopper.她天生的创造力和艺术天赋让她的家不同凡响,令人叹服。
?show-stopping:表演极精彩的,令人难忘的a show-stopping performance is extremely good or impressive【比如】a show-stopping dance routine极为精彩的一套舞蹈动作
the 24-year-old actress appeared onscreen wearing a green dior haute couture dress and over $1 million of tiffany & co. diamonds. (to be exact,?taylor-joy wore a $195,000 platinum and diamonds pendant, $1,500,000 platinum and diamond earrings, and a $130,000 platinum and diamond ring.)
to be exact:确切地说used to emphasize that what you are saying is exact【例句】zuijie has worked at the bank for many years, nine to be exact.最姐已在银行工作多年,确切地说是九年。
taylor-joy has two major personal nominations tonight: best actress in a motion picture – musical or comedy for emma and best actress in a mini-series or motion picture for tv for the queen’s gambit.
additionally, the queen’s gambit is nominated for bes
t television limited series or motion picture made for television.
此外,《后翼弃兵》(the queen’s gambit)还被提名为最佳限定剧或电影电视。
shortly after her golden globes nominations were announced, taylor-joy spoke to deadline in an interview about the potential for the queen’s gambit to have a second season.
“it’s so?surreal?and very wonderful that people want a second season, because we never thought about it, there was no discussion about it,”?taylor-joy said.?“that said, never say?‘never’?in hollywood.”
surreal?/s??r??l/ adj. (情况或经历)超现实的;离奇的,荒诞的a situation or experience that is surreal is very strange and difficult to understand, like something from a dream【例句】the house was a surreal mixture of opulence and decay.这座房子破落中透着奢华,犹如幻梦一般。【近义表达】weird,creepy,fantastic,preposterous
she also spoke?candidly?about how the critically-acclaimed series has impacted her career, noting the coronavirus pandemic has distorted the effects slightly.
托福 专八 gre?
?candid?/?k?nd?d/ adj.坦诚的,率直的,直言不讳的telling the truth, even when the truth may be unpleasant or embarrassing【例句】zuijie gave us her candid opinion on the matter.最姐坦率地告诉了我们她对这件事的看法。【近义表达】frank,straight,honest,plain,straightforward ,forthright,undisguised
“i understand on a?cerebral?level, but on a physical level, i’ve been quite calm. what makes me the happiest is that every year i spend working, i fall more in love with what i do, and i’m more certain that i’m doing what i’m supposed to be doing, and it’s just where i want to be.
sat?专八 gre
cerebral:/?ser.?.br?l/①脑的,大脑的specialized relating to the brain②理智的;理性的demanding careful reasoning and mental effort rather than feelings【例句】zuijie’s poetry is very cerebral.最姐的诗富有理性。【近义表达】intellectual,rational,sensible,sane,mental?
i think there was a part of me, especially from what other people were saying around me like?‘if you keep working this way, you’re going to?burn out, you’re going to become?jaded, you’re really not going to love what you do anymore,’?and i see it as the opposite.
四级 六级 考研
burn out:/b??n $ b??n/?(burnt or burned)
①(火)烧尽if a fire burns out, it stops producing flames because nothing remains that can burn.
②(发动机等因过热)烧坏,出故障if something such as a motor burns out, it stops working because of damage from heat【例句】it looks like the starter motor on the car has burnt out. 看起来像是汽车发动机的启动装置被烧坏了。
③耗尽体力;耗尽心思to work so hard over a period of time that you become unable to continue working because you are tired, ill, or unable to think of any new ideas【例句】it’s a high-pressure job and you could burn out young.这是份压力很大的工作,年纪轻轻就会身心疲惫。?
sat gre
jaded:/?d?e?.d?d/厌倦的;腻烦的not having interest or losing interest because something has been experienced too many times【例句】flying is exciting the first time you do it, but you soon become jaded. 第一次坐飞机你会很兴奋,但很快你就会厌倦的。
i’m getting more?fascinated?with what i do, i’m getting more excited to push boundaries, and i want to test myself more.”
六级 考研?雅思 托福 专八
fascinated?/?f?s?ne?t?d/adj.?被迷住的,被吸引住的;极感兴趣的extremely interested by something or someone【例句】i was fascinated by her voice.我被她的嗓音迷住了。【搭配】fascinated to see/hear/learn etc【例句】zuijie was fascinated to see that it was similar to one they had at home.最姐发现这个和他们家中的那个相似,极感兴趣。



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