




1. 出国留学 study abroad

2. 留学生overseas students

3. 扩展视野broaden the horizons

4. 全球化globalization


1. 我们不仅可以在国外学习新的文化和知识,还可以从文化和经济的角度充实找们的生活。

not only can we learn different cultures and knowledge from foreign countries, studying abroad can also enrich our lives culturally and economically.

2. 留学海外被看作是一些人生命中的重要机遇。

studying abroad is considered as a great opportunity in one’s life.

3. 我们在国外留学的中国人在面对突如具来的困难时一定要坚强。

our chinese people who study abroad have strong characters when facing unexpected difficulties.



write an essay based on the following chart. in your writing, you should

1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

you should write about 150 words on answer sheet. (15 points)

(thousand) 中国留学生 在华留学生

emerging from the chart are the data about the result of a survey regarding the number of foreign students in china and chinese students studying abroad. according to the figures provided by the graph,
one can see that the numbers of students in these two groups both have been on a sharp increase from 2008 to 2018, increasing from 160 thousand and 140 thousand to 260 thousand and 280 thousand respectively.

it is no difficult job for us to find some factors that underlie the above changes. to begin with, as china is progressing, both economically and politically, the level of education also has been improved a lot, appealing to a huge number of foreigners to study in china. meanwhile, since china has opened its door widely to the outside word, numerous foreigners have been attracted by chinese culture and scenery, which is a contributory factor for this phenomenon as well. in addition, the advancement of economy in china has been translated into an increase in people’s incomes and living standard, enabling more chinese students to study abroad and broaden their horizons.

from the analysis above, we could safely draw the conclusion that with the progress of globalization, the communication between china and other countries will become more frequent. consequently, it can be predicted that the trend in the picture will continue for a while in the years to come, which would exert positive influences on our country.返回搜狐,查看更多



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