

??1. and if sadiq khan wins and extends it to the north and south circular?roads in 2021 as he intends, it is sure to spark intense opposition from the far larger number of motorists who will then be affected. (2021, reading comprehension, 英语二,text 3)

【词汇点睛】circular: 循环的,圆形的;spark:建议


【语句分化】本句有4个谓语动词:wins and extends, intends, is, will be affected.

a.?and if sadiq khan wins and extends it to the north and south circular roads in 2021

??if引导条件状语从句,主语为sadiq khan,两个动词wins and extends是并排谓语。

b.?as he intends,


c.?it is sure to spark intense opposition from the far larger number of motorists

??主句为“主系表”简略句型,it是方法主语,真实的主语不定式短语to spark intense opposition因为太长而被放在了句尾。

.?who will then be affected.


【参阅译文】假定 sadiq khan在2021年胜出,并依照他的自愿将其延伸至南北环路,必定会引发更多驾车者的激烈对立,到时他们将遭到影响。????


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