

what are you planning to do in your postgraduate period?坦白说,我们怎么可能去做什么详细的研究生学习规划呢?毕竟,教授,我们还没上岸呢。计划是属于拿到了船票的人,这问题,超前了!可是,咱们也得答啊。其实教授也不是在乎你计划了什么,而是通过这个问题看看你身上是否具备一些闪光的品质,比如上进心,条理性等等。所以叔为大家准备了三步走的规划。here we go!??thank you for your question. i’ve thought about how to make use of the postgraduate years over and over again.??first of all, improving my academic performance is my top priority, so i plan to read more professional books and papers to deepen my comprehension on my major and manage to fulfill a few papers based on my o
wn understanding.moreover, i will actively participate in some teamwork with my mentor and classmates, no matter in terms of group discussions or group projects.


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