

原标题:【考研倒计时】考研英语同源阅读18来啦 小伙伴们,看起来吧



student loans are based on a simple idea: that a graduate’s future flow of earnings will more than cover the costs of doing a degree. but with unemployment rates in parts of the rich world at post-war highs, that may no longer hold true for many people. the consequences will be felt by everybody.

all over the world student indebtedness is causing problems—witness this month’s violent protests in chile. in britain, rising university fees mean that student debt is likely to treble to £70 billion by 2015. but, partly because higher education there is so expensive, the scale of the problem is far greater in america. when the next official estimates of outstanding student debt there are published, it is expected to be close to $1 trillion, higher than credit-card borrowing. credit quality in other classes of consumer debt has been improving; delinquency rates on student loans are rising.

student-loan systems in america and elsewhere are often badly designed for an extended period of high unemployment. in contrast to the housing crash, the risk from student debt is not of a sudden explosion in losses but of gradual financial suffocation. the pressure needs to be eased.

one option is to change the bankruptcy laws. in america, britain and elsewhere, these treat student debt as a special case: unlike other forms of debt, it cannot be wiped out. if student debt is not to shackle existing graduates and put off future ones, the rules could be changed so that it is dischargeable in bankruptcy. yet the reasoning behind the current bankruptcy provisions is logical enough: education is an asset that cannot be repossessed and that keeps on benefiting the individual through his or her lifetime. some worry that graduates would rush to declare bankruptcy, handing losses to taxpayers.

so a second option is preferable. many countries, america included, have designed student debt primarily as a mortgage-like obligation: it is repaid to a fixed schedule. other places, like britain and australia, make student-loan repayments contingent on reaching an income threshold so that the prospect of taking on debt is more palatable to people from poorer backgrounds. that approach makes sense, especially when jobs are scarce. income-based repayment ought to become the norm.

both changes would lead to a repricing of student debt. that would be a bad thing for taxpayers, but a good thing overall. just as borrowers need to understand the risks they are exposing themselves to, voters need to understand the liabilities that governments are taking on when they subsidise students.

1. the idea supporting student loans ______.

[a] illustrates the way the money serves graduates

[b] shows the difficulty of wiping out the debts

[c] correctly estimates graduates’ future earnings

[d] fails to expect the current condition of indebted students

2. what can we learn from the second paragraph?

[a] the violent protests in chile caused many students to get into debt.

[b] british graduates are facing the severest debt burden.

[c] credit-card borrowing has caused a wide range of problems.

[d] high college tuition contribute to rising delinquency rates.

3. which of the following may be the reason for the heavy student debt?

[a] high unemployment among graduates.

[b] the strict student-loan systems.

[c] the serious housing crash.

[d] the explosion of student loans.

4. the pressure of student debt can be eased by ______.

[a] new bankruptcy rules [b] income-based repayment policy

[c] clear student obligation [d] a better tax system

5. which of the following is the best title for the text?

[a] the serious debt problems [b] graduates’ unemployment

[c] the indebted graduates [d] ways to forgive students’ debts


1. d 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. c


1. d

[解题思路] 根据题干关键词the idea 以及 student loans定位至文章第一段。该段首句指出,提供学生贷款是基于这样一个简单的理念(a simple idea):毕业生将来能赚的钱会多于他们攻读学位的花费(a graduate’s future flow of earnings will more than cover the costs of doing a degree),即学生肯定有能力偿还贷款。接着第二句指出,目前的高失业率使这种理念不再适用(…unemployment rates… at post-war highs, that may no longer hold true for many people),即高失业率可能会使很多人还不起贷款,由此可推知,支撑学生贷款的理念对现在负债大学生的实际情况估计不足,故选项 [d] 正确。

[干扰排除] 学生贷款背后的理念是学生未来有能力偿还贷款,但并没有提及贷款如何为学生服务,由此可排除选项 [a] 。支撑学生贷款的理念是学生将来能还上贷款,并没有提到还清贷款的艰难性,故可排除选项 [b] 。这种理念只提到了学生未来的收入会高于学费,但并没有准确预测学生未来的收入,故排除选项 [c] 。

2. d

[解题思路] 根据题干关键词the second paragraph定位至文章第二段,该段举例说明了学生无法偿还贷款的现状,第三句以美国为例,指出高昂的大学学费使美国学生的债务问题更加严重(partly because higher education there is so expensive, the scale of the problem is far greater…),接着作者指出未偿还的学生贷款数额将高于信用卡欠款数额,同时,学生拖欠贷款的比率上升,即高额的学费造成了学生贷款拖欠率的上升,故选项 [d] 正确。

[干扰排除] 第二段第一句指出“学生债务造成了一系列的问题,如本月发生在智利的暴力抗议活动(…witness this month’s violent protests in chile)”,由此可知,学生债务问题造成智利的抗议活动,而不是“抗议活动使学生负债”,故排除选项 [a] 。由第二段第二、三句可知,美国学生贷款的债务问题比英国要严重(the scale of the problem is far greater in america),故选项 [b] 错误。第二段第四句虽然提到了credit-card borrowing,但只是将其与学生欠款进行比较,以说明后者数额之大,并没有提到信用卡债务引发了诸多问题,故选项 [c] 也可排除。

3. a

[解题思路] 本题就学生还不起贷款的原因进行提问,故可联系第三段首句,该句指出,美国和其他地方的学生贷款制度并没有考虑到学生长期待业的情况(student-loan systems… badly designed for an extended period of high unemployment),由此可推知,学生贷款制度的缺陷以及高失业率影响了贷款的偿还。同时,第一段第二句指出,发达国家失业率持续走高使许多学生无法偿还贷款(with unemployment rates… at post-war highs… no longer hold true for many people),可见,高失业率是学生贷款得不到及时偿还、学生负债累累的原因之一,故选项 [a] 正确。

[干扰排除] 文章提到了学生贷款体制存在的缺陷:没有考虑到毕业生们长期待业的情况,但并没有提到该体制有多么严格,故选项 [b] 无中生有,可排除。选项 [c] 中的housing crash出现在第三段第二句,该句意为“学生负债所带来的风险与房地产市场暴跌的风险不同”,并不是说“房地产的暴跌造成学生沉重的债务”,故选项 [c] 错误。同样这句话中a sudden explosion in losses是指房地产暴跌时爆发性的损失,而不是指学生贷款数额的猛增(explosion of student loans),选项 [d] 也不符合题意,故排除。

4. b

[解题思路] 本题就缓解学生债务压力的方式提问,故可定位至文章第四、五段。这两段说明了缓解学生欠款的两种方式。其中,第五段首句指出第二种方法更可取。第三句又指出:在英国和澳大利亚等国,学生偿还贷款是以其收入水平为基础的(… student-loan repayments contingent on reaching an income threshold),这使来自贫穷家庭的学生更容易承担贷款(taking on debt is more palatable to people from poorer backgrounds)。最后,在第四句作者更对此种方法表示认可:在工作机会较少的情况下,这种方法切实可行,应该成为常规方法。故选项 [b] 正确。

[干扰排除] 第四段中虽然提到了改革破产法规,建议在学生宣告破产后,可免除其贷款(the rules could be changed so that it is dischargeable in bankruptcy),但第四句指出,目前破产政策不免除学生贷款具有其合理性(the reasoning behind the current bankruptcy provisions is logical enough),即教育是一种不可回收的财产,它会让学生终身受益,由此可知,学生有义务偿还贷款,且第五句继续指出,该项改革还可能存在一个潜在的弊端,即学生争相宣布破产,将损失转嫁给纳税人,故改革破产法规并非合理之举,排除选项 [a] 。选项 [c] 根据第五段第二句中的obligation设置干扰,原文意为“在美国等许多国家,学生偿还贷款与履行抵押贷款义务一样”,此处并不是说明确学生义务就可以缓解学生债务压力,故排除选项 [c] 。文章第四段最后一句指出,改革破产法规可能将免除学生贷款造成的损失转嫁给纳税人(… handing losses to taxpayers),但文中并无改革税收制度有助于缓解学生债务压力的相关信息,故排除选项 [d] 。

5. c

[解题思路] 本题要求选出文章的最佳标题,故需要概括各段落的主要内容。首段指出了目前很多学生还不起贷款的事实。第二段说明学生无法偿还货款的现状。而第三段则分析造成学生还贷压力的原因,并呼吁采取措施缓解学生还贷压力。紧接着第四和第五段则提出了缓解学生债务压力的两种方式:改革破产制度及以收入为基础还贷,第六段则对这两项措施作出评价:虽对纳税人不利,但总体上是件好事;同时呼吁人们在学生贷款问题上给予政府更多的理解与支持。由以上分析可知,全文主要围绕学生欠款问题展开,先说明问题的严重性,后给出对策,纵观四个选项,[c] 项最全面,故为正确答案。

[干扰排除] 选项 [a] 概括不准确,文章特别说明的是学生债务问题(student loan),而不是宽泛的所有债务问题(debt problems),故排除。选项 [b] 是学生欠款的原因之一,不能全面概括文章的内容,故排除。文章提出了减轻学生还贷压力的两种方式,并不是免除学生债务的方式(forgive students’ debts),故排除选项 [d] 。


flow /fleu/ n. 某事物的持续或连续的供应(量):the constant flow of information 源源不断的信息

high /hai/ n. (最)高水平;(最)高数值:inflation has sent the living cost to a new high. 通货膨胀使生活费用达到了一个新的最高纪录。

*indebtedness /in5detidnes/ n. 债务;负债

witness /5witnes/ v. 瞧瞧,看看(用于证明前面论述的正确性):the nuclear family is a vulnerable institution—witness the rates of marital breakdown. 核心家庭是一种脆弱的组织形式——看看婚姻破裂的比率就知道了。

*treble /5trebl/ v. (使某事物)增加到三倍或增加两倍

outstanding /aut5standin/ adj. (款项等)未偿付的:outstanding debts 未偿清的债务

*delinquency /di5linkwensi/ n. 拖欠债务

*suffocation /7sqfe5keifn/ n. 压制;窒息

wipe out sth 除去或取消某物:wipe out one’s debts 还清债务

*shackle /5fakl/ v. 束缚;限制

put sb off 使某人对……反感或失去兴趣:his manner tends to put people off. 他的态度容易使人产生反感。

dischargeable /dis5tfb:dvebl/ adj. 可解除的:why not make student loans dischargeable in bankruptcy proceedings seven years after graduation? 在学生毕业七年之后,用破产程序将其未还贷款解除怎么样?

reasoning /5ri:znin/ n. 论据;推理:your reasoning on this point is faulty. 你在这一点上的推论是错误的。

provision /pre5vivn/ n. (法律文件中的)规定,条款:under the provision of the agreement 根据协议的条文

*repossess /7ri:pe5zes/ v. 收回

repay /ri5pei/ v. 付(还)钱;偿还欠款:the loans were to be repaid over a 20-year period. 贷款应该在20年内付清。

*contingent on sth 决定于;依……而定

threshold /5wrefheuld/ n. (工资的)起始点:they earn wages below the decency threshold set by the eu. 他们的工资低于欧盟规定的最低标准。

take on sth 决定做某事;承担某事:she took on greater responsibilities when she was promoted. 她得到提拔后承担了更多的责任。

norm /nr:m/ n. (作单数时常与the 连用)惯例;典范:strikes were the norm. 罢工曾是惯例做法。

reprice /ri:5prais/ v. 重定……的价格:providers need to be able to repackage and reprice their services. 供应商必须要能重新打包其服务,并重新定价。

liability /7laie5bileti/ n. 债;债务:value the company’s liabilities and assets 对公司的资产和债务进行评估

subsidise /5sqbsidaiz/ v. 给……津贴或补贴;资助或补助……:the housing project are subsidized by the government. 这个住宅项目得到了政府的补贴。


① if student debt is not to shackle existing graduates and put off future ones, the


rulescould be changedso that it is dischargeable in bankruptcy.

主语 谓语 目的状语从句

本句为主从复合句,主句为the rules could be changed,其后是由 so that引导的目的状语从句so that it is dischargeable…,句首则为if引导的条件状语从句。

② other places, like britain and australia, makestudent-loan repaymentscontingent

主语 插入语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语

on reaching an income thresholdso that the prospect of taking on debt is more

宾语补足语 目的状语从句

palatable to people from poorer backgrounds.


本句是主从复合句。主句的主干为other places… make student-loan repayments…。主语other places后的like britain and australia为插入语,用作举例说明。宾语student-loan repayments 后的contingent on reaching… threshold则为宾语补足语,其后又紧跟由so that引导的目的状语从句,该从句的主干为the prospect… is more palatable…。

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