

bonnefoy,lefevere,roscommon 这些人名都是什么鬼,看到就头大好吗



有宝宝可能会问:我本科不是学翻译的/对翻译理论一窍不通岂不是死翘翘了?莫慌,我也是跨考生,做下来感觉是不会影响读懂原文,但是略知一二翻译理论可能会 助加深理解。这个段子的核心是谈论诗歌不是不可译的,而是译者的一种再创作和创造性移植。个别词如“remake,reflower,relive”还要好好推敲下。另外考场上的时间分配要注意,千万不要在个别不会的上面卡住,不会的就模糊处理或者猜一猜,放弃也是一种学问。建议想考复旦的宝宝们一定要自己定时练习一遍,然后在对照我的译文修改反思,看看你与名校的差距在哪里。


bonnefoy suggests that a work has to be compelling,or it is not translatable. pound would certainly have agreed with this. for if translation is, as lefevere and others claim, rewriting, then the relationship between writer and rewriter has to be established as productive.?translations of poems are part of a process of reading continuity. writers create for readers, and the power of reader to remake the text is fundamental.
different readers will produce different readings, different translators will always produce different translations. what matters in the translation of poetry is that the translator should be so drawn into the poem that he or she then seeks to transpose it creatively, through the pleasure generated by the reading. if we follow bonnefoy rather, they appear to have taken the source as a monolithic whole and chipped away at it. justifying his own approach to translation, bonnefoy talks about releasing a creative energy that can then be utilised by the translator.
the positive imagery of translation as energy-releasing, as freei
ng the linguistic sign into circulation, as transplanting, as reflowering in an enabling?language is a long way removed from the negativity of frost and the pundits of untranslatability. a?great deal of this imagery has been around a long time, but it is only recently, as post-modernists reject?the idea of the monolithic text, that a discourse of translation as liberating has?come to the fore.
the boundaries between source and target texts, never clearly determined in any genre, cannot be sustained if a poem is to have an existence as a poem in another language. perhaps the most succinct comment on the symbiosis between writer and translator/rewriter of a poem are these lines by the earl of roscommon, dillon of wentworth, composed more than three hundred years ago:
then seek a poet who your way does bend,
and choose an author as you choose a friend:
united by this sympathetic bond,
you grow familiar, intimate and fond;
your thoughts, your words, your styles, your souls agree
no longer his interpreter, but he.
when the rewriter is perfectly fused with the source, a poem is translated. that this happens so frequently is a cause for celebration. poetry is not what is lost in translation, it is rather what we gain through translation and translators.



最后放一个小bonus:“the earl of roscommon”罗斯康芒伯爵整的大家很懵,我也是,在网上搜索是看到一个挺有用的对西方一些翻译名人的简介,中英对照的,这种好东西善良的我怎么能不与大家分享呢?请移步我在小马家的satellite princess号,发送“西方翻译名人”即可获取哦。


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