




旭东翻硕 mti专栏2021翻译硕士必胜群:106897351、519682972

1. 时政篇


变革翻开 reform and opening-up

对内变革(domestic reform)根柢利益(the fundamental interests of the people)对外翻开(opening up)根柢国策(basic national policy)

我国特征社会主义(socialism with chinese characteristics)方案经济体系(centrally planned economy)社会主义商场经济体系(socialist market economy)世界第二大经济体(the second largest economy in the world)


南边说话 south tour speeches


调查(inspection tour)

一系列说话(a series of speeches)必要性和重要性(necessity and significance of deepening reform and speeding up development)变革翻开(reform and opening-up)我国特征社会主义(socialism with chinese characteristics)


三通 three direct links

两岸“三通”是指台湾海峡两岸(即台湾和大陆)之间双向的直接通邮、互易商货与通航(direct links in post, trade and transportation)平缓共同(peaceful reunification)新年包机(chartered flights during the spring festival)货运包机(chartered cargo flights)


一国两制 one country, two systems

一国两制(one country, two systems)社会主义准则(the socialist system)本钱主义准则(the capitalist system)“一国两制”、“港人治港”(the people of hong kong governing hong kong)“澳人治澳”(the people of macao governing macao)高度自治的方针(a high degree of autonomy)一个我国原则(one-china principle)坚持“九二共同” (the 1992 consensus)推进祖国平缓共同进程(advance the process toward the peaceful reunification of china)

科学打开观 scientific outlook on development

“坚持以人为本(putting people first)树立全部、调和、可持续的打开观(comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development)推进经济社会和人的全部打开”,依照“统筹城乡打开、统筹区域打开、统筹经济社会打开、统筹人与天然调和打开、统筹国内打开和对外翻开(promote a balanced growth between urban and rural areas, different regions, economic and social undertakings, man and nature as well as domestic progress and opening-up to the world)”

依法治国 rule of law

依法治国(rule of law)社会主义商场经济(socialist market economy)社会文明前进(social civilization progress)国家休养生息(enduring peace and stability of the country)缔造社会主义法治国家(building a socialist country under the rule of law)完善以宪法为中心的我国特征社会主义法令体系(improve a socialist system of laws with chinese characteristics in which the constitution is taken as the core)加速缔造法治政府(speed up building a law-abiding government)前进司法公信力(improve judicial credibility)增强全民法治观念(promote the public awareness of rule of law)加强法治作业部队缔造;加强和改进党对全部推进依法治国的领导(improve team building and to sharpen the cpc’s leadership in pushing forward rule of law)


我国梦 chinese dream

中华民族巨大复兴(the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation)国家充足(prosperity of the country)民族复兴(rejuvenation of the nation)公民夸姣(happiness of the people)

“一带一路”建议 belt and road initiative

?砍裰肪么保╰he silk road economic belt)“21世纪海上丝绸之路” (the 21st century maritime silk road)区域协作平台(platform for regional cooperation)协作火伴联络(cooperative partnership)利益一起体、命运一起体和责任一起体(community with shared interests, a shared future and responsibility)

电子政务 e-government

电子政务(e-government)现代信息技能(modern information technology)网络技能(internet technology)作业主动化技能(office automation technology)公共效能(public service)网络效能器(web server)


村庄复兴战略 rural vitalization strategy

农业村庄农人疑问(issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and farmers)

全党作业的重中之重(a central place on the work agenda of the party)。工业兴隆(thriving businesses)生态宜居(pleasant living environment)乡风文明(social etiquette and civility)打点有用(effective governance)日子殷实(prosperity)脱节贫穷(out of poverty)

人类命运一起体 a community with a shared future for mankind

人类命运一起体(a community with a shared future for mankind)冷战思维(cold war mentality)强权政治(power politics)零和游戏(zero-sum game)嫁祸于人(beggar-thy-neighbor policies)坚持以对话处置争端(settle disputes and disagreements through dialogue and consultation)以洽谈化解不合(replace estrangement with exchange)

精准扶贫 targeted poverty alleviation

精准扶贫(targeted poverty alleviation)严肃坚持现行扶贫标准(authorities should stick to the current poverty relief standards)不能私行前进标准,也不能降低标准(should not make arbitrary decisions to raise or lower the standards)。村庄贫穷户员完成脱贫,贫穷县摘帽(lifting all rural poor and impoverished counties out of poverty)消除必定贫穷(eliminating absolute poverty)

反腐 anti-corruption

查处领导干部违纪违法案子(handling law-breaking cases of leading officials)要坚持党纪王法面前没有破例(no exceptions will be made when it comes to party discipline and law)不管触及到谁,都要一查究竟,决不姑息(no leniency will be granted to those found guilty, no matter who is involved)巡视(discipline inspection)全掩盖(full-scale inspection)猎狐行为(fox hunt)和“天网”行为(sky net)

2. 经济篇

家庭联产承揽责任制 household contract responsibility system

集体经济组织(collective economic organization)根柢经济准则(basic economic system)。对内变革(internal reform)出产力(productivity)黄金年代(golden age)

经济特区 special economic zone

变革翻开(reform and opening-up)国家级高新区(national high-tech zone)保税区(bonded area)、出口加工区(export processing zone)保税物流园区(bonded logistic park)保税港区(bonded port area)和归纳保税区(comprehensive bonded area)


下海 venture into business, jump into the business world

商场竞赛(market competition)政府机关(government organs)

国有公司(state-owned enterprises)个别户(self-employed entrepreneur)外资公司(foreign enterprise)停薪留职(retain the job but suspend the salary)


“三农”疑问 issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area

村庄疑问专家正式提出(formally raised by researchers on rural issues)中心一号文件(no 1 central document)社会主义现代化(socialist modernization)


西部大开发 western development

调整规划(adjust structure)

搞好基础设备(focus on infrastructure)生态环境(environment)科技教育(technology and education)

出资环境初步改进(improve investment environment)全部晋级(all-round upgrade)悠远山区(remote mountainous areas)落后农牧区(agricultural and pastoral areas)


入世 joining the wto

世界生意组织(world trade organization, wto),“变革翻开进入前史新期间的标志(a new stage in china’s reform and opening-up)”早在2010年,我国降税承诺就已悉数实施结束(by 2010, china had fulfilled all of its tariff reduction commitments),效能生意(trade in services)商场准入(market access)外商出资(foreign investment)


南水北调工程 south-to-north water diversion project

西气东输(west-to-east natural gas transmission)西电东送(west-to-east power transmission)水本钱短少(water shortage)世界上最大的调水工程(the largest water diversion project in the world)调水(transfer water)

一揽子经济影响方案 economic stimulus package

世界金融危机(global financial crisis)打工者(migrant workers)扩展内需(expand domestic demand)减税(structural tax cut)工业调整(industrial restructuring)和复兴方案;三是大力推进自立立异(independent innovation),加强科技支撑;四是大高低前进社会保证(improve social security)水平。

安适生意实验区free trade pilot zone

生意和出资(trade and investment)豁免关税(duty exemption)安适生意港(establishment of free trade port)世界上翻开程度最高的一种经济区方法(the world’s most open form of economic zone),我国特征安适生意港(free trade port with chinese characteristics)

新常态 new normal

从高速增加转为中高速增加(the economy has shifted gear from the previous high speed to a medium-to-high speed growth)规划——经济规划不断优化晋级(the economic structure is constantly improved and upgraded)动力——从要素驱动、出资驱动转向立异驱动(the economy is increasingly driven by innovation instead of input and investment)


沪港通 shanghai-hong kong stock connect

“债券通(bond connect)”沪伦通(shanghai-london stock connect)存托凭证(depository receipts, dr)

新式乡镇化 new urbanization; new type of urbanization

第一工业(primary industry)第二、第三工业(secondary and tertiary industries)基础设备一体化和公共效能对等化(infrastructure integration and public service equalization)推进经济社会打开(promote economic and social development)完成一起殷实(achieve common prosperity)可仿制、可推广的经历(duplicatable practices)在全国规模内推广试点区域的成功经历(promote the successful practices around the country)

公民币“入篮” rmb inclusion in the sdr; renminbi joins sdr

世界钱银基金组织(international monetary fund, imf)特别提款权(special drawing rights, sdr)将公民币归入特别提款权钱银篮子(include the rmb in the sdr currency basket)我国经济融入全球金融体系的一个重要旅程碑(an important milestone in the integration of the chinese economy into the global financial system)我国曩昔多年来在变革其钱银和金融体系方面获得的作用的认可(recognition of china’s achievements in reform of monetary and financial systems)

雄安新区 xiongan new area

党中心继京津冀协同打开(coordinated development of the beijing-tianjin-hebei region)世界级城市群(world-class city cluster)国家级新区(state-level new area)重要引擎(important engine of china’s economic growth)

双创 mass entrepreneurship and innovation

夏日达沃斯论坛(summer davos forum)群众创业、万众立异” (mass entrepreneurship and innovation)世界互联网大会(world internet conference)“创客”(makers)创业精力(entrepreneurship)

3. 家用电器篇

电视机 television(tv)set

电视机出产大国(a leading producer of television sets)国产品牌(domestic brands)高清电视(high-definition television)液晶电视(liquid crystal display televison, lcdtv )平板电视(flat-panel television, fptv)


电电扇 electric fan

电器(electric appliances)吊扇(ceiling fan)台扇(desk fan)落地扇(floor fan)壁扇(wall fan)静音电电扇(quiet fan)节能电扇(energy-efficient fan)遥控电扇(remote-control fan)


洗衣机 washing machine

半主动洗衣机(semi-automatic washing machine)全主动洗衣机(automatic washing machine)洗衣桶(washer)脱水桶(dehydrator)洗衣、甩干(spin-dry)排水(drain off water)波轮洗衣机(ripple washing machine)滚筒洗衣机(cylinder washing machine)

录入机 radio cassette recorder

磁带(tape)来单卡录入机(single cassette recorder)双卡录入机(double cassette recorder)立体声录入机(stereo cassette recorder)随身听(walkman)cd机(cd player)


电冰箱 refrigerator(fridge)

日来历装进口冰箱(refrigerators imported from japan)不断更新换代(keep upgrading)单开门冰箱(single-door refrigerator)双开门冰箱(two-door refrigerator)对开门冰箱(side by side refrigerator)三开门冰箱(three-door refrigerator)保鲜技能(preservation technology)

空调 air conditioner

壁挂式空调(wall-mounted air conditioner)柜式空调(cabinet air conditioner)中心空调(central air-conditioning system)变频空调(variable frequency air conditioner)自清洗空调(self-cleaning air conditioner)

电饭锅 electric cooker

小家电产品(small household electric appliances)电压力锅(electric pressure cooker)守时功用(timing function)


自个电脑 personal computer(pc)

台式电脑(desktop computer)笔记本电脑(laptop)闪现屏(display screen)音响体系(audio system)

空气净化器 air purifier

安康知道(health consciousness)电子牙刷(electric toothbrush)推拿椅(massage armchair)豆浆机(soybean milk maker)空气加湿器(air humidifier)清水器(water purifier)

4. 教育篇

高考 national college entrance exam

选拔性考试(selective exams)自立出题(independent proposition)学业水平(academic achievements)公正公正(fair and impartial)


211工程 project 211

“211工程”即面向21世纪、要点缔造100所支配的高级学校和一批要点学科的缔造工程(the project of building 100 or so key higher educational institutions and a number of key disciplines for the 21st century)

985工程 project 985

《面向21世纪教育复兴行为方案(action plan for education rejuvenation for the 21st century)》


扩招 enrollment expansion

大学入学率(enrollment rate)高手教育(elite education)群众化教育(mass education)


保研 postgraduate recommendation

全国研讨生入学考试(national postgraduate entrance examination)提交请求材料(submit application materials)全部打开(all-round development)

自立招生 independent recruitment

有门槛高(high threshold)经过率低(low pass rate)高考降分选择(be enrolled at a score lower than a normal enrollment line)


留学 overseas study

经济全球化(economic globalization)世界最大留学生生源国(the largest origin of international students)自费留学(self-funded overseas study)低龄化的趋势(present a low age tendency)海归(overseas returnee)


高考移民 national college entrance exam migrant

获取加分(get bonus points)教育公正(undermine the fairness of education)教育本钱的分配不均(the uneven distribution of educational resources)


游学 overseas study tour

中产阶层的健壮(a growing middle class)海外游学(participate in overseas study tours)能丰厚孩子的教育和日子阅历(enrich their children’s educational and life experiences)

“全球视角”(foster “global perspectives”)前进言语才能(improve their language skills)


双一流 “double first-class” initiative

一流大学缔造高校算计42所(42 universities and colleges will be developed into first-class educational institutions)

一流学科缔造高校算计95所(95 universities will focus on building their preponderant disciplines into first-rate ones)?涣鳌?”double first-class” initiative)若干所大学和一批学科进入世界一流部队(a number of universities and disciplines are developed into world-class ones)若干学科进入世界一流学科前列(a number of disciplines are in the leading position among world-class disciplines)到本世纪中叶,一流大学和一流学科的数量和实力进入世界前列(the number and capability of first-class universities and disciplines ranks among the best in the world)根柢建成高级教育强国(make china an international higher education power)

5. 社会文明篇

婚纱照 wedding photo

证件照(identification photo)是非成婚照(black and white wedding photo)物质日子(material life)时髦观念(ideas of fashion)影楼(photography studio)婚纱(wedding dress)外景地(shooting location)


下岗再作业 re-employment after being laid off

外需(overseas demand)内需(domestic demand)经济惨白期(economic recession)工业链条的阻滞(stagnation of the industrial chain)下岗(laid off)赋闲(out of work)赋闲人员(unemployed people)劳作联络(sever labor relation)保证最低日子需要的条件下(guaranteed minimum living conditions)作业培训(vocational training)再作业(re-employment)


打工者 migrant workers

非农业作业(non-agricultural work)工业化(industrialization)乡镇化(urbanization)一支新式劳作大军(a new type of work force)工业工人(industrial workers)现代化缔造(modernization construction)重生代打工者(new generation of migrant workers)经济收入(income)文明程度(educational level)归属感(sense of belonging)


双休日 two-day weekend

家务活(house chores)电视台(tv stations)黄金时刻(prime time)归纳性文娱节目(comprehensive entertaining programs)假期经济(holiday economy)


房奴 mortgage slave

福利分房(welfare-oriented public housing distribution system)住所产品化(commercialization of housing)产品房(commodity housing)多年辛苦得来的积储(hard-earned savings)巨额房贷(housing mortgage loan)占可分配收入(disposable income)偿还告贷本息(repaying the loan principals and interests)房租(house rent)


黄金周 golden week

劳作节(labor day)国庆节(national day)假期旅行热潮(holiday travel rush)会集出行(mass travel)交通拥堵(traffic jams)景区爆棚(crowded scenic spots)安适行(independent travel)亲子游(family trip)定制游(custom-made travel)出境游(outbound travel)村庄游(country tour)愈加标准有序(more standardized and orderly)文明程度(level of civilization)全部实施带薪休假准则(all-round implementation of paid vacation system)


选秀 talent show

选美(beauty pageant)泳装(swimsuits)《超级女声》(super girls)全民偶像(super idol)视频网站(video sites)网络克己综艺(homemade online variety shows)真人秀(reality shows)亲子秀(family shows)


换岗 job-hopping

“统包统配”(centralized labor allocation system)“铁饭碗”(iron rice bowl / secure job)公司用工准则(enterprise employment system)经济特区(special economic zones)沿海翻开城市(coastal cities)打开空间(development space)升职加薪(promotion and salary increase)完成自我价值(achieve self-worth)


网红 online celebrity

被许多网民重视(followed by a large number of netizens)走红(going viral)文明圈(cultural circle)文娱日子(recreational life)集体回想(collective memory)网络平台(online platforms)文明多元年代(multicultural era)炒作(hype)策划团队(planning team)收购才能(purchasing power)。


红包 red packet

旧式家庭(old-school families)春节(spring festival)婚嫁(wedding)大行其道(become popular)无纸化(paper-free)电子钱银化(popularization of electronic currency)微信红包(wechat red packets)老一辈对晚辈的赠给(the gift of the elder to the younger)


厕所改造 toilet revolution

旅行厕所的数量过少(insufficient number of tourist restrooms)清洁质量低质(unhygienic conditions)以及打点缺位(lack of management)


积分落户 point-based household registration

合法平稳作业方针(legal and stable employment)合法平稳居处方针(legal and stable residence)教育布景方针(educational background)职住区域方针(area of employment and residence)立异创业方针(innovation and entrepreneurial ability)交税方针(tax)年纪方针(age)荣誉赞誉方针(awards and honors)遵法记载方针(legal record)

6. 有钱人的称号

万元户 ten-thousand-yuan household

存款在10000元以上的家庭(a household with deposits of over 10,000 yuan)

在那个年代并不多见(not common at that time)


大款 tycoon, fat cat

傍大款(gold digging)衣食靠山(find someone who can be a “breadwinner”)

迸发户 upstart, new money

迸发户(people who get rich as fast as volcanic eruptions)迸发户的文明程度一般不高,但有必定的商业脑筋,且勇于冒险(they are mainly half-educated but have a business mind and are adventurous)夸耀式花费(showing-off consumption)


百万财主 millionaire

千位符(use a comma to separate thousands in numbers)


土豪 nouveau riche (new rich), rich guy


土豪指的是欺负田户和家丁的村庄地主(rural landlords oppressing the tenant farmers and servants)土豪一词在网络上又变得盛行,指花钱如流水或喜爱夸耀财富的有钱人(rich men who lavish and flash money about)。


煤老板 coal boss

以煤炭发掘业(coal mining industry)粗豪型经济增加方法(the extensive mode of economic growth)


富二代 rich second generation, silver-spoon kid

富二代是指继承巨额工业的大族子孙(rich children who inherit huge amounts of property)养尊处优、狂妄自傲、顽固妄为等(spoiled, arrogant and self-willed)头条新闻(make headlines)。


炒房客 real estate speculator

炒房客一般指的是囤积房子以期转手从中获取暴利(they hoard houses in expectation that they can reap huge profits by selling them)不合法集资(illegal fund-raising)

高净值人士 high-net-worth individual (hnwi)

高净值人士指可出资资产(investable assets)受过杰出教育(well-educated)有机食物(organic food)公司家(entrepreneurs)作业金领(gold collars)


创二代 second generation entrepreneur

创二代一般指出世于上世纪8十年代的新一代创业集体(a new generation of entrepreneurs born in the 1980s),快乐喜爱喜爱(personal interests)接手了家族工业中某个的相对独立的有些(take over a relatively independent part of the family businesses)。

7 . 早年盛行的服饰

喇叭裤 flared trousers, bell-bottomed pants

全国盛行(a fashion trend nationwide)我国时髦界开始的冒险(the initial adventure in chinese fashion industry)喇叭牛仔裤(flared jeans)铅笔裤(pencil pants)阔腿裤(loose pants)


蝙蝠衫 batwing-sleeved blouse/batwing blouse

必备行头(must-have wardrobe essentials)蝙蝠衫式的毛衣(batwing type sweater)其时摩登女青年的独爱(the favorite of modern young women at that time)。


蛤蟆镜 aviator sunglasses

蛤蟆镜是太阳镜的一种(a type of sunglasses)反光大镜片(large reflective lenses)引领了年代新潮流(lead new trend of times)

红裙子 red dress


健美裤 fitness tights

打底裤(leggings)“踩脚裤(anchored pants)”细长细长的身段(slim figure)


露脐装 midriff-baring tops

腹部以及腰部曲线(flat abs and waist curve)观念更为翻开(more open-minded)崇尚特性、寻求安适的心思(pursuit of individuality and freedom)。


吊带裙 slip dress

深受年青女孩喜爱的服装(fashionable and much-loved style of dress)碎花吊带裙(floral slip dress)分配外套或坎肩(jacket or waistcoat)回头率必定爆表(definitely a head-turner)


坡跟鞋 wedge heels

坡跟鞋(wedge heels)高跟鞋(high heels)平底鞋(flats)松糕鞋(platform shoes)


旗袍 cheongsam

我国传统服饰(traditional chinese clothing)《幻术岁月》(in the mood for love)不只展示出我国女人特有的典雅与柔美(reveal not only the distinctive elegance and tenderness of chinese women)身姿的曼妙(graceful posture)


新中装 new chinese-style outfits

立领(stand up collar)连肩袖(raglan sleeve)对开襟(chinese-style jacket with buttons down the front)海水江崖纹图像(sea and mountain pattern)软实力(soft power)

8. 出行篇

私家车 private car

我国第一位私家车主(china’s first private car owner)车牌(car plate)轿车(sedan)私家车保有量(private car ownership)


绿皮车 green train

“绿皮车”是对旧式火车的一种俗称(a traditional nickname for old-style trains)打工者外出(rural labor migration)春运(spring festival travel rush)运力缺乏(low transport capacity)超员严峻(overcrowding)


远程轿车 long-distance bus

偏僻区域(remote areas)


摩托大军 motorcycle ride

平安风险(potential safety problems)免费机械修补(free mechanical repair)


高铁 high-speed train

最高时速(maximum speed)京津城际(beijing-tianjin intercity train)高速铁路2.5万公里(china had 25,000 km of high-speed railway lines)

占世界高铁旅程(high-speed railway mileage)


同享单车 bicycle sharing

单车同享效能(bicycle sharing service)分时租借(short-time rental)重回两轮年代(back on two wheels)互联网+同享经济(internet + sharing economy)

网约车 online car-hailing/ride-hailing

叫车软件(car-hailing apps)租借车叫车效能(taxi-hailing service)专车(tailored taxi service)顺风车(ride sharing)快车(fast ride)

电动平衡车 electric self-balancing scooter

滑来滑去(glide along the street)。


bmw混搭出行 bus metro walk (bmw)

绿色出行(green commuting)


无人驾御轿车 autonomous/ self-driving vehicle

我国首个无人驾御轿车关闭查验场启用(china’s first closed testing field for self-driving cars came into operation)l4级量产无人驾御巴士(level-4 self-driving bus)“阿波龙”初步量产(mass production)无人驾御轿车依托人工智能(artificial intelligence)视觉核算(visual computing)雷达、监控设备(monitoring devices)


玩游戏 playing games


跳皮筋(rubber band skipping)踢毽子(shuttlecock kicking)跳房子(hopscotching)滚铁环(iron ring pushing)电子游戏(video games)电脑游戏(computer games)手机游戏(mobile games)体感游戏(motion sensing games)桌游(board role-playing games)


打台球 playing billiards

台球厅(billiards rooms)小镇青年们(small-town youngsters)旱冰场(roller rink)


唱k karaoke singing

卡拉ok (karaoke)五星级酒店(five-star hotels)文娱活动(recreational activities)


蹦迪 disco dancing

迪斯科(disco)意为”公共舞厅(a public dance hall)”夜店(night club)我国摇滚乐(rock-and-roll)

情谊舞(ballroom dancing)


看电视 watching tv

春晚(spring festival gala)?奶ǜχ?four great classics of chinese literature)”追星族(celebrity fans)

古装武侠剧(martial arts drama)芳华偶像剧(trendy drama)家庭剧(family drama)战争剧(war drama)反腐剧(anti-corruption drama)


上网 surfing the internet


不受时刻、环境等客观条件的捆绑(no limitation of objective conditions, such as time and environment)

广场舞 square dancing

集体舞(group dancing)全民健身的热潮(a nationwide fitness craze)

网上自学(self-taught from the internet)

健身 workout, going to the gym

快节奏的都市日子(fast-paced city life)纤细腰部和诱人马甲线 (flat and firm abs, abdominal muscles)打保龄球(playing bowling)步行(hiking)跑马拉松(running marathons)


旅行 traveling

跟团游(package tour)安适行(independent travel)国内游(domestic trip)出境游(outbound tour)深度游(in-depth travel)“血拼(shopping)”出境游学(overseas study tours)


爆破头 afro

越蓬越好(the bigger the hair the better)烫发(perming)波涛卷(waves)

飞机头 quiff

喇叭裤(bell bottoms)


大背头 pompadour /slicked-back hair

复古发型(vintage hairstyle)


郭富城头 the aaron kwok haircut

五五开的蘑菇头(center parted mushroom cut/bowl cut)纷繁仿效(follow suit)黑长直发(long straight black hair)波涛卷发(loose waves)boy短发(short boyish haircut)

中长发 medium length hair

马尾 ponytail

发绳(hair tie)丝带(ribbon)高马尾(high ponytail)低马尾(low ponytail)歪马尾(side ponytail)半马尾(half ponytail,即把头发分红上下两层,基层散开、上层弄成马尾外型),宅男宠爱的萌系双马尾(bunches/twin-tail),还可以高梳后编个麻花辫(plaits/braids)。

莫西干头/鸡冠头 mohawk hairstyle

齐刘海 neat bang

杀马特发型 shamate hairstyle

90后(born in the 1990s)外型夸大(exaggerated hairstyle)扫把头(high-top fade)刺猬头(spiked hair)


丸子头 bun

长波波头 long bob

11. 年代强音

解放思维,脚结壮地 emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts

《解放思维,脚结壮地,联合共同向前看》(emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, uniting as one and looking to the future)

从我做起,从如今做起 it starts with me, it starts now

座右铭(a motto for a generation)


五讲四美三酷爱 five emphases, four points of beauty and three loves

1981年2月,《公民日报》宣告社论,呼唤青年们把“五讲四美”和“三酷爱”联系起来,把社会主义祖国缔造得愈加健壮夸姣。“五讲四美三酷爱”变成最数字化的经典标语。“五讲”即“讲文明、讲礼貌、讲清洁、讲次序、讲道德”(emphasize decorum, manners, hygiene, discipline and morals);?拿馈奔础靶牧槊馈⒀杂锩馈⑿形馈⒒肪趁馈?beauty of the mind, language, behavior and environment),“三酷爱”即“酷爱共产党、酷爱祖国、酷爱社会主义”(love of the motherland, socialism and the communist party)。


联合起来,复兴中华! unite to revitalize china!

时刻就是金钱,功率就是生命 time is money, efficiency is life

深圳经济特区(shenzhen special economic zone)作为变革翻开的“实验田” (the “experimental field” of china’s reform and opening-up)


冲出亚洲 走向世界 out of asia, into the world

贫穷不是社会主义 poverty is not socialism

“搞社会主义,必定要使出产力兴隆,贫穷不是社会主义。”(to build socialism, it is necessary to develop the productive forces. poverty is not socialism.)


打开才是硬道理 development is the absolute principle

“咱们的国家必定要打开,不打开就会受人欺负,打开才是硬道理。”(our country must develop, and if it does not develop, it will be bullied by others. development is the absolute principle.)


要想富,先修路! if you want wealth, build roads first!

路通才干财通(wide roads will allow wealth to roll in)

同一个世界,同一个愿望 one world one dream

“同一个世界 同一个愿望”是2008年北京奥运会、2008年北京残奥会的主题标语,会团体现了奥林匹克精力的本质(the essence of the olympic spirit) 和广泛价值观——联合、友谊、前进、调和、参加和愿望(unity, friendship, progress, harmony, participation and dreams),表达了全世界在奥林匹克精力的感化下,寻求人类夸姣将来的一起期望。2008年北京奥运会 造43项新世界纪录(world records)及132项新奥运纪录(olympic records),共有87个国家和区域在竞赛中获得奖牌,我国以51枚金牌居金牌第一名,是奥运前史上首个登上金牌第一的亚洲国家(the first asian country topping the olympic gold medal tally)。


撸起袖子加油干 roll up our sleeves to work harder

“撸起袖子加油干”出自习近平主席2021年新年贺词。 “上下同欲者胜,只需咱们13亿多公民风雨同舟,只需咱们党永久同公民站在一同,我们撸起袖子加油干,咱们就必定可以走好咱们这一代人的长征路 (as one saying goes, “success comes to those who share in one purpose”. as long as our 1.3 billion-plus people are pulled together for a common cause, as long as the party stands together with the people and we roll up our sleeves to work harder, we will surely succeed in a long march of our generation.) 。” “撸起袖子加油干”变成2021年十大盛行语之一,并变成鼓励各行各业尽力斗争的盛行标语。

12. 那些年咱们吃过的零食

大白兔奶糖 white rabbit creamy candy

麦乳精 malted milk

麦丽素 mylikes

跳跳糖 pop rocks

小浣熊爽性面 small raccoon snack noodle

棉花糖 cotton candy, candy floss

糖葫芦 tanghulu, sugercoated haws on a stick

泡泡糖 bubblegum

浪味仙 lonely god

膨化食物(puffed food)

辣条 spicy gluten

13. 新式作业篇

淘宝店东 taobao vendor/seller/shop owner

快递员 deliveryman



代购 daigou, purchasing agent

外卖送餐员 takeout deliveryman

2021年,我国外卖商场(takeout market)

食物清洁(food hygiene)

闯红灯(running red lights)逆行(traveling along the wrong side of the road)

网约车司机 online ride-hailing driver

网红 online celebrity

自媒体作者 we-media writer

新媒体运营专员 new media specialist

网络主播 livestreaming host

电竞选手 e-sports player

电竞选手,即电子竞技运建议,指那些出类拔萃,经过层层选拔,有资历参加电子竞技竞赛(e-sports competition)的作业选手(professional gamer/player)

14. 婚恋方法的改变

相亲(盲约) blind date

电视相亲 tv datin

传统相亲方法(turn traditional matchmaking on its head)一夜成名(become famous overnight)

快速约会 speed dating

在线约会 online dating

网络征婚指经过婚恋网站(dating site)、结交软件(dating app)、直播(live video streaming)等平台找目标。网络征婚便利便利,变成独身男女寻找恋爱的途径之一。但因为网络上鱼龙混杂,有些平台打点紊乱,这些年网络婚恋欺诈(marital/romance fraud)时有发生。

征婚派对 matchmaking party

“财主vs佳人”相亲派对(matchmaking parties aimed at pairing up rich men with beautiful women)”

才智相亲 intelligent dating

异地恋 long-distance relationship

异国恋(cross-country relationship)

奉子成婚 shotgun marriag

裸婚 naked marriage

裸婚是指不办婚礼(wedding ceremony)、甚至没有婚戒(wedding ring)而直接领证成婚(get marriage licenses)的一种俭朴的成婚方法。因为日子压力越来越大,加之现代人越来越偏重婚姻的安适和独立,年青一代越来越不注重婚礼。裸婚包括全裸婚和半裸婚,全裸婚即不买房、不买车(not buying house or car)、不买钻戒(no diamond ring)、不办婚礼(no wedding ceremony)、不度蜜月(no honeymoon),只花9块钱挂号成婚的成婚方法。半裸婚则是指有有些经济承受才能的青年根据自个的实践情况对整个成婚进程中物件和程序进行恰当选择(make appropriate arrangements of the wedding based on their economic status),一般是指没车没房,可是可以有钻戒、度蜜月,以及简略酒席筹办。

– end –





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