


? ?what?is vividly delineated in the illuminating?drawing(s)?is that …………?there has been a heated discussion about?a social phenomenon,?represented above,?recently in the newspaper.???although the picture(s)?depict(s)?nothing more than……,?the true significance behind it(them)?is virtually thought-provoking?and?should be taken into consideration.?it(they)?attempt(s)?to convey a message that……..???it is my considered opinion that?it is…. that motivates?us doing something we deem invaluable and?commendable?in spite of obstacles and challenges,?and?that can lay the foundation for?….?despite?its?many?obvious advantages,?it is not without its?problem:
?……………?if the precautionary measures for this setback?are not taken, there would be immeasurable tragedy.?????from?what has been?outlined?above,?we may safely?draw?inescapable the conclusion that…………. therefore,?we?should spare no effort?to?increase its benefits.??
delineate ?v ? ?描述illuminating ? a ? ?富于启发性的true significance ? ??真正的意义thought-provoking ??引人深思的take?sth?into consideration ?考虑到某事,(上面用了被动语态)commendable ? ?a ? ??值得赞成的lay?the foundation for?sth???为某事打下基础precautionary ? ? a ? ? ?预防的immeasurable ? ?a ? ??不可测量的inescapable ? ? ? a ? ??不可避免的spare no effort ? ? ? ? ?全力以赴


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