

6. ……的特征是 一方面,近几年发展中国家的突出特点就是经济的迅速发展,这使得很多当地居民有了额外的钱购置手机这项服务。典型例子就是中国。 for one thing, in rec
ent years, developing countries were characterized by the prosperity and boom in economy, which enabled residents there to possess additional money to afford the cell phone service. a case in point is china. 一方面,大学毕业生的特征就在于他们已经是成年人,需要工作来独立养活自己。这使得大学中的大多数年轻人毕业后去找工作。 for one thing, college graduates are featured by the fact that they have become adults and need jobs to support themselves independently. this enables a majority of youngsters in college to seek jobs after graduation. 7. 对比: 另一方面,与发展中国家相比,发达国家居民更加富裕且人口规模较小;因此,一大部分比例的人们若干年前就已经购买了手机。 for another, compared with developing countries, citizens in developed nations were wealthier and their population was smaller. therefore, a large proportion of people there purchase mobile phones years ago. # 阅读 #23考研 #考研打卡 #考研英语作文 #石雷鹏作文


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