

1.1 基础英语考研真题分析

anyone who has a sore throat should from alcohol.
a. detain
b. abstain
c. sustain
d. pertain
单个院校(如对外经济生意大学)有时语句中会留2~4个空白,活像gre的sentence completion,不一样的是gre是填2个空,而外经贸需求填2~4个。如:
literature may ______ and inform, entertain, express personal joy or , reflect religious devotion, glorify a nation or hero, or ______ a particular point of view—whether it ______ political, social, or aesthetic.
a. inspire; love; describe; is
b. instruct: pain; advocate; be
c. convince; hatred; reveal; were
d. alert; pleasure; explain; has been
don’t be callous to the suffering of others.
a. apathetic
b. curious
c. sensitive
d. supercilious
a thing that is changeable: (答案为variable)。
a. calm
b. penetrative
c. dilapidated
d. illegible
e. exclusive
a. unlikely
b. uncomfortable
c. unrepentant
d. unseemly
e. unattractive
______ , he might have retired before the end.
a. didn’t he enjoy the concert
b. has he not enjoyed the concert
c. were he not enjoy the concert
d. had he not enjoyed the concert
text i
1lash [laf] vi. to hit violently or suddenly俄然冲击,强烈冲击:the rain was slashing the windows.雨正急打着窗子。 vt. to whip sth violently鞭打:he slashed the horse cruelly.他狠狠地鞭打那匹马。
2scoff [skcf] v. to laugh at讪笑,嘲弄:you are not supposed to scoff at religion.你不大约讪笑宗教崇奉。分配scoff at意为“讪笑,嘲弄”。
3drawstring [`drr:strin] n. a string or cord that can be pulled tighter or looser to tie up bags拉绳,抽绳:it is a small bag closing with a drawstring and used especially for carrying loose items.这是一种用拉绳系上的小袋子,用于?鱿肝锲贰?br>
4illusion [i5lu:ven] n. a) something that deceives a person by seeming to be real幻觉,幻觉,差错观念:the sun appears to go around the earth, but it is an illusion.太阳看起来如同围着地球转,但这是幻觉。b) a false fact假象:the mirrors all around the walls give an illusion of greater space.墙的邻近都是镜子,给人工成一种空间很大的假象。
5rumble [5rqmbl] n. 隆隆声:we could tell from the rumble of the thunder that rain was coming.咱们从隆隆的雷声就可以晓得快要下雨了。 v. make a sound of rumble宣告隆隆声:the big guns rumbled in the distance.远处炮火轰鸣。分配rumble on意为“持续下去”。
6purgatory [5pe:^eteri] n. a place or condition of great suffering阴间,遭受痛苦的当地:a beautiful woman is the paradise of eyes and purgatory of purse.秀丽的女人是双眼的地狱,钱包的阴间。
7ultimate [5qltimit] adj. a) most extreme最大的,极限程度的:the ultimate luxury of the trip was flying in concorde.这一行程中最大的享受就是乘坐协和式飞机。b) the final最终的,究竟的:what is your ultimate goal? 你的究竟意图是啥?
8moral [5mcrel] adj. concerning principles of right and wrong behavior and the difference between good and evil道德的,道义上的:he had no moral objection on moral ground to his friends amusing themselves.从道义上讲,他并不对立他的兄弟们自个消遣消遣。
9dilemma [di5leme] n. a situation which one has to make a difficult choice两难的境地,支配为难:she was in a dilemma whether to continue to stay at school or get a job.他正支配为难,不晓得该持续上学仍是找作业。
10rip [rip] v. to tear apart quickly and violently猛地扯开,撕裂:the more he tears around, the more liable he is to rip his leg off.他越挣扎越简略把腿折断。 n. a rift or a rapture裂缝,裂口:he sewed up the rip on his sleeve.他缝好了袖口上的裂缝。常见分配有:rip sth to shreds把…撕成碎片;let rip安适安适地行事;let things rip顺从其美
11soak [seuk] v. to (cause to) become wet thoroughly by being in a liquid浸泡:put some liquid on and let it soak naturally.放入一些液体让他逐渐渗透。分配soak up意为“吸收,使充溢”,例如:if you air your quilt on such a wet day, it will soak up the moisture.假定你在这样的天阴晒被子,被子会吸收湿气。

12flight [flait] n. a) a set of stairs between one floor and the next楼梯的一段:a flight of steps leads up to the front door.一段阶梯通向前门。b) the plane or vehicle that is making the journey航班,航机:he immediately booked a flight to new york.他马上定了去纽约的航班。常用分配有:catch a flight赶上航班;miss the flight误机;a flight of stairs一段楼梯
13pandemonium [7pandi5meunjem] n. a state of wild and noisy disorder喧嚣,喧闹,紊乱:there were complete pandemonium in the kitchen.厨房里一片狼藉。
14stairwell [stzewel] n. the space, going up through all the floors of a building, where the stairs are楼梯井,主动扶梯井道:she frantically fled down the stairwell.她张狂地沿着楼梯井往下逃。
15descent [di5sent] n. a) the act or process of going down降低,降下:the descent to base camp took about two days.降低到营地大约需要两天。b) your family origins身世,家世:a woman of royal descent身世皇族的女子c) a path that goes down a slope斜坡,坡路:there is no direct descent from the summit从峰顶没有直接下山的坡路。
16calf [kb:f] n. the part of back of your leg between knee and ankle小腿肚:he had a cramp in his left calf.他的左小腿肚感到麻痹。
17spasm [5spazem] n. a sudden uncontrolled movement of muscles痉挛:tom’s jaw muscles had gone into spasm.汤姆的下颌肌肉痉挛了。分配a spasm of laughter意为“一阵笑声”;a spasm of fear意为“(俄然地)一阵惧怕”。
18heavyset [`hevi`set] adj. (of people) rather broad and strong-looking体魄魁梧的:she is a graying, heavyset woman who seems to have aged beyond her years.她是一个满头灰发,看起来比实践年纪老哦粗大健旺的女人。
19stoop [stu:p] v. to bend the upper body forward and down折腰,举头:we had to stoop to pass through the entrance.咱们不得不弯身以经过这个进口。分配stoop to意为“屈尊,蜕化”,例如:he is too lofty to stoop to vulgar intrigue.他的狷介使他还不至于屈就?椎慕萍啤?br>
20bank [bank] n. a) arranged close together in a row一排(同类物品),一系列(机器):banks of tv monitors一系列电视监控器;b) a large mass of cloud, mist积云,积雪:a fog bank积云;banks of mist层层雾气
21butt [bqt] n. a) the buttocks, the part of the body on which a person sits屁股:a baby’s soft little butt婴儿软软的小屁股;b) to be the person or thing that other people often make jokes about笑柄,笑话:he quickly became the butt of everyone’s jokes.他很快变成我们的笑柄。c) the end of a cigarette after most of it has been smoked烟头,烟蒂:he threw the cigarette butt into the astray.他把烟头扔进了烟灰缸。
text ii
1skyscraper [5skaiskreipe(r)] n. high buildings摩天大楼:soon i was stepped into the plush comfort of a skyscraper office.不久之后,我又踏入了一间摩天大厦中的极端舒畅的单位。
2hijack [5haidvak] v. a) to take control of an airplane or other vehicle during a journey, especially using violence劫车,劫机:the plane was hijacked soon after it took off.那架飞机起飞后不久被劫持了。b) to take control of something and use it for your own purposes操作(会议等):some people think the party has been hijacked by right-wing extremists.一些人认为该政党已被右翼极点分子所操作。
3investigate [in5vesti^eit] v. to observe or inquire in detail, examine systematically查询,研讨:the police are investigating the murder.差人在查询那起凶杀案子。


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