

why? 为什么?(深层次原因) —— 1. 中国人的习俗就是在春节期间交流感情,交换礼物,聚会吃饭都是沟通情感。这是传统文化。2. 经济发展,使得人们有更多闲钱来用于人际交往。
how? 影响(可以辩证看待这个现象
可能带来的影响)1. 人与人之间关系更加密切,增进感情。2. 可能会给一些人带来过大的经济压力。
结论(二选一即可):1. 趋势预测 :这一现象还会继续。? 2. 建议:礼物和红包等量力而行,希望不要有过度的趋势。
条形统计图bar chart
扇形统计图pie chart?
线性统计图line chart /line graph?
manifestly, the pie chart above illustrates the percentage of the residents’ spending in a certain city of china during the spring festival. the spending on presents is about 40%, ranking the highest among all the categories. the spending on gathering and meals, transportation and other things accounts for 20% respectively.?
the factors contributing to the phenomenon are as follows. firstly, the chart reminds me of how we chinese celebrate the spring festival. when visiting friends and relatives, we are inclined to follow some customs, ranging from exchanging gifts to having reunion dinners. secondly, chinese people are becoming increasingly wealthy, so they would like to spend more money on buying gifts. besides, the chart indicates that people put much emphasis on interpersonal relationship and they are eager to socialize with others.?
i firmly believe that this phenomenon is positive and beneficial.? accordingly, it is of little necessity to view it with much anxiety.

manifestly, the pie chart above illustrates the percentage of the residents’ spending in a certain city of china during the spring festival. the spending on presents is about 40%, ranking the highest among all the categories. the spending on gathering and meals, transportation and other things accounts for 20% respectively.?
the factors contributing to the phenomenon are as follows. firstly, the chart reminds me of how we chinese celebrate the spring festival. when visiting friends and relatives, we are inclined to follow some customs, ranging from exchanging gifts to having reunion dinners. secondly, chinese people are becoming increasingly wealthy, so they would like to spend more money on buying gifts.
however, this fact may exert too much pressure on people with low income. accordingly, some people are afraid of going home during the spring festival. so i hope this phenomenon won’t be a trend in the future.?


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