


more than 60,000 people have purchased the ptks since they first become available without prescriptions last years, according to doug fogg, chief operating officer of identigene, which makes the over-the-counter kits.(2009 t2)


该句的主干是more than 60,000 people
have purchased the ptks;具体来讲more than 60,000 people是主语 ,have purchased做谓语, the ptks做宾语;since引导了一个时间状语从句,里面的代词they指代ptks;according to doug fogg 是介词短语做状语,表示主干观点的来源,其后的chief operating officer of identigene,是同位语在解释doug fogg;最后的which部分,引导了一个非限制性定语从句修饰前面的先行词identigene(公司名)。



1.purchase [‘p?:t??s] vt. 购买;n. 购买

2.available [?’ve?l?b(?)l] adj. 可获得的;可购得的

【扩展】accessible [?k’ses?b(?)l] adj. 易接近的;可进入的

3.prescription [pr?’skr?p?(?)n] n. 药方;指示

4.chief operating officer首席营运官(简称coo)

【扩展】chief executive officer? 首席执行官(简称ceo)

5.over-the-counter? n.非处方药

6.kit [k?t] n. 工具箱;成套工具


据生产该ptk套装的基因识别公司的首席运营官doug fogg称,自从去年这种ptk不再需要开处方即可购买之后,已经有超过六万人购买。



2.对于部分不出名、不熟悉的专有名词可以直接将其英文照抄下来,如doug fogg,identigene。

明日长难句预告as a result, they have lost the parachute they once had in times of financial setback — a back-up earner?(usually mom) who could go into the workforce if the primary earner got laid off or fell sick.(2007 t3)



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