2023考研复试 英语听力操练12

2023考研复试  英语听力操练12缩略图

ps: 录音中的男生比照有特征哦

step 01 : 快速阅读标题和选项
step 02: 点击语音,会集留心力听,选出答案
step 03: 对答案,看解析
step 04: 对着听力原文再精听几遍,细心了解,特别留心自个没听懂的当地。



questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

a. he jumped to the mouth of the well from the goat”>b. he came out by pulling the horn of the goat.c. he climbed to the mouth of the well by himself.d. he swam out of the well when the water was rising.

a. the water was sweet.b. the water had saved his life.c. he wanted to lure the goat to descend.d. he wanted to comfort the goat.

a. one is never too old to learn.b. look before you leap.c. a friend in need is a friend indeed.d. the early bird gets the worm.

a fox one day fell into a deep well and could find no means of escape. a thirsty goat came to the same well, and seeing the fox, inquired if the water was good. [27]concealing his sad situation under a merry guise, the fox sang high praise of the water, saying it was excellent beyond measure, and encouraging him to descend. the goat, mindful only of his thirst, thoughtlessly jumped down, but just as he drank, the fox informed him of the difficulty they
2023考研复试  英语听力操练12插图

were both in and suggested a scheme for their common escape. [26]the goat readily assented and the fox leaped upon his back. steadying himself with the goats horns, he safely reached the mouth of the well and made off as fast as he could. when the goat blamed him for breaking his promise, he turned around and cried out, you foolish old fellow! if you had as many brains in your head as you have hairs in your beard, [28]you would never have gone down before you had inspected the way up, nor have exposed yourself to dangers from which you had no means of escape.

questions 26 to 28 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
26. how did the fox come out of the well?正确答案:a解析:短文说到,狐狸跳上了山羊的背。使用山羊角站稳,然后安靖地到了井口,并灵敏地逃离。可见狐狸是从山羊背上跳出井口的,故a正确。山羊不是在井外,狐狸捉住山羊角也不可以能爬出井,b不对;c、d很简略打扫。关于故事性短文,可以先大体阅读一遍标题,看标题可以问到啥内容,然后细心听故事,尽量把听到的信息在脑际里转化为画面,最终再根据疑问答题。对故作业节愿望得越理解,解题就越简略。
27. why did the fox sing high praise of the water?正确答案:c解析:短文说到,狐狸大赞井水的优点,说它妙不可以言,再三诱使山羊下井。故c正确。a、b以the water为主语,c、d以he wanted最初。本题可以问?痹趺囱部梢晕省8庇猩抖桓莨适碌拇笾虑榻冢揭晌视δ芎芸炫斜鸪鯿正确。“与主题有关的选项正确。”
28. what does the story try to tell us?正确答案:b解析:结束处狐狸的话提示了故事的涵义:在查看是不是有退路之前,绝不可以草率行事;绝不要堕入你无法从中脱节的险境。b“三思然后走”就是此涵义的高度归纳。四个选项都是谚语,本题应当问哪一条谚语与这则寓言最恰当。从山羊的遭受中,可以天然地得出b的结论。


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