

at ?16:00( utc+8 ), april 29, 2023, ?(this saturday), mid-term review of ?open architecture design course for graduate students of school of ?architecture, tianjin university will start soon!本次评图将以线下课堂+线上课堂的形式进行。授课教师张继元、卜骁骏、christoph hesse与评图嘉宾戴维·格雷厄姆·沙恩、张勉、刘斯雍、徐捷、曾志强将参与课堂评图工作。
this mid-term review will be conducted in the form of offline class + online class. lecturers?zhang yingfan, bu xiaojun, christoph hesse and critic guests david grahame shane, zhang mian, liu siyong, xu jie, zeng?zhiqiang will participate in this class.

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? 参与方式1??

会议号 571 762 8421(密码 1234)



本课程属于大邱全球建筑设计课程的一部分,将采用国内外联合、线上线下并行的授课模式。授课团队由来自时境建筑的卜骁骏、张继元,德国卡塞尔大学的christoph hesse组成。参与课程的学生需要具备流利的英文水平。
this studio is part of the “daegu global studio 2023”and will be an online-offline studio. the course will be taught by xiaojun bu and zhang ji yuan from atelier alter architects and christoph hesse from kassel university. students are required to be fluent in english.
daegu global studio invites several institutions and a couple of architects to research on old fabric of daegu and to develop design proposals under the theme of urban production. each school will conduct its own research based design studio and share its final proposals for a group publication and exhibition. in the fall of 2023, it is expected to publish studio works along with an exhibition in november, which will be part of daegu architecture biennale. also, a global conference has been held on march 30th 2023, with all studio professors of participating institutions, invited architects, and local professionals, having local architects, students, and policy makers as audiences.

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# 课程概况?#
course background

since ?the industrial revolution, cities developed a relation to production, ?causing a paradigm shift from an agrarian economy to a manufacturing ?economy that gave birth to the industrial city. the industrial city ?became synonymous with a concentration of factories that plagued the new ?urban landscape of mass production at the turn of the century. this ?unfiltered scene between factories and dwelling corrupted the image of ?the city, leading to functional zoning regulations which lead to ?factories moving out of the city. by displacing production away from ?residential zones, cities were transformed once again as cities of ?consumption or the post-industrial city. in fact, this sequence of ?events is not just a historical recount of urban development of a modern ?city but has become a model for cities in developing countries. ?however, these post-industrial cities, which tried to remove the ?function of production from cities, are finding new economic models of ?hyper capitalism powered by innovative production and manufacturing ?technologies that are allowing a more entrepreneurial market to emerge ?bringing production back into the city.

▲上世纪80年代的大邱城市景观??kang, moon-bae
this ?paradigm shift is presenting new strategies for developing sustainable ?communities and?self-sufficient cities. models for urban farming, local ?production, and local consumption, or makers revolution are engineering ?these new models for revamping production in the city. these new ?explorations in urban production are possible due to the developments of ?manufacturing and fabrication technologies. even without mentioning ?trendy conversations on the 4th industrial revolution, there are many ?changes in our cities with regards to production and consumption. ?mass-production is no longer conceived as the only way of providing ?goods. emerging micro-production facilities with mass customization are ?coming in to play. new digital platforms through social media are making ?it possible for individuals to take on a more entrepreneurial role and ?sell their own goods. these new changes suggest to us the need to ?readdress what the industrial city in the 21st century shall be like, ?the meta-industrial city. as new technology allows productions to be ?cleaner, quieter, and smaller, there is little reason why “urban ?production” cannot happen inside the city where we live. indeed, many ?cities are looking for ways on how to incorporate co-living with ?production facilities, which seemed undesirable during the industrial ?era. recently, new typologies of factories or production facilities that ?can slip into urban living are emerging. in short, the studio is not ?looking for an industrial town model that is apart from cities where we ?live but is rather suggesting how our existing city can embrace ?production functions back again with new technology and architectural ?interventions that allow coexistence between living and production. the ?impact of this change will not be limited to hybrid architectural ?typologies of production but expanded to the urban scale, both ?morphologically and socio-economically.

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# 项目基地 #

本课程城市研究对象为韩国大邱。大邱位于朝鲜半岛南部内陆,是韩国第四大城市,人口230万。虽然现在的大邱主要是在20世纪后半叶的近代化过程中发展起来的,但在朝鲜时代(1392~1897年),大邱也是政治上的重要城市。庆尚道政府就设在这里,围绕它形成了城镇。在日本帝国主义强占时期,随着新铁路的建设,新大邱车站就在旧城墙的旁边,城墙的结构开始发生变化,被现代化的道路所取代,州政府所在的地区成为城市的市民中心。20世纪30年代,大邱新村一带的丝绸工厂等大规模工厂也在这一时期陆续出现,并在这一时期新设了26家工厂。但直到1960年代,大邱才成为韩国的“国家工厂”。作为韩国第一个5年经济发展计划的一部分,大邱车站北部地区建设了占地1600英亩的大型工业园区。以该工业园区为开端,在距离大邱站4 ?~ 5公里的城市边缘地区陆续建设了规模较大的工业园区。
the ?urban research target of this studio is daegu, korea. located in the ?southern
inland of the korean peninsula, daegu is the fourth largest ?city in south korea with a population of 2.3 million people. although ?the current status of the city was developed mostly during modernization ?in the second half of the 20th century, daegu had also been a ?politically important city during the chosun dynasty (1392-1897). the ?state government of kyungsang province was located in the city, and a ?wall town was formed around it. the structure of the wall town began to ?change during the japanese occupation when new railroads were ?constructed and the new daegu station was located right next to the old ?wall. the walls were replaced with modern roads, and the area where the ?state government was located became the civic center of the city. it was ?during this period when daegu started to station large scale factories, ?such as the silk mill along the shinchon in the 1930’s, and a total of ?twenty-six new factories were launched in the city in this period. ?however, it was not until the 1960’s when daegu became the factory of ?the nation. as part of the nation’s first 5-year economic development ?plan, a mega-scale industrial complex, about 1,600 acres in area, was ?constructed in the northern part of daegu station. starting with this ?industrial complex, a couple of more large-scale industrial complexes ?were built along the fringe of the city that is about four to five ?kilometers away from the daegu station.

▲基地区位??atelier alter?architects
over ?almost three decades, daegu took a role as an outpost of light ?industries of south korea, especially of the textile industry, and took ?major portions of the nations exports then. however, the city began to ?lose light industries in the 1980s and failed to hold the motor industry ?in the 1990s. since then, daegu gradually lost its economic drivers and ?is still suffering from not having any major corporate factories. even ?though the city recently started to put efforts to hold research and ?development industries, many existing small factories that supported the ?city’s economy for decades are still suffering, and many of them, ?especially the ones in the city center, are being replaced with ?residential developments.

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#?评图嘉宾?#critic guests

david grahame shane哥伦比亚大学任兼职教授任教于宾州大学、纽约库珀联盟、纽约城市学院康奈尔城市设计硕士、建筑及城市历史博士、英国aa学院学士adjunct professor of architecture columbia university, new yorktaught at the university of pennsylvania, the cooper union, and at city college?m.arch in urban design and architectural and urban history ph.d. with colin rowe at cornell universitydiploma of architectural association school of architecture
zhang mian
founder of gsdp, executive director, leed a.p.?
maud, gsd, harvard univ.?
b. arch. tsinghua univ.

associate professor at central academy of fine arts??
master of architecture ii from gsd, harvard univ.
bachelor of architecture from tsinghua univ.

xu jie?
chief landscape architect at tianhua landscape architecture(thla)
master of architecture and landscape architecture from university of pennsylvania
bachelor of art from china academy of art
former visiting lecture in the china academy of art

design principal / director at tianhua landscape architecture(thla)
master of landscape architecture from university of pennsylvania
bachelor of urban and rural planning from sichuan university

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# 指导教师?#lecturers

christoph hesse克斯托夫·汉斯建筑事务所创始人曾任卡塞尔大学建筑学院客座教授哈佛大学设计学院城市设计硕士苏黎世联邦理工学院建筑学学士founder of christoph hesse architectsformer visiting professor in the university kasselm.arch in urban design from?harvard universitydiploma in architecture (dipl.-arch. eth), with honours
卜骁骏bu?xiaojun时境建筑设计事务所联合创始人哈佛大学march ii 建筑学硕士清华大学建筑学学士、硕士co-founder of atelier alter architects pllcm.arch?ii from harvard universityb.arch?and m.arch?from tsinghua university


时境建筑设计事务所联合创始人哈佛大学设计学院城市设计硕士库伯联盟建筑学学士co-founder of atelier alter architectsm.aud?from gsd harvard universityb.arch?from the cooper union

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