

as the saying goes, you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. if you’re doing a job search or resume submission via email, the first impression any employer will have is your cover letter. 正如谚语所说,你没有打造第一形象的第次机缘。假定你经过邮件发送求职信的话,你给雇主的第一形象是经过你的自荐信来传达的。some tips for creating successful email cover letters are the same as for paper covers: be professional, with correct spelling and grammar, and — very important — do use them. other tips pertain only to the electronic medium, and when disregarded, could ruin your chances before your foot is in the door.用邮件写出一封成功的自荐信与手写自荐信相同需要以下技巧:专业的,正确的语法和拼写,重要的是要正确的运用它们。另外还有一些技巧是专门用于电子媒体的,假定无视了这些的话,你可以会毁掉即将到手的作业。
what should you consider crafting an email cover? 起草一封email自荐信需要思考啥呢?
don’t waste your subject line.不要浪费了邮件标题。
what you write on the subject line can determine whether your letter gets read, according to business etiquette expert and author of “manners that sell,” lydia ramsey. “don’t ever leave the subject line of your email blank and don’t waste it by just inserting the job number,” ramsey tells yahoo! hotjobs. “the subject line should be clear, and specific to the job you’re looking for.” an example: “bilingual cpa seeks account manager position.” 你所写的标题抉择了你的邮件是不是会被读阅。lydia ramsey在其书中著称:“永久不要让你的邮件标题空着,而且不要只是填上作业号码完事。”他还说:“邮件标题大约清楚,而且清楚你正在找的作业。例如?镒⒉峄峒剖η罂突纠硪恢啊薄?br>
use standard cover letter protocol. 选用标准的自荐信格局。
write your letter as the body of the email and include a salutation (use the receiver’s actual name if you know it) and a standard closing (“sincerely” or “warm regards” work well). leave blank lines between paragraphs, and use appropriate signature and closing lines. include all the information in your signature line you would have on your business card, including snail mail address, phone number and even email address. ramsey adds, “remember, your email address doesn’t always automatically show up on the receiver’s email program.”写将求职信写在邮件的正文有些,而且加上称号(假定你晓得的话,写上收信人的名字),并加上标准的结束。(“真挚的”“最诚挚的问好”)每个期间之间空一行,签名要恰
keep it short and dynamic. 保证你的自荐信简略有力。
managers and recruiters are busy. they want to get the gist of your pitch in 150 words or fewer. the first paragraph is crucial, according to ramsey. “hook the reader in the first paragraph by selling him or her your abilities,” she says. “use short paragraphs and short sentences to give a very brief bio on who you are and what you can do for them, and wrap it up in the second paragraph.”司理和猎头一般都很忙,他们想从你简略的论说中很快得到要害,他们期望的自荐信的长度一般不跨越150字。ramsey声称第一段非常重要,在第一段就要向读者展示你的才能,在第一段简略的介绍你自个,以及你能为他们做啥。然后在第二段分隔论说。
keep it simple. 方法简略。
if you write a cover letter in a word-processing program, strip away all formatting and save the file as plain text. the ideal line length is 40 characters. some email packages automatically do word wrap for you, so your cover letter doesn’t arrive in fragments. if your program doesn’t do this, go to , drop in your text, and the free service will format your email for you. 假定你是运用文字处置软件写自荐信的,要将格局都铲除去,而且保存为简略的文本方法。抱负的情况是每行40个字。一些邮件体系会主动地 你收拾语句,所以你的自荐信不会未经收拾成句就被寄出。假定文件处置软件没有这个功用,那就登入,输入你的自荐信,该网站会免费 你收拾函件。
don’t get cute: save emoticons, abbreviations, wild colors, and fonts for your non-professional emails. the same goes for humor. chances are, the reader won’t think it’s funny, and may even find it irritating.不要装心爱:不要运用表情,缩写,艳丽的颜色,以及不标准的邮件字体。相同,在自荐信中也不要运用诙谐。实际是,收信的人可以不会认为这样是风趣的,反过来,他们可以还会觉得被侮辱了。
be specific. 具体化。
don’t respond to an ad for a copywriter when you’re really a graphic designer, says diana qasabian, talent director at syndicatebleu. “it may be the tight job market, but we’ve been receiving more and more letters responding to a specific job from candidates who are not at all qualified for it,” she says. syndicatebleu的天才主管diana qasabian主张说:“假定你是一个平面方案师,就不要发求职信给一份广告修改的作业。或许求职商场的竞赛很鼓励,可是咱们收到了许多并不合适该份作业的求职者发来的求职信。
“we look for specifics in email cover letters, which means skills and abilities. embellishment and fluff are not necessary. it’s not necessary to write, ‘i’m a hard worker.’ that goes without saying,” she says. 她说:“在邮件求职信中,咱们需要的是专业对口的求职者,这就意味着需求技能和才能与作业相符。绮丽的润饰是完全没有必要的。假定你在求职信中写“我作业很尽力”,那恰当所以白写了。”
keywords are key. 要害词很重要。
because many companies use applicant tracking systems (ats) to find and screen candidates, skill-oriented keywords will boost your chance at being discovered, a recruiter at a large technology company tells us. 一家大型科技公司的猎头跟咱们宣告,因为许多公司使用提名人寻找体系去查找和选择提名人,技巧性的要害词能增大你呗查找到的机缘,
“ats tools track keywords that identify skill sets,” she said. “so even if you’re not right for the job you’re seeking, strong keywords improve the chance that your cover letter and resume will be retrieved in a future search or be selected for a more appropriate job.”ats体系可根据要害词寻找查询技能技巧。所以即便你不合适这份作业,优良的要害词也可以添加你的简历和举荐信在将来被注重的机缘,或许说它们可以增大你将来找到适合作业的机缘。
play by their rules. 根据他们的规则行事。
take the time to learn the company guidelines for submitting resumes, and follow them. many companies list these guidelines on their websites. also, don’t include attachments unless they are requested. some companies block all emails with attachments to prevent viruses.经过总结简历而学习晓得公司的辅导方针,而且遵循该公司的辅导方针。许多公司都将辅导方针放在网站上。而且,除非他们有需求,否则发邮件的时分不要带附件。因为许多公司为了避免病毒而阻隔带附件的邮件。
check it again. 细心的再查看一遍。
you must thoroughly spell-check and proofread your email letter. and remember, your email software’s spellchecker won’t catch grammar mistakes. send it to a friend first and ask him or her to check for the content and style. if all your friends are tapped out, or even if they aren’t, test your email cover letter by emailing it to yourself, and put yourself in the mindset of an employer when you read it. 你必需全部查看以及校正你的邮件。且记住,邮件主动查看东西不会处置语法差错。在宣告之前先发给一个兄弟,让他协助查看内容和格局是不是正确。在你兄弟查看完之后,或许他们不 你查看的话,将邮件先发给自个,以一个雇主的情绪去读读自个的自荐信。


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