






基础英语第一题仍然是改错题,内容是梵高的《睡莲》及形象派有关内容,接下来是两篇阅览选择题,1篇阅览片面题,有3道5分的简答题和一个15分字数需求至少120词的小作文。第一篇阅览是柏林的住所疑问,第二篇阅览集合疫情与教育的论题,谈及疫情在美国对困苦阶层的孩子们冲击最大,对他们的阅览才能和数学才能的培育发生了无量影响。阅览简答题集合在“colorful words”,第一题问到啥是“colorful words”,我们需要根据文章供给的描绘用自个的言语总结,此处供给tesol官方协会对其界说:

colorful words are common words that sound just a bit funnier that other words. words such as babble, grunt, cringe, fidget, lurk, and scorch.

也就是在根柢意义之外具有更多情感颜色、更生动或有时更风趣的词汇表达。第二题问到colorful words是不是适用于一切场合,第三题问啥是colorless words并需罗列,第四题则是小作文,需总结作者对colored words的观点,至少120词。留心此处只需要总结作者观念,切忌片面代入。









the myriad of things we attend to all boil down to matters concerning every household.



the concerns of the people are what i always care about, and the aspirations of the people are what i always strive for.




the myriad of things we attend to all boil down to matters concerning every household. through my field trips to different places, i have seen and heard a lot of things which i find very inspiring and rewarding. every time i visit people in their homes, i would ask if they have any more difficulties, and i would remember everything my folks have to share with me. the concerns of the people are what i always care about, and the aspirations of the people are what i always strive for. having worked in the countryside myself, i know precisely what poverty feels like. thanks to the sustained efforts of the chinese people from generation to generation, those who once lived in poverty no longer have to worry about food or clothing, or access to education, housing and medical insurance. realization of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and elimination of extreme poverty is what the cpc has delivered to our people, and it is also a contribution to the world. to ensure that everyone leads a better life, we must never rest on what we have achieved, and there is still a long way to go.








第二题诗歌赏析仍是控制在150词内,一段写understanding,一段写comment,这次查询到的是美国20世纪最受等待的现代诗人之一robert frost?的短诗nothing gold can stay,全诗歌只需8行,但言浅意深地抒发了夸姣的事物易逝难留的喟叹,这有些较上一年查询的难度稍有降低。



nothing gold can stay
robert frost?- 1874-1963


nature’s first green is gold,her hardest hue to hold.her early leaf’s a flower;but only so an hour.then leaf subsides to leaf.so eden sank to grief,so dawn goes down to day.nothing gold can stay.




来历:nothing gold can stay by robert frost: critical analysis of poetry – free essay example – edubirdie


critical appreciation of poem:

‘nothing gold can stay’ is about the fleeting nature of beauty, youth and life itself. according to this poem, there is nothing of ‘gold’ that is essentially devoid of something pure, precious or beautiful; it can exist forever. this poem focuses first on changes in the natural world.


this poem was written by robert frost, one of america’s greatest poets. ‘nothing to stay’ is a famous short narrative poem about nature and its ever-changing changes. this poem was published in robert frost’s ‘new hampshire collection’ in 1923. this poem also shows that change is essential, and all changes mean degradation. ‘nothing gold can stay’ means death: this simple poem shows the idea of change and decadence. the poet uses a philosophical turn to express the cycle of nature to express his views on the changing nature of beautiful objects. he believes that just like flowers can live for an hour, the most beautiful and happiest moments in life will gradually disappear. therefore, these happy moments must be recognized and appreciated before they lose their charm and glory. the theme of ‘nothing gold can stay’: transition, and nature are the themes of this poem. the poet focuses on losing the good things that will eventually disappear. he uses ‘seasons and nature’ to create a tangible image in the reader’s mind. the reader can imagine how the golden cocoon turns into green leaves, which means that hours of happiness escape into the hands of the ever-changing loop of time. therefore, before they disappear over time, the beauty around them must be cherished.


analysis of literary techniques in ‘nothing gold can stay’:


literary means is a tool that allows writers to express their thoughts, emotions and feelings, and use persuasive language to bring clear and rich content to their texts. robert frost also used some literary techniques in this


consonants: consonants are the repetition of consonants in the same line, like the sound of n in ‘so dawn comes to day’.

alliteration: alliteration is the repetition of sounds in the same line, such as the sound ofdin ‘then dawn comes to day’.

images: images are used to make readers perceive things that involve their five senses. for example, ‘nature’s first green is gold’, ‘then the leaves fade into leaves’ and ‘then the dawn descends into day’.

anthropomorphism: anthropomorphism consists of giving inanimate objects with human qualities. frost personifies nature throughout the poem. nature is called ‘she’, which indicates that nature is a person who can change with the seasons.

allusions: allusions are beliefs and indirect references to people, places, things or ideas that have a historical, cultural, political or literary meaning. for example, ‘then the garden of eden fell to grief.’ this is an allusion to the garden of eden, indicating that the earth is also short-lived, but also beautiful.

paradox: frost used this device in the first line, and it said: ‘naturea??s first green is gold.’ the second example is in the third line, and it is expressed as ‘its early leaves are a flower’. frost uses these paradoxes in this poem to illustrate the idea of how good things come to an end.

metaphor: it is a rhetorical technique that makes implicit comparisons between different objects or people. the poet uses nature as a metaphor to show that nothing good and attractive can last forever.

symbolism: symbolism is the use of symbols that symbolize thought and quality, giving them a different symbolic meaning from the literal meaning. for example, ‘gold’ symbolizes happiness and all the good things in life, and ‘green’ symbolizes nature.


analysis of the poetic devices:


couplet: there are two structural verses in the couplet, generally in the same case and connected by rhyme. there are four couplets.

rhyme: the rhyme followed in the whole poem is aabb. 3. ending rhyme: ending rhyme is used to make verses pleasant to the ear. for example, ‘day stay’.


作文第三题谈论文需求500词内,“selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.”引语出自王尔德的the soul of man and prison writings,该段无缺摘抄如下:


“selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live. and unselfishness is letting other people’s lives alone, not interfering with them. selfishness always aims at creating around it an absolute uniformity of type. unselfishness recognizes infinite variety of type as a delightful thing, accepts it, acquiesces in it, enjoys it. it is not selfish to think for oneself. a man who does not think for himself does not think at all. it is grossly selfish to require of one’s neighbor that he should think in the same way, and hold the same opinions. why should he? if he can think, he will probably think differently. if he cannot think, it is monstrous to require thought of any kind from him. a red rose is not selfish because it wants to be a red rose. it would be horribly selfish if it wanted all the other flowers in the garden to be both red and roses.”





























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