

何凯文考研英语每日一句 第29句

这是来自最新的大西洋月刊的语句,关于言辞和诙谐联络之间的语句。according to one scholarly definition, something is humorous if people cognitively appraise it as funny, if it creates “the positive emotion of amusement,” or if it produces laughter. but while the average adult laughs 18 times a day, laughter isn’t a reliable indicator. researchers found only 10 to 20 percent of remarks that prompted laughter to be remotely funny. 思考题判别ture or false:the laughter is not a dependable indicator of research. 词汇打破:1.scholarly:学究气的2. cognitively:认知上地3. appraise:评价4. remotely: 一点点5. laughter 笑声6. prompt 致使,推进7. remotely 一点点(标明程度低)8.remark 言辞第一句:according to one scholarly definition, something is humorous if people cognitively appraise it as funny, if it creates “the positive emotion of amusement,” or if it produces laughter. 骨干辨认:something is humorous切分红分:1.according to one scholarly definition, 状语一2. if people cognitively appraise it as funny, 状语二3. if it creates “the positive emotion of amusement,” 状语三4. if it produces laughter. 状语四参阅译文:根据一个学究气的界说,假定我们在认知上评价一件事风趣,假定一件事能营建活泼的兴味、情感,或许能带来笑声,那么它就是诙谐的。第二句:but while the average adult laughs 18 times a day, laughter isn’t a reliable indicator. 骨干辨认:laughter isn’t a reliable indicator 笑声不是一个可靠地方针切分红分:while the average adult laughs 18 times a day 状语参阅译文:但尽管均匀每个成年人每天要笑18次,笑并不是个可靠的方针。第三句:researchers found only 10 to 20 percent of remarks that prompted laughter to be remotely funny. 骨干辨认:researchers found only 10 to 20 percent of remarks to be remotely funny. 切分红分:that prompted laughter that=remarks (言辞)参阅译文:研讨者发现这些让人笑的言辞中只需百分之十到二十有那么一点风趣。思考题判别ture or false:the laughter is not a dependable indicator of research. (true)

何凯文考研英语每日一句 第30句

今日的语句:accusing the u.s. postal service of being amazon’s delivery boy is kind of funny, since delivering things is the business of the post office. but the idea that amazon is getting a subsidy is not original to trump.思考题:what is the opinion of trump?词汇打破:1.accuse : 责备 accuse a of b 责备a是b2. u.s. postal service 美国邮政效能3. delivering things 快递的作业4. subsidy 补助5. original 自创第一句:accusing the u.s. postal service of being amazon’s delivery boy is kind of funny, since delivering things is the business of the post office.骨干辨认:accusing the u.s. postal service of being amazon’s delivery boy (动名词做主语) is kind of funny切分红分:since delivering things is the business of the post office 状语参阅译文: 责备美国邮政充当亚马逊的快递员是一件搞笑的事,因为快递东西正本就是邮政的事务。第二句:but the idea that amazon is getting a subsidy is not original to trump.骨干辨认:the idea is not original to trump这个主意不是特朗普的自创;切分红分:amazon is getting a subsidy亚马逊在获取(政府)补助。参阅译文:认为亚马逊在获取(政府)补助的主意并不是特朗普的自创。思考题:what is the opinion of trump?答案:amazon is getting a subsidy

何凯文考研英语每日一句 第31句

第一:this idea is not the original to trump. 这个观念不是特朗普的自创;(这个翻译没有任何疑问;)其意义是:这个观念不是特朗普首要提出来的,可是特朗普持有这个观念;2. since 的用法:

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3.今后问疑问之前记住听语音;语音可以会有你要的答案。 今日的语句:“data on who holds the anonymous currencies are hard to find,” hannah kuchler explains in the financial times, “but uphold, a virtual
currency wallet service that does background checks on its users, says 75 percent are men, while coin dance, which tracks statistics on the bitcoin community, found 97 percent of engagement was from men.思考题:how can uphold get the data of the result?词汇打破: 1.anonymous currencies:不记名的钱银2.virtual currency:虚拟钱银3.while: 这儿的while就是与此一起的意思(因为前后意思共同)4.bitcoin community :比特币社区5.engagement 参加切分:1.hannah kuchler explains in the financial times,2. data on who holds the anonymous currencies are hard to find1)data are hard to find2)on who holds the anonymous currencies (data 的定语)3. “but uphold, a virtual currency wallet service that does background checks on its users, says 75 percent are men,1)uphold says 75 percent are men2)a virtual currency wallet service that does background checks on its users= uphold is a virtual currency wallet service uphold does background checks on its users4. while coin dance, which tracks statistics on the bitcoin community, found 97 percent of engagement was from men.1) coin dance found 97 percent of engagement was from men2) which tracks statistics on the bitcoin community= coin dance tracks statistics on the bitcoin community参阅译文:hannah kuchler在金融时报上这样说明道:“关于谁持有匿名钱银的数据很难获得,可是,uphold这家虚拟钱银钱包效能公司,对其用户的布景进行查询,得出结论75%的持有者是男性。一起,coin dance这家公司在比特币社区进行数据跟踪,发现97%的活动参加是来自男性的。背就梁(也就是说在虚拟钱银这件作业上,男性的参加度要活泼的多,那么文章就会接着分析,为啥会呈现这样的性别差异。)思考题答案:how can uphold get the data of the result?

何凯文考研英语每日一句 第32句

今日的语句:plus, teachers in a number of states have far fewer union protections than they had in previous years. indeed, the share of teachers in a union has fallen to less than half, driven in part by older, unionized teachers retiring, the rise of certain districts’ reliance on charters and other private education options, and legal changes that have curtailed the ability of unions to bargain on behalf of workers.
what are reasons of teachers’ share fall in a union?词汇打破:1.plus 另外 2. in a number of 许多3. previous years 前些年4. driven in part by 有些缘由是… fueled in part by 有些缘由是… prompted in part by 有些缘由是…5. curtail 削减,削减6. bargain 商洽,洽谈第一句:plus, teachers in a number of states have far fewer union protections than they had in previous years. (比照规划,留心than后边也要加上: they had 这样比照规划才对等)the price of wine is lower than it was in previous years.(红酒的价格要比前些年低。)参阅译文:另外,许多州的教师受的工会维护少于前几年。第二句:骨干:indeed, the share of teachers in a union has fallen to less than half, 实践上,只需不到一半的教师参加工会;切分红分:driven in part by1. older, unionized teachers retiring, (名词规划;可以翻译为一个汉语句子)年纪较大的,参加工会的教师接连退休2. the rise of certain districts’ reliance on charters and other private education options, (名词规划;可以翻译为一个汉语句子)某些区域越来越依靠委办学校以及其他私立教育选项3.and legal changes that have curtailed the ability of unions to bargain on behalf of workers.(名词规划;可以翻译为一个汉语句子)立法改变削弱了工会代表职工商洽的才能参阅译文:实践上,只需不到一半的教师参加工会;有些缘由是:1. 年纪较大的,参加工会的教师退休接连退休。2. 某些区域越来越依靠委办学校以及其他私立教育选。3.立法改变削弱了工会代表职工商洽的才能。这就是切分的魅力!
何凯文考研英语每日一句 第33句
昨日语句里边的一个短语:the share of sth: …的比例,比重,比例;the share of teachers in a union has fallen to less than half.(这儿的in a union 是定语)直接翻译:参加工会的教师比例现已降低到不到一半。=只需不到一半的教师参加工会。例句:the share of postgraduate students in some elite internet companies, such as tencent, alibaba and baidu, has risen to more than half.在一些互联网高手公司里,比方腾讯,阿里和baidu,研讨生的比例现已上升到一半以上。写作操练:为啥考研人数越来越多?version1:according to a survey, the share of postgraduate students in elite internet company, such as tencent, alibaba and baidu, has risen to more than half. the increase of graduate candidates is driven in part by this fact.参阅译文:根据一项查询,在一些互联网高手公司里,比方腾讯,阿里和baidu,研讨生的比例现已上升到一半以上。考研人数的添加有些也是因为这一实际。version 2:there is a sharp increase in the number of graduate candidates, fueled in part by the fact that the share of postgraduate students in elite internet company has risen to more than half, a fact revealed by a survey conducted recently. 参阅译文:迩来一项查询闪现,在一些互联网高手公司里,研讨生的比例现已上升到一半以上。考研人数的剧烈添加有些也是因为这一实际。
今日的语句:文章标题是这个:in a world that is growing more divided and atomized, it may be guilt—not empathy—that can bring people together.在这个愈发割裂的世界,把我们联合在一同的或许并非心有灵犀,而是内疚感。of course, knowing when to feel bad and what to do about it are things we could all benefit from. malti’s research may focus on kids, but guilt is a core human emotion—an inevitability for people of every age. and she believes that it has the potential to be especially helpful now, in a world that is growing more divided and atomized.判别:the divided and atomized world brings us the sense of guilt and benefits.词汇打破:1.guilt 内疚(描述词); 名词(guilty,当然这个单词还有有罪的意思)2. a core human emotion 中心的人类情感3. inevitability 不可以避免4. potential 潜力5. helpful 有用6. divided and atomized 两个单词都是割裂的意思;标明偏重;(atomized使割裂为原子;使损坏;)第一句:of course, knowing when to feel bad and what to do about it are things we could all benefit from. 骨干辨认:knowing when to feel bad and what to do about it (动名词短语做主语)are things这儿的to feel bad = guilt ( 我根据语境给你的提示)切分红分:we could all benefit from (定语从句省掉了that; that= things )= we could all benefit from things. 参阅译文:当然,晓得啥时分该感触内疚和该做啥,这些都是咱们可以获益的作业。第二句:malti’s research may focus on kids, but guilt is a core human emotion—an inevitability for people of every age.参阅译文:马尔蒂的研讨可以会集在儿童身上,但内疚感是人类的中心境感——是任何年纪层的人的必定。第三句:and she believes that it has the potential to be especially helpful now, in a world that is growing more divided and atomized.切分:1.she believes that2. it has the potential to be especially helpful now3. in a world (that is growing more divided and atomized定语从句)参阅译文:她认为,如今,在一个日益割裂和割裂的世界中,内疚感可以特别有利。
何凯文考研英语每日一句 第34句
昨日的标题:the divided and atomized world brings us (the sense of guilt) and (benefits.)这个割裂的世界带给咱们(内疚感)和(各种优点)。看理解and!昨日的文章可没有讲这个割裂的世界带给咱们优点!再偏重一下:昨日的文章说:在这个割裂的世界里,内疚感是有优点的。但没有说:这个割裂的世界带给咱们内疚感和洽处!很显着的不一样;
第二:关于potential这个词:这个词可所以描述词(潜在的)也可所以名词(潜力,潜质);其句型是:sth has the potential to be sth. 可以翻译为:有可以变成…; 有变成…的潜质;=sth has the likelihood/possibility to be sth. 所以:potential= likelihood=possibility 的替换就发生了。(这就是同义替换,咱们需要看语境!)第三:(guilt 名词; guilty 描述词)
今日的语句来自昨日英国卫报的文章。文章的主题:英国脱欧要重视的疑问不在于“脱不脱”而在于“怎么脱”:the question of our membership isn’t on the table, but the manner of our exit is.(后边省掉了on the table,看出来了吗?)(the question is on the table.疑问正在谈论。)文章也谈到facebook用户数据泄露工刁难英国脱欧的影响;今日的语句:the recent revelations concerning cambridge analytica and aggregate iq, and their involvement in the referendum are serious and troubling. next to the fact that the government hasn’t consulted the public at all on the kind of brexit it wants, evidence of possible cheating and unethical practices further undermine the referendum’s legitimacy.判别:the referendum maybe not reasonable on the ground of gathered information.词汇打破:1. revelation 曝光2. concerning 关于3. referendum 全民公投4. next to 除开5.involvement 参加6. consult 征询7. unethical practices 不道德的行为8. undermine 损坏9. legitimacy 合理性,正确性,合法性(名词);其描述词为:legitimate
第一句:the recent revelations concerning cambridge analytica and aggregate iq, and their involvement in the referendum are serious and troubling. 骨干辨认:revelations and their involvement are serious and troubling.其他成分:1.concerning cambridge analytica and aggregate iq(定语)2. in the referendum (定语)参阅译文:迩来关于剑桥分析和aggregate iq作业的爆料,以及关于他们在全民公投中的参加情况的宣告,的确令人感到事态严峻。第二句:next to the fact that the government hasn’t consulted the public at all on the kind of brexit it wants, evidence of possible cheating and unethical practices further undermine the referendum’s legitimacy.参阅译文:政府完全没有问询过大众想要啥类型的脱欧,除此之外,可以有诈骗行为存在的根据以及不道德的行为也进一步损坏了全民公投的合理性。
骨干辨认:evidence and unethical practices undermine the referendum’s legitimacy.其他成分:1.of possible cheating 定语2. next to the fact…状语,除开…的实际3. the government hasn’t consulted the public at all on the kind of brexit it wants 同位语从句 骨干: the government hasn’t consulted the public 切分: (1)on the kind 状语(就…品种)(2)of brexit 定语(润饰品种)(3)it wants (定语从句省掉了做宾语的that;it指代目标是:public)
the referendum maybe not reasonable on the groundof gathered information.
2021何凯文考研英语每日一句 第35句
昨日的语句呈现了:next to 在句中翻译为:除了;牛津例句:next to skiing my favorite sport is skating.我最喜爱的运动除了滑雪就是滑冰。 考研英语文章太多时分都会罗列缘由,观念和实际等;
所以常用到的标明“除了”意义的办法有:1.besides 除了; 例句:besides working as a doctor, he also writes novels in his spare time. 2.in addition to 除了;3.aside 除了;(这个词是放在名词后的)例句:fund worries aside, staff recruiting is not going well.除了资金令人忧虑之外,职工招聘也不顺畅。obvious practical drawbacks aside, the theoretical ground(理论基础) of this method is not sound(合理).除开实习中的种种缺陷之外,这个办法的理论基础也不合理。 4. aside from:例句:aside from a few scratches, i’m ok. 除了几处擦伤,我安靖无恙。5.apart from:例句:apart from their house in london, they also have a villa in spain.
6. adding to a is b
7. added to a is b
今日的语句:whenever the nefarious consequences of their profit models are exposed, tech companies essentially reply, “don’t regulate us, we’ll improve our behaviour”. but self-regulation is simply not working well enough, especially when we have no way of knowing whether tweaking algorithms makes matters better or worse.
思考题:why self-regulation is not working well enough?词汇打破:超纲词两个(可以不记,可以晓得):1.nefarious =( immoral= unethical=evil 但这三个词需要知道)2. tweak 调整 =adjust 其他词汇:1. profit models 盈利方法2. essentially 根柢上,根柢上,首要; this article is essentially concerned with the theory of chicago school. (这篇文章首要是关于芝加哥学派的理论。) 3. algorithm 算法第一句:whenever the nefarious consequences of their profit models are exposed, tech companies essentially reply, “don’t regulate us, we’ll improve our behavior”.骨干辨认:tech companies essentially reply, “don’t regulate us, we’ll improve our behavior”.其他成分:whenever the nefarious consequences of their profit models are exposed状语参阅译文:每当他们的盈利方法的凶暴成果被戳穿的时分,科技公司根柢都会这样回答:“不要监管咱们,咱们会改进咱们的行为”。第二句:but self-regulation is simply not working well enough, especially when we have no way of knowing whether tweaking algorithms makes matters better or worse.骨干辨认:self-regulation is simply not working well enough切分红分:when we have no way of(knowing whether tweaking algorithms makes matters better or worse.) 语序和中文完全相同,不做进一步切分!参阅译文:可是,自我调度的作用并不睬想,特别是当咱们无法晓得调整算法是使作业变得非常好仍是更糟的时分。why self-regulation is not working well enough?答案:we have no way of knowing whether tweaking algorithms makes matters better or worse.when可以标明缘由!


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