

master of law(non-law) examination and research civil law important knowledge points summary
第一章 序文
chapter i introduction
basic principles of civil law(voluntary principle; the principle of equity; principles of good faith; prohibition of abuse of power; the principle of public order and good custom; )
第二章 天然人
chapter ii natural persons
the concept and legal characteristics of civil capacity: the beginning of natu
ral civil capacity; the termination of the natural people’s capacity for rights; concepts and legal features of civil capacity of nature; classification of natural civil capacity(complete civil capacity; restrictions on civil capacity; (civil capacity);? the concept, conditions, procedure, consequences and consequences of the declaration of disappearance; xuangaosiwang’s concept, conditions, procedures, consequences, and revocation consequences; the concept and legal characteristics of individual partnerships; establishment of individual partnerships; individual partnership responsibilities;
第四章 法人与不合法人组织
chapter iv legal persons and non-legal organizations
the concept and basic characteristics of legal persons; the civil capacity and civil capacity of legal persons; the concept and characteristics of an unincorporated organization; conditions for the establishment of a partnership enterprise; the execution of the affairs of the partnership; responsibility of the partnership.
第五章 民事法令行为
chapter v civil legal acts
concepts and characteristics of civil legal acts: valid conditions of civil legal acts; conditional civil legal acts; invalid civil acts; civil acts that can be changed or revoked; validity of specific civil acts
第六章 署理
chapter vi agency
conceptual and legal characteristics of agency; the scope of application of the agent; type of agent; rules for the exercise of the right of representation; (a) the concept of lack of authority to represent; the validity of the lack of authority to represent; the concept of representation; constitutive conditions for the representation agent; legal consequences of representation.
第七章 诉讼时效与时刻
chapter vii limitation of proceedings and period
the concept of time for suit; legal consequences of the expiration of the limitation period; the difference between the statute of limitations and the removal period; types of statute of limitations; termination, suspension and extension of the period of limitation


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