

摘 要
要害词:学校考研论坛java mysql数据库
the wide application of network has brought great convenience to life. therefore, the management of campus postgraduate entrance examination forum is combined with the current network, and the campus postgraduate entrance examination forum based on android is constructed by using java technology to realize the informatization of campus postgraduate entrance examination forum. it can further improve the management development of campus postgraduate entrance examination forum and enrich the management experience of campus postgraduate entrance examination forum.
android-based campus postgraduate entrance examination forum can be widely and comprehensively publicized through the internet, so that as many members as possible to understand and be familiar with the convenient and efficient campus postgraduate entrance examination forum based on android, not only provide services for members, but also promote themselves, so that more members understand themselves. for the campus postgraduate entrance examination forum, if it has its own app, it can get better management through the system and improve its image.
the status and trend of the app design, from the requirements, structure, database and other aspects of the design to the implementation of the app, respectively for the front and back end implementation. the content of the paper shows the development process from the aspects of system design, description, implementation, analysis and testing. this app selects a feasible development scheme according to the actual situation, realizes all functions of the app with the help of java programming language and mysql database, and then tests the system to test whether there are loopholes in the system and test user permissions to improve the app, and finally the app meets relevant standards.
key words: campus entrance examination forum java mysql database
目 录
目 录 iii
第一章 概述 1
1.1研讨布景 1
1.2开发意义 1
1.3 研讨现状 1
1.4 研讨内容 2
1.5论文规划 2
第二章 开发技能介绍 1
2.1 体系开发平台 1
2.2 平台开发有关技能 1
2.2.1 android平台 1
2.2.2 mysql数据库介绍 1
2.2.3 mysql环境装备 2
2.2.4 ssm规划 2
2.2.5 b/s架构 2
第三章 体系分析 1
3.1 可行性分析 1
3.1.1技能可行性 1
3.1.2操作可行性 1
3.1.3经济可行性 1
3.2功能需要分析 1
3.3功用分析 2
第四章 体系方案 3
4.1功用规划 3
4.2 数据库方案 3
4.2.1 数据库e/r图 3
4.2.2 数据库表 4
第五章 体系功用完成 10
5.1 app端(会员功用) 10
5.2打点员功用模块 13
第六章 体系查验 17
7总结与心稳当会 18
7.1 总结 18
7.2 心稳当会 18
致 谢 1
参阅文献 2
1. app的功用是不是无
2. app的运转是不是晓畅进行分析:app的每个功用都有编写数据的联络和应对的代码,经过需要分析和可行性分析进行分析和闪现体系的物理数据,保证其进行晓畅;
3. app的界面方案进行分析:对app中的软件进行处置与分析的方法是由不一样代码来进行的;然后使界面简略操作。
4. app的平安性进行分析:这样才干够每个人物的不一样对应的信息也就不一样,在登录app有必要运用自个的账号,密码登录,账号与密码差错天然就登录失利了。登录成功用够对自个的信息进行操作,不能对别人的账号的信息进行查看等操作,这样天然保证体系的平安性。


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