


作者 | 鱼生
修改 | 稳稳



1.比照新闻学?comparative journalism

2.沉溺式新闻 immersive news

3.迭代新闻 iterative journalism

4.打开新闻学?developmental journalism

5.公民新闻学?civic journalism

6.环境新闻学 environmental journalism

7.黄色新闻 yellow journalism

8.假新闻 pseudo event/fake news

9.精确新闻 precision journalism

10.马克思主义新闻学?marxist journalism

11.嵌入式报导?embedded report

12.社会新闻 city news

13.数据驱动新闻 data driven journalism

14.数据新闻 data journalism

15.数字新闻学 digital journalism

16.头条新闻 big news

17.网络新闻学 online journalism

18.新闻本源 origin of news

19.新闻传达??journalism and communication

20.新闻发布会 press conference

21.新闻法 press law

22.新闻布告 press release

23.新闻故事??news story

24.新闻规则 rules of journalism

25.新闻作业 news industry

26.新闻机构?news organizations

27.新闻价值 news value

28.新闻规划?structure of a news story

29.新闻理论 theories of journalism

30.新闻时效?timeliness of news

31.新闻实际 news facts

32.新闻要素?elements of news

33.新闻专业主义 professionalism

34.新闻安适 freedom of the press

35.硬新闻?hard news

36.软新闻 soft news

1.导语 lead

2.倒金字塔 inverted pyramid

3.说明性报导 interpretative report

4.谈论 criticism

5.社论 editorial

6.深度报导 in-depth report

7.时评 review comment

8.查询性报导 investigative report

9.通讯社news agency

10.新闻标题 headline?

11.隐性采访 secretive interview


1.传达 communication

2.传达者 sender

3.接收者 receiver

4.受众 audience

5.信源 source

6.编码 encode

7.解码 decode

8.信息 message

9.途径 channel

10.反应 feedback

11.噪音 noise

12.群众传达 mass communication

13.模型 model

14.议程设置 agenda-setting

15.大众言辞 public opinion

16.媒体议程 media agenda

17.大众议程 public agenda

18.自个议程 individual agenda

19.议程建构 agenda building

20.导向需要 n
eed of orientation

21.规划理论 framing

22.建议效应 priming

23.把关 gatekeeping

24.把关人 gatekeeper

25.有新闻报导价值的 newsworthy

26.微观的 large-scale

27.中观的 medium-scale

28.微观的 small-scale

29.互联网2.0年代 internet.web.2.0. network society/wet 2.0 age

30.看门 gatewatching

31.社会学习理论 social learning theory

32.社会认知理论 social cognitive theory

33.仿照 imitation

34.认同 identification

35.调查 observation

36.培育理论 cultivation

37.跟从干流/从众 mainstreaming

38.回响 resonance

39.符号消除 symbolic annihilation

40.第三人作用 third-person effect

41.第一人作用 first-person effect

42.社会间隔 social distance

43.认知间隔 cognitive distance/ perceived knowledge

44.社会认同理论 social identity theory

45.集体身份 group membership(s)

46.自负 self-esteem

47.假定 premise

48.咱们 us (in-group)

49.他者 them (out-group)

50.缄默沉静的螺旋 spiral of silence

51.孤立 isolation

52.社会控制 social control

53.准计算官能/第六感 quasi-statistical organ/sixth sense

54.前言依存理论 media dependency theory

55.监督 surveillance

56.运用与满足理论 uses & gratification theory

57.知沟 knowledge gap

1.查询法 surveys

2.实验法 experiments

3.焦点小组 focus groups

4.内容研讨 content analysis

5.定性访谈 qualitative interviews

6.民族志 ethnographic

7.办法 methodology

8.量化研讨 quantitative research

9.质化研讨 qualitative research

10.范式 paradigm

11.假定 hypothesis/hypotheses(复)

12.实证主义 positivism

13.说明主义 interpretivism

14.变量 variable

15.自变量 independent variable

16.因变量 dependent variable

17.研讨疑问 research question

18.非定向假定 non-directional hypothesis

19.定向假定 directional hypothesis

20.因果性假定 causal hypothesis

21.测量 measurement

22.研讨主题 research topic

23.研讨方案 research design

24.实验方案 experimental design

25.查询方案 cross-sectional / survey design

26.纵向方案 longitudinal design

27.个案研讨方案 case study design

28.比照方案 comparative design

29.可靠性 reliability

30.有用性 validity

31.内部效度 internal validity

32.外部效度 external validity

33.量表 scale

34.指数 index

35.李克特量表 likert scale

36.语义差异量表 semantic differential

37.抽样查询 sampling

38.自结束问卷 self-completion questionnaire

39.概率抽样 probability sampling

40.非概率问卷 non- probability sampling

41.简略随机抽样 simple random sampling

42.体系抽样 systematic sampling

43.分层随机抽样 stratified random sampling

44.聚类抽样 cluster sampling

45.便利抽样 convenience sampling

46.滚雪球抽样 snowball sampling

47.意图性抽样 purposive sampling

48.配额抽样 quota sampling

49.小规划实验 pilot test



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