



今天我们就一起来看看2023考研英语一阅读text 4,讲述的是学术圈里不为人知的「引用卡特尔」(citation cartels)现象。

什么是卡特尔?经济学术语,卡特尔(cartel,又称垄断利益集团、垄断联盟、企业联合、同业联盟)是垄断组织形式之一 ,是为了垄断市场从而获取高额利润,生产或销售某一同类商品的厂商通过在商品价格、产量和市场份额分配等方面达成协定从而形成的垄断性组织和关系。

the problem with citation cartels

from: the scientist

december 2020

scientific papers are the recordkeepers of progress in research. each year researchers publish millions of papers in more than 30,000 journals. the scientific community measures the quality of those papers in a number of ways, including the perceived quality of the journal (as reflected by the title’s impact factor) and the number of citations a specific paper accumulates. the careers of scientists and the reputation of their institutions depend on the number and prestige of the papers they produce, but even more so on the citations attracted by these papers.

in recent years, there have been several episodes of scientific fraud, including completely made-up data, massaged or doctored figures, multiple publications of the same data, theft of complete articles, plagiarism of text, and self-plagiarism. and some scientists have come up with another way to artificially boost the number of citations to their work.

citation cartels, where journals, authors, and institutions conspire to inflate citation numbers, have existed for a long time. in 2016, researchers developed an algorithm to recognize suspicious citation patterns, including groups of authors that disproportionately cite one another and groups of journals that cite each other frequently to increase the impact factors of their publications.

recently, i came across yet another expression of this predatory behavior: so-called support service consultancies that provide language and other editorial support to individual authors and to journals sometimes advise contributors to add a number of citations to their articles and the articles of colleagues. some of these consultancies are also active in organizing conferences and can advise that citations be added to conference proceedings. in this manner, a single editor can drive hundreds of citations in the direction of his own articles or those of colleagues that may be in his circle.

the advent of electronic publishing and authors’ need to find outlets for their papers resulted in thousands of new journals, frequently with the imprimatur of “international” and promises of open access and wide circulation. the birth of predatory journals wasn’t far behind. recently a group of authors published a consensus definition of such publications: “predatory journals and publishers are entities that prioritize self-interest at the expense of scholarship and are characterized by false or misleading information, deviation from best editorial and publication practices, a lack of transparency, and/or the use of aggressive and indiscriminate solicitation practices.”

these journals can act as milk cows where every single article in an issue may cite a specific paper or a series of papers. sometimes the citations are more or less on topic, but in other instances, there is absolutely no relationship between the content of the article and the citations. the peculiar part is that the journal that the editor is supposedly working for is not profiting at all—it is just providing citations to other journals. it’s easy enough to spot if someone at the journal would pay attention. such practices can lead an article to accrue more than 150 citations in the same year that it was published.

how insidious is this type of citation manipulation? in one example, an individual—acting as author, editor, and consultant—was able to use at least 15 journals as citation providers to articles published by five scientists at three universities. the problem is rampant in scopus, which includes a high number of the new “international” journals. in fact, a listing in scopus seems to be a criterion to be targeted in this type of citation manipulation.

scopus itself has all the data necessary to detect this malpractice. red flags include a large number of citations to an article within the first year. and for authors who wish to steer clear of citation cartel activities: when an editor, a reviewer, or a support service asks you to add inappropriate references, do not oblige and do report the request to the journal.

36. according to paragraph 1, the careers of scientists can be determined by ___.

[a] how many citations their works contain

[b] how many times their papers are cited

[c] the prestige of the people they work with

[d] the status they have in scientific circles

37. the support service consultancies tend to ___.

[a] recommend journals to their clients

[b] list citation patterns for their clients

[c] ask authors to include extra citations

[d] advise contributors to cite each other

38. the function of the “milk cow” journals is to ___.?

[a] boost citation counts for certain authors

[b] help scholars publish articles at low cost

[c] instruct first-time contributors in citation

[d] increase the readership of new journals

39. what can be leaned about scopus from the last two paragraphs?

[a] it fosters competition among citation providers.

[b] it has the capability to identify suspicious citations.

[c] it hinders the growth of “international” journals.

[d] it is established to prevent citation manipulation.

40. what should an author do to deal with citation manipulators?
[a] take legal action.
[b] demand an apology.
[c] seek professional advice.
[d] reveal their misconduct.

– ◆ –



the problem with citation cartels

from: the scientist

december 2020

scientific papers are the recordkeepers of progress in research. each year researchers publish millions of papers in more than 30,000 journals. the scientific community measures the quality of those papers in a number of ways, including the perceived quality of the journal (as reflected by the title’s impact factor) and the number of citations a specific paper accumulates. the careers of scientists and the reputation of their institutions depend on the number and prestige of the papers they produce, but even more so on the citations attracted by these papers.


1)表示“感知,察觉,注意到,意识到”,英文解释为“to see something or someone, or to notice something that is obvious”举个??:
he perceived a tiny figure in the distance. 他注意到远处有个很小的身影。
2)表示“认为;看待;视为”,英文解释为“to come to an opinion about something, or have a belief about something”举个??:
how do the french perceive the british? 法国人是如何看待英国人的?
??《经济学人》(the economist)一篇讲述比特币的文章中提到:scarcity is a trait of many things that are perceived to have value. 稀缺性正是许多被视为有价值的事物共有的特征。

citation /sa??te?.??n/ 表示“引语,引文,引述”,英文解释为“a word or piece of writing taken from a written work”举个??:

all citations are taken from the 2015 edition of the text. 全部引文均出自该文本2015年的版本。


表示“积累;积聚;积攒”,英文解释为“to collect a large number of things over a long period of time”举个??:

as people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion of their incomes. 人们积累了更多财富后,他们的花费占收入的比重也往往会增加。

??《经济学人》(the economist)一篇讲述疫情期间房价上涨的文章中提到:professionals who have carried on working from home but cut back on their spending have accumulated cash to splash. 那些改换成在家中继续工作但减少了开支的专业人士则积攒了可大笔支出的现金。


??amass 表示“(尤指大量)积累,积聚”,英文解释为“to collect sth, especially in large quantities”举个??:

he amassed a fortune from delivering newspapers.他靠送报纸积累了一笔财富。

??rack up表示“大量获得(利润);严重遭受(损失);(体育中)多次赢得(比赛)”,英文解释为“if a business racks up profits, losses, or sales, it makes a lot of them. if a sportsman, sportswoman, or team racks up wins, they win a lot of games or races.”


prestige /pr??sti??/ 1)作名词,表示“威信;声望;威望”,英文解释为“the respect and admiration that sb/sth has because of their social position, or what they have done”举个??:

there is a lot of prestige attached to owning a car like this. 拥有这样一部汽车会显得很气派。

2)作形容词,表示“名贵的;贵重的;讲究派头的”,英文解释为“admired and respected because it looks important and expensive”如:a prestige car 豪华的汽车。

in recent years, there have been several episodes of scientific fraud, including completely made-up data, massaged or doctored figures, multiple publications of the same data, theft of complete articles, plagiarism of text, and self-plagiarism. and some scientists have come up with another way to artificially boost the number of citations to their work.



在电视/电影节目中,episode表示“一集,一节,片断”(one of the single parts into which a story is divided, especially when it is broadcast on the television or radio),也可以指“事件;(相关的)一连串事件;一段经历”,英文解释为“a single event or group of related events”举个??:

this latest episode in the fraud scandal has shocked a lot of people. 诈骗丑闻最新爆出的这一事件让很多人瞠目结舌。


??第几集用的是episode,第几季则为season. 你下载美剧时可能就会看到s01e02,就是指的第1季第2集。

最后一集finale:the last part of a piece of music or of a show, event etc (演出的)终场,最后一幕;(音乐的)终曲;(事件等的)结尾。

??还有,看剧时新一集开头通常会有的一个说法:previously on …,…的前情提要,前情回顾。


1)表示“欺诈罪;欺骗罪”,英文解释为“the crime of cheating sb in order to get money or goods illegally”;

2)表示“骗子;行骗的人”,英文解释为“a person who pretends to have qualities, abilities, etc. that they do not really have in order to cheat other people”。



可以作名词,也可以作动词,1)表示“按摩,推拿”,英文解释为“to rub and press someone’s body with regular repeated movements, in order to relax them or to reduce stiffness or pain in the joints (= places where two bones are connected) or muscles”举个??:

(动词)would you massage my shoulders? 你能给我按摩一下肩膀吗?

2)表示“虚报;窜改;美化”,英文解释为“to try to make facts or numbers appear better than they really are in order to deceive someone”举个??:

television companies have been massaging their viewing figures in order to attract more advertising revenue. 一些电视台虚报收视率以获得更多的广告收益。


熟词僻义,doctor作动词,可以表示“篡改,涂改”,英文解释为“to change a document in order to deceive people”举个??:

he was found to have provided the court with doctored evidence. 他被发现向法庭提供了篡改过的证据。

??提到doctor想到有意思的绕口令:when a doctor doctors another doctor, does he doctor the doctored doctor the way the doctored doctor wants to be doctored?


??plagiarize /?ple?d???ra?z/ 作动词,表示“剽窃,抄袭”,英文解释为“to use another person’s ideas or work and pretend that it is your own”举个??:

the book contains numerous plagiarized passages. 该书有许多段落是抄袭的。

??plagiarism /?ple?d???r?z?m/ 名词,表示“剽窃”,英文解释为“plagiarism?is the practice of using or copying someone else’s idea or work and pretending that you thought of it or created it.”举个??:

now he’s in real trouble. he’s accused of plagiarism. 现在他陷入真正的麻烦了。他被指控剽窃。

作动词,表示“改善;提高;增强;推动”,英文解释为“to improve or increase something”举个??:
the theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices. 剧院设法通过降低票价来增加观众数量。
??“佩洛西有病还是先治病吧”文中提到be boosted,get boosted用来指打了加强针(疫苗),也有说booster shot/booster dose.

citation cartels, where journals, authors, and institutions conspire to inflate citation numbers, have existed for a long time. in 2016, researchers developed an algorithm to recognize suspicious citation patterns, including groups of authors that disproportionately cite one another and groups of journals that cite each other frequently to increase the impact factors of their publications.

引用卡特尔(citation cartels)——期刊、作者和机构合谋抬高引用数量——存在已久。2016年,研究人员开发了一种算法,用于识别可疑的引用模式,包括众多大量相互引用的作者和频繁相互引用以提高其出版物影响因子的期刊。


cartel /kɑ??tel/ 表示“(多家公司为控制价格和限制竞争联合组成的)卡特尔,同业联盟”,英文解释为“a group of similar independent companies who join together to control prices and limit competition”如:an oil cartel 石油卡特尔。


conspire /k?n?spa??r/ 表示“密谋;共谋;图谋”,英文解释为“to plan secretly with other people to do something bad, illegal, or against someone’s wishes”举个??:

he felt that his colleagues were conspiring together to remove him from his job. 他觉得同事们在密谋把他从工作岗位上挤走。


1)表示“抬高;夸大”,英文解释为“to make something larger or more important”举个??:

they inflated their part in the rescue every time they told the story. 他们每次讲这个故事时都要夸大自己在营救中的作用。

2)表示“(使)充气;(使)膨胀”,英文解释为“to make something increase in size by filling it with air”举个??:

he inflated the balloons with helium. 他给气球充了氦气。

??电影《泰迪熊2》(ted 2)中的台词提到:it’s just a way for the government to inflate law enforcement budgets 那不过是政府为增加警务预算…

algorithm /??lɡ??r?e?m/ 表示“算法;计算程序”,英文解释为“a set of rules that must be followed when solving a particular problem”。

suspicious /s??sp??.?s/ 表示“可疑的,引起怀疑的”,英文解释为“making you feel that something illegal is happening or that something is wrong”举个??:

his behaviour was very suspicious. 他的举止非常可疑。


表示“不成比例地;不相称地;太大(或太小)地”,英文解释为“too large or too small when compared with sth else”举个??:

the lower-paid spend a disproportionately large amount of their earnings on food. 低工资者将收入花在食物上的比例很大。

recently, i came across yet another expression of this predatory behavior: so-called support service consultancies that provide language and other editorial support to individual authors and to journals sometimes advise contributors to add a number of citations to their articles and the articles of colleagues. some of these consultancies are also active in organizing conferences and can
advise that citations be added to conference proceedings. in this manner, a single editor can drive hundreds of citations in the direction of his own articles or those of colleagues that may be in his circle.



1)表示“(人或组织)掠夺(性)的,掠夺成性的”,英文解释为“predatory?people or organizations are eager to gain something out of someone else’s weakness or suffering.”举个??:

people will not set up new businesses while they are frightened by the predatory behaviour of the banks.?人们在被银行的掠夺行为惊吓的情况下是不会开办新企业的。

2)表示“(在金钱或性关系上)欺负弱小的,压榨他人的;好色成性的”,英文解释为“used to describe someone who expresses sexual interest in a very obvious way”举个??:

i hate going to bars on my own because men look at you in such a predatory way. 我不喜欢一个人去酒吧,因为那里的男人会色眯眯地看着你。

??有一个说法叫 sexual predator 色狼,是指对他人作出性骚扰、甚至进一步性侵犯的人,为性犯罪的行为之一,医学上则称为性欲亢进患者。a sexual predator is a person seen as obtaining or trying to obtain sexual contact with another person in a metaphorically “predatory” or abusive manner. analogous to how a predator hunts down its prey, so the sexual predator is thought to “hunt” for his or her sex partners.(维基百科)


1)表示“一系列事件;一系列活动”,英文解释为“a series of events that happen in a planned and controlled way”举个??:

millions of people watched the proceedings on television. 数百万人通过电视观看了这一系列活动。

2)表示“诉讼”,英文解释为“legal action”举个??:

i started legal proceedings to try to have him taken away from his parents permanently. 我提起诉讼,想把他从父母身边永远带走。

3)表示“(会议等的)正式记录;公报”,英文解释为“the official written report of a meeting, etc.”

the advent of electronic publishing and authors’ need to find outlets for their papers resulted in thousands of new journals, frequently with the imprimatur of “international” and promises of open access and wide circulation. the birth of predatory journals wasn’t far behind. recently a group of authors published a consensus definition of such publications: “predatory journals and publishers are entities that prioritize self-interest at the expense of scholarship and are characterized by false or misleading information, deviation from best editorial and publication practices, a lack of transparency, and/or the use of aggressive and indiscriminate solicitation practices.”

电子出版的兴起和作者寻找论文发表渠道的需要,催生了数以千计的新期刊,这些期刊往往带有“国际”的认可,并承诺提供开放获取(open access)和广泛传播。掠夺性期刊的诞生也不远了。最近,一群作者发表了对此类出版物的一致定义:“掠夺性期刊和出版商是以牺牲学术为代价、优先考虑自身利益的实体,其特点是虚假或误导性信息、偏离最佳编辑和出版范例、缺乏透明度和/或使用激进且不分青红皂白的征稿方式。”


the advent of 表示“(事件、发明或人物的)出现,来临,到来”,英文解释为“the fact of an event happening, an invention being made, or a person arriving”举个??:

life was transformed by the advent of the smartphone. 智能手机的出现使人类生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。

??电影《x战警:第一战》(x-men: first class)中的台词提到:the advent?of?the nuclear age may have accelerated the mutation process. 核时代的到来可能会加快突变过程。

outlet/outlets一词经常出现,media outlet / news outlets 都可以表示媒体/新闻机构;
outlet本身表示“商店,商行;销售公司;专卖店;直销店”,英文解释为“an outlet is a shop or organization which sells the goods made by a particular manufacturer or at a discount price, often direct from the manufacturer.”如:a fast-food outlet 快餐店 a retail outlet 零售店,举个??:
at the factory outlet you’ll find discounted items at up to 75% off regular prices.?
此外,也可以指“(情绪或精力的)发泄方式,发泄途径,施展的机会”,英文解释为“a way in which emotion or energy can be expressed or made use of”举个??:
her work provided no outlet for her energies and talents. 她的工作没有给她提供发泄精力及施展才华的机会。

imprimatur /??m.pr??me?.t?r/ 表示“(正式的)批准,认可”,英文解释为“official permission to do something that is given by a person or group in a position of power”


circulation /?s??.kj??le?.??n/ ?1)表示“(血液的)循环”,英文解释为“the movement of blood around the body”举个??:

exercise helps to improve circulation. 运动有助于促进血液循环。

2)表示“(信息)流传,传播;(货币或商品)流通”,英文解释为“the process in which something such as information, money, or goods passes from one person to another”

3)表示“(报纸杂志的)发行量,销售量”,英文解释为“the number of people that a newspaper or magazine is regularly sold to”举个??:

the paper has a circulation of 100,000. 这份报纸发行量有10万份。


consensus /k?n?sen.s?s/ 表示“一致的意见;共识”,英文解释为“a generally accepted opinion or decision among a group of people”举个??:

the general consensus in the office is that he can’t do his job. 办公室成员一致认为他无法胜任工作。


表示“实体;独立存在体”,英文解释为“something that exists apart from other things, having its own independent existence”举个??:

the museums work closely together, but are separate legal entities. 这些博物馆密切合作,但它们都是独立的法人实体。

at the expense of sb

at sb’s expense = at the expense of sb 表示“以…为代价;在…受损的情况下;捉弄,戏弄;拿…开心”,英文解释为“if you do one thing at the expense of another, doing the first thing harms the second thing.”举个??:

he had no need to protect their reputation at the expense of his own. 他没有必要为了保护他们的名誉而牺牲自己的。

would you stop making jokes at my expense? 你别再拿我开玩笑了,好不好?


表示“背离;偏离;违背”,英文解释为“the act of moving away from what is normal or acceptable; a difference from what is expected or acceptable”如:deviation from the previously accepted norms 违背事先接受的准则。


indiscriminate /??n.d??skr?m.?.n?t/ 表示“不加思考的,未加计划的,任意的(尤指带来不良后果)”,英文解释为“not showing careful thought or planning, especially so that harm results”如:an indiscriminate terrorist attack on civilians 对平民肆意的恐怖袭击。


solicitation /s??l?s.??te?.??n/ 表示“(对金钱、意见或 助的)请求,征求”,英文解释为“a request for money, information, or help”举个??:

this is not an offer or solicitation of any kind to buy or sell any investment products. 这绝不是购买或出售任何投资产品的要约或请求。

these journals can act as milk cows where every single article in an issue may cite a specific paper or a series of papers. sometimes the citations are more or less on topic, but in other instances, there is absolutely no relationship between the content of the article and the citations. the peculiar part is that the journal that the editor is supposedly working for is not profiting at all—it is just providing citations to other journals. it’s easy enough to spot if someone at the journal would pay attention. such practices can lead an article to accrue more than 150 citations in the same year that it was published.



peculiar /p??kju?.li.?r/ 表示“奇怪的,古怪的”,英文解释为“unusual and strange, sometimes in an unpleasant way”举个??:

what a peculiar smell! 多么奇怪的气味!


accrue /??kru?/ 表示“积累;(逐渐)增加,增多”,英文解释为“to increase in number or amount over a period of time”举个??:

little benefit will accrue to the city (= it will receive little benefit) from the new transport links. 新的道路修建计划几乎不会给该城市带来什么利益。

how insidious is this type of citation manipulation? in one example, an individual—acting as author, editor, and consultant—was able to use at least 15 journals as citation providers to articles published by five scientists at three universities. the problem is rampant in scopus, which includes a high number of the new “international” journals. in fact, a listing in scopus seems to be a criterion to be targeted in this type of citation manipulation.



insidious /?n?s?d??s/ 表示“潜伏的;隐袭的;隐伏的;暗中为害的”,英文解释为“spreading gradually or without being noticed, but causing serious harm”举个??:

the changes are insidious, and will not produce a noticeable effect for 15 to 20 years. 变化是悄然发生的,15到20年间不会产生明显效果。

??电影《灵书妙探》(castle)中的台词提到:within the vast and insidious conspiracy behind all this, 其背后巨大狡猾的阴谋中。


表示“操纵(出于个人利益操纵某人某事,常指使用不公平或不诚信的方式)”,英文解释为“controlling someone or something to your own advantage, often unfairly or dishonestly”举个??:

they have been accused of fraud and stock market manipulations. 他们被控欺诈和操纵股市。


rampant /?r?mp?nt/ 表示“泛滥的;猖獗的”,英文解释为“existing or spreading everywhere in a way that cannot be controlled”举个??:

unemployment is now rampant in most of europe. 在欧洲的大部分地区,失业问题难以控制。


criterion /kra??t??r??n/ 表示“(判断的)标准,准则,原则”,复数形式为criteria,英文解释为“a?criterion?is a factor on which you judge or decide something.”举个??:

the most important criterion for entry is that applicants must design and make their own work. 参加的最重要标准就是申请人必须设计并制作自己的作品。

scopus itself has all the data necessary to detect this malpractice. red flags include a large number of citations to an article within the first year. and for authors who wish to steer clear of citation cartel activities: when an editor, a reviewer, or a support service asks you to add inappropriate references, do not oblige and do report the request to the journal.



malpractice /?m?l?pr?k.t?s/ 表示“营私舞弊;玩忽职守,渎职”,英文解释为“failure to act correctly or legally when doing your job, often causing injury or loss”举个??:

they are accused of medical/financial/electoral malpractice. 他们被控医疗事故/财务舞弊/选举舞弊。

red flag

表示“危险信号;用作危险信号的)示警红旗”,英文解释为“if you refer to something as a red flag, you mean that it acts as a danger signal.”

steer clear of sb/sth

表示“绕开,避开(令人不快或危险的人或事物)”,英文解释为“to avoid someone or something that seems unpleasant, dangerous, or likely to cause problems”举个??:

her speech steered clear of controversial issues. 她的讲话避开了有争议的问题。


oblige /??bla?d?/ = obligate 1)表示“责成;强迫,迫使”,英文解释为“to force someone to do something, or to make it necessary for someone to do something”举个??:

the law obliges companies to pay decent wages to their employees. 法律强制公司向其雇员支付适当的工资。

2)表示“(尤指按别人要求的去做以)讨好, 助,为…效劳”,英文解释为“to please or help someone, especially by doing something they have asked you to do”举个??:

we only went to the party to oblige some old friends who asked us to be there. 我们去参加这个聚会只是为了照顾一些老朋友的面子,他们特意要求我们到场。

– 今日盘点 –

perceive、citation、accumulate、prestige、episode、fraud、massage、doctored、plagiarize、boost、cartel、conspire、inflate、algorithm、suspicious、disproportionately、predatory、proceedings、advent、outlet、imprimatur、circulation、consensus、entity、at the expense of sb、deviation、indiscriminate、solicitation、peculiar、accrue、insidious、manipulation、rampant、criterion、malpractice、red flag、steer clear of sb/sth、oblige









– end –







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