

??deep sleep may help treat anxiety




researchers have known about a connection between insufficient sleep and anxiety.



a new study strengthens and quantifies this causal relation and shows that a sleepless night can raise anxiety by up to 30%. furthermore, the new study suggests that the deep phase of sleep is a natural anxiety reliever.



matthew walker, a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the university of california, is the senior author of the new study. prof walker and colleagues set out to examine the effects of various stages of sleep on anxiety in 18 participants.



scientists divide sleep into two broad categories — rapid eye movement (rem) and non-rem sleep — and four substages. the first two stages of non-rem sleep are periods of light sleep in which the body adjusts from wakefulness to rest.



the third stage of non-rem sleep is the deep, restorative sleep that we need to feel recharged in the morning. non-rem sleep is typically followed by rem sleep, which is the dream filled, lighter stage before waking.



these different sleep stages reflect differently in the brain’s activity. by measuring brain activity, prof walker and the team determined the effects of various sleep stages on anxiety.



to measure anxiety levels, the researchers asked a group of 18 young adults to watch emotionally unsettling videos after a full night of sleep and after a sleepless night. after each viewing, the participants completed a standard anxiety questionnaire.



the scientists used functional mri and polysomnography to scan the brains of the sleeping participants in order to identify the stages of sleep. the brain scans showed that a brain area called the medial prefrontal cortex was deactivated after a sleepless night.



previous studies have suggested that this brain area attenuates anxiety and stress. the scans also revealed excessive brain activity in other regions associated with processing emotions. a sleepless night raised anxiety levels by up to 30%.



“without sleep,” prof. walker explains, “it’s almost as if the brain is too heavy on the emotional accelerator pedal, without enough brake.” furthermore, the study found that anxiety levels plummeted after a full night of sleep.






insufficient [??ns??f??nt] adj. 缺乏的;不能担任的,短少才能的

quantify [?kwɑ?nt?fa?] vt. 量化;为…定量;断定数量 vi. 量化;定量

restorative [r??st??r?t?v] adj. 恢复安康的;整形的;补养的 n. 补养剂;补酒

deactivate [di???kt?ve?t] vt. 使无效;使不活动;斥逐;复员

attenuate [??tenjue?t] v. 削弱;纤细;冷漠 adj. 削弱的;冷漠的;细微的

plummet [?pl?m?t] v. 突然下跌 n. 骤降;铅垂




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