

①.)不完全平等于毛遂自荐,选一有些。(character, qualifications, ambitions, and motivations)② )这儿其实就是在看你是不是对本专业有方案if possible, i will go on with my study fordoctorate degree. after graduating received doctorate degree,
i wanted to teachin university, and continue research in archean(古代的) literaturefield,i hope i can have some achievement in my major.(举个比方:)③ )这是你展示自个的最佳机缘,在上一篇文章,我说过,这样的疑问不能揄扬自个也不能过于自傲,要尽可以展示出你的自傲和利益。veset some high goals for myself. for example, i want to graduate with highestdistinction.(举个比方:我认为我最大的利益是可以执着地极利巴作业办妥。作为完一件作业而其作用又正合我的意料时,我会有一种真实的作用感。我给自个定了一些高方针。比方说,我要变成优良结业生。)④)这时不要说你没有任何缺陷,以此来躲避这个疑问;要在招认缺陷的一起,还要标明你在予以改进,而且还有战胜缺陷的方案。可是紧记,这儿的缺陷要有度,你不能把自个真实的缺陷暴显露来,比方,你可以说自个有时分性格比照直,可以会……maybe because i am young people, i am ashort fuse girl in daily life, fortunately i have realized it was disadvantage,and i am trying my best to get rid of it.(举个比方:”我是个暴脾气的妹子,我晓得这是不好的,我现已初步尽力改正了,我是这样改正的……”。)⑤”how do you feel about your progress to date?“()i think i did well in school. but iam clear that i still have a long way to walk to realize my dream and finallyachieve self-value. i will try my best.(举个比方:。)⑥”what has been your greatest accomplishment?“(”你当前获得最大的成就是啥?“)i will try my best to accomplish my plan assoon as i make a good choose, and i am not distracted by circumstance and inever give up my choose, such as this postgraduate exams.(举个比方:)⑦”what are some of the things you find difficult to do?)i don’t discouragement, on the contrary, iwill actively think measure to conquer it and put measure into practice, i amsure i will succeed in the end.(举个比方:”我遇到的困难有这些这些这些,可是我从不泄气,我会活泼思考战胜困难的办法,并付诸施行,像这样处置,我信赖我究竟会成功的。“)⑧”what is the worst thing you have heard about our university?”()to tell the truth, i don’t completely knowour university, i know it only by internet and some students, so i don’trandomly value it, but during my preparing this postgraduate exams, i obtainedsome helps coming from our university. they were very warmhearted, and i veryappreciate them. in a word, i have very good impression about our university.(举个比方:说真话,我并不完全晓得咱们的大学,我只晓得经过互联网和一些学生,所以我不随意评价它,但在我预备研讨生考试时,我得到了一些来自咱们大学的协助。他们非常热心,我非常感谢他们。总之,我有非常好的形象,对咱们的大学。“)⑨”describe your best friend and what he or she does for a living.”()first of all, i have many good friends; weoften study, discuss and play in harness. to speak of my best friend, maybe itbelongs to **, she is a warmhearted, hardworking strong-minded girl, we werefavor in discussing some our interesting questions.she also took thepostgraduate exams, and obtained very good result. i heartily hope she has ahappy future.(举个比方:)⑩”in what ways are you similar or different from your bestfriend?)i think we have many similar characters,such as warmhearted, hardworking etc. to mention difference, i think the bigdifference is that she do anything slowly, on the contrary, i am short fuse.maybe we can supervise and urge both sides, so we are very good friends.(举个比方:)?”are you a happyperson?)yes, of course. first, i have a happyfamily, i love my parents and they love me, too. second, i have a health body.finally, i study the major that i very like. though i have no many money, but idon’t envy people who own much money, i can create life by my both hands, ithink i am very happy.(举个比方:“是的,当然。首要,我有一个夸姣的家庭,我爱我的父母,他们也爱我。第二,我有一个安康的身体。最终,我很喜爱我的专业。尽管我没有许多钱,但我不仰慕谁具有多少钱,我可以经过我的双手日子,我觉得我很高兴。”)? ”if you failedthis time what will you do in the near future?)i very clear that life is not successful atany time, it is full of challenge, so i prepare for receiving challenge comingfrom life and i also tell myself i never give up at any moment. now, i alsoreceive challenge, i only think try my best to pass this challenge. no matterwhat result is. i never give up my pursuit and my dream.(举个比方:“我很理解,日子并不会每时每刻都很成功,它是充溢应战,所以我预备承受日子中的应战,我也告诉自个,我永久不会扔掉在任何时分,我会这样这样这样做。如今,我也承受应战,我只是觉得,尽我所能经过这一应战。不管啥成果。我历来不会扔掉我的寻求和愿望。”)? ”what kinds ofopportunities are you looking for?)i think that life fills with opportunities;people try their best to looking for opportunities, of course, including me.but i think the most important is how you seize every opportunity to make yousucceed.(举个比方:)? ”say a littleabout your educational background.介绍一点你的教育布景。“)i come from a suburb of luoyang. myelementary school and my junior high school is located my village, i spend myelementary school and my junior high school during 2005 to 2014. during 2014 to2021, i study in my senior high school in chengdu city. from two thousand andone to date, i studied in sicuan normal college.(举个比方:)?”what do you do in your sparetime?”()in my spare time, i like reading books,writing life sentiment, listening music, communicating with friends, and so on.(举个比方:)?”what is your impressionof chengdu? ()maybe because i have good impression tochengdu people, i have good impression to chengdu, chengdu is the city thatowns some history base, it is very good to me, i like this city.(举个比方:)


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